Jesus, Spokesman of God
Why is it my friends that so many people today, especially those of higher education, look upon Christianity as a superstition? Why is it they feel that we have outgrown this superstition now? Why is it they can't see anything practical about it? Why is it that the educated people do not seem to believe in the Bible? Let me tell you why, and here is the surprise, it's because they don't know what the Bible says. ...
February 12, 2025
Join us for Bible Study services. Each Wednesday we post a Bible Study service at 7:00PM (CT-USA) Tuesday Evening (Wednesday sunset to sunset). You provide the opening and closing prayer and we'll supply the psalms and a Bible Study! Hope you enjoy them!

Bible Study Service

Read, in this report, the feeling expressed by many abroad about the latest murderous assault on a public official in America. Read how Americans are reacting - what they COULD do about it. Read, too, ...
An account of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's visit to the Philippines, December 1970. DECEMRER 11 was a big day for the Filipinos of God's Church. On this day God's true servant, Mr. Herbert W. Armstr ...
How much of what you believe about religion is really true? How do you discover doctrinal truths? And if you do finally find the right doctrine, are you courageous enough to face and accept it? ...
What Do You Mean - The Unpardonable Sin?
Can a Christian commit a SIN, AND STILL BE A CHRISTIAN? Or would this be "the unpardonable sin"? Or would it prove he never was a Christian? Thousands worry, because they do not UNDERSTAND what IS the sin that shall never be ...
Doctrinal Outlines - Salvation: How God Will Rescue Man
"Save me!" shouted the little boy. Wind-whipped lake waters had just capsized his small sailboat, and he was in peril of drowning. And the boy was saved, by the skills of a quick-thinking lifeguard. Yes, this little boy knew ...
Well greetings brethren, it's a real pleasure to have the opportunity to be able to speak to you today. I would like to focus our attention on something that is on the minds of an awful lot of people. What is it that really leads to happiness and success? You know there has been all sorts of books that have been written. There's seminars that are held, people have pursued quests to be happy, to be ...