December 12, 1971  
December 12, 1971 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
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Herbert W Armstrong    |   Remove Highlight


Publisher of The PLAIN TRUTH Magazine

An educational service at all levels for all people worldwide

December 12, 1971

Dear Co-Worker in the Most IMPORTANT Work on Earth:

   I had hoped it would not be necessary to send you a mid-December letter this year. But it has become URGENTLY necessary!

   As I wrote you two weeks ago, the MOST IMPORTANT WORK ON EARTH is in its most difficult month — financially — of the year. Christmas shopping apparently is proving to be, as advance head- lines said, "BIGGEST EVER!" But the income for this great Work is far from "biggest ever." It is proving just the opposite.

   It seems many of our Co-Workers are forgetting gifts for CHRIST — for the very Work the living Christ HEADS, directs, and blesses — and are spending lavishly exchanging gifts with friends and relatives. I mentioned, before, the "wise men" gave their gifts to CHRIST — they did not give them to one another among themselves. Shouldn't the BIG gift be given to Christ for HIS WORK? Especially when so many others overlook HIS gift altogether?

   If you do not understand all of the plain truth about Christmas — and most people do not — why not write in for our special FREE booklet about Christmas. If you haven't read it, you'll be surprised!

   I do have to tell you candidly that I am terribly distressed and sick at heart, to realize that so many Co-Workers are forgetting the living Christ and His Work at this critical time. The income for the Work is down — and we need a big BOOST this month so very badly.

   This great Work has made great strides this year. For the first time, we are now reaching four great nations we had not gotten into before — Japan, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. We have now gotten the great Message — the GOOD News — into EVERY NATION ON EARTH, except a few very small countries. We have added many important television and radio stations. The circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH and TOMORROW'S WORLD have taken significant increases. They will both be issued from now, in all five languages — English, German, French, Spanish, and Dutch.

   Thousands of additional lives have been changed — a big harvest has been reaped this year. I have explained before how every dollar goes farther — does more good, in this Work than anywhere else.

   Co-Workers, let's keep this great Work ALIVE, and GROWING, as it has for 38 years. Our BIGGEST JOB is yet to be done!

   I have to ask you to PRAY EARNESTLY, as never before, for this great Work. Think what a PRIVILEGE to have a part in changing thousands of lives — and preparing the way for CHANGING THE WORLD — for the wonderful WORLD TOMORROW — the world of PEACE, of HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY, and ABUNDANT WELL-BEING is just ahead of us.

   THANK YOU, from the heart, for your part in changing lives! Right now is the time when we need to be generous as never before!

   Because of the URGENCY at this moment, and the congestion of Christmas mails, I am sending this AIR MAIL, and enclosing a stamped air-mail envelope for your reply.

With love, in Christ's name,
Herbert W. Armstrong

Publication Date: December 12, 1971
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