Are babies saved if they die? God is working out a great purpose in our lives which very few people understand. We mortal human beings were not born with perfect characters. We came into this world with a carnal mind which from birth is enmity against God's way (Rom. 8:8). But God is developing pe ...
Are the last twelve verses or Mark's Gospel inspired? One of the most controversial points or Scripture is whether Mark 16:9-20 is actually a part or Scripture. Although it appears in the King James Version, many other translations either label this section as an appendix or leave it in the footno ...
Are those saints who arose about the time of Christ's resurrection still alive? It is a common conception, often taken for granted, that the saints who arose shortly after Christ are still alive. But what does the Bible say? First or all, let us get the picture clearly in mind. This incident, reco ...
Many readers continue to write Mr. Armstrong, addressing him as "Reverend." Should this be done? Let us understand how and when it became the custom to give ministers this title. The word "reverend" is applied only to God in the Bible - it is not once applied to man. In Psalm 111 ...
A startling statement is found in Mark 9:48. In this passage of Scripture, Christ spoke of a worm that "dieth not." Whoever heard of the immortality of worms? What did Christ mean? Some PEOPLE think that Jesus was referring to people as worms and was trying to say that these "people&q ...
Did God intend for the Book of Jasher to be preserved for us today? Some people have assumed that one or another of the books that today fraudulently bear the title "The Book of Jasher" might be the same book called by that name in Joshua 10:13 and II Samuel 1:18. This is not true! The spu ...
Does "wine" in the Bible mean "grape juice"? What is the answer to this perplexing question? Does it really mean fermented wine? Prohibitionists object saying, "But how do you know that the original Hebrew and Greek words mean fermented wine? Certain historians say the wine used was nothing more tha ...
Many women have asked if God forbids them to wear jewelry. They have heard the teaching that God forbids Christians to wear any jewelry or wedding rings. This belief was the common teaching of the last century, but it has been retained by only a few denominations. This doctrine stemmed from the prin ...
Some seem to think Christians should never encounter difficulties, meet trials or tests, but be blessed continually with smooth sailing! Does the Bible teach smooth sailing for true Christians? Did the men of God, whose lives pleased God, as recorded in the Bible, have only an easy time of it, or we ...
Does the scripture "and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever" contradict the passage that reads "and the wicked shall be ashes under the soles of our feet?" The Bible does NOT contradict itself! (John 10:35). Malachi 4:3 proves that the wicked will DIE - they ...