Key to Northwest European Origins
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Key to Northwest European Origins

Chapter III:


   Before we can trace the people of Israel from the land of their captivity to their present-day homelands, we need to answer this question — "Just what were the ancient Palestinian Israelites like?" Were they Nordics? Did they look like the "typical Jew" of today? In particular, we are concerned with the Ten-Tribed House of Israel, whose final captivity occurred, according to Ussher, in 721 B.C. Most people assume that the people of the Ten Tribes resembled the "typical Jew" of today.
   Later, we shall see a couple of very interesting statements from Dr. Kephart, in which he seems to express a commonly held view regarding what the Israelites looked like. Let us notice a few very significant remarks by Dr. Kephart. In his recently published book, Races of Mankind, Their Origin and Migration, we find these interesting statements:
   In comparison with the most recent estimates of roughly 4.5 billion years as the age of this earth, man is a relatively late phenomena of nature. The humanoid stem from which he sprang probably arose on the earth only one or two million years ago, although much higher estimation have appeared recently ... The leading authorities agree that all the existing races of mankind had a common origin (Chap. I, p. 1). [Emphasis mine].
   He says that man roamed over this earth for many thousands of years before the beginning of recorded history. Dr. Kephart points out that we cannot be certain as to what happened to man "in his EVOLUTION during those ages" (ibid., p. 2).
   He then makes a very profound and true statement:
   "What is legend today may be history tomorrow, just as what is history today may be legend tomorrow" (ibid., pp. 2, 3).
   This author then proceeds to advance his explanation along the lines of Evolution. He uses the words "theory," "estimates," "probably," and such words quite often. He speaks about the Azoic, Archeozoic, Proterzoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic and Pleistocene ages. The author of this book, who obviously espouses the theory of Evolution, arrives at many false conclusions.
   One cannot build a house which will stand upon the shifting sands. Likewise those who try to build their theories on the origins of the races upon the shifting quicksands of Evolution are starting from a false basis and much (if not most) of what they believe, write and teach will be in error.
   Again let it be firmly stated that the veracity of the Scriptures has been proven in so many ways, that there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Bible is accurate historically, as well as an infallible guide revealing to man what his ultimate destiny is to be.
   The Scriptures as originally given (of course minor errors have crept into existing manuscripts, consequently no particular translation is 100% accurate) were inspired by Almighty God (II Tim. 3:15, 16) and were, therefore, perfect. The Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35); consequently if one bases his research and his beliefs upon the solid foundation of the Scripture, his work is sure to have at least an unshakable foundation.


   Now we shall notice a flagrant error which the author of this book would have us believe — an error which is based on the theory of Evolution.
   Variation of color of skin is dependant mainly on climatic conditions, the darkest races having become so by long habitation in low, moist, hot places near the equator and the lighter races having lost skin and eye pigmentation by long habitation in the rigorous dark or hazy climate of the north.... (Kephart, Races of Mankind, Their Origin and Migration, Chap. I, p. 66).
   Dr. Kephart does, however, realize the importance of the cephalic index in seeking to ascertain racial origins from skeletal remains. He speaks of the cephalic index as "One of the most useful methods of segregating people...." (ibid., p. 66).
   Notice how many authors realize the importance of the cephalic index in determining racial affinities.
   Now let us notice a statement of Kephart's regarding what the "original Hebrews" were like. Also note carefully what is said concerning the "lost Tribes of Israel."
   Since the original Hebrews were Kassites of typically Turkic build, i.e., with tawny complexion, of medial height and stocky build, with prominent nose, and brachycephalous [broad-headed], all efforts to identify Aryan Nordic people of Europe as descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel are doomed to failure. A more futile task is inconceivable (ibid., fn. p. 150).


   Where did Dr. Kephart learn that "the original Hebrews were Kassites," and of "Turkic build?" How did he come to the conclusion that the original Hebrews had a "tawny complexion," and were of a "medial height," and "stocky build," that they had "prominent nose," and "brachycephalous" (broad) type of head? Yes, just where did Dr. Kephart learn all of these fables?
   Notice the author of this book has already revealed his lack of understanding on a number of points and now he propounds the belief that seems to be common among so many people today, that the Lost Tribes of Israel could not be identified with the Aryan, Nordic people of Europe.
   Kephart dogmatically states that the people of the Lost Tribes of Israel were people "with tawny complexion, of medial height and stocky build, with prominent nose, and brachycephalous." In other words, Dr. Kephart would have you believe "the original Hebrews" looked like the so-called "typical Jew" of today. But this is merely a human assumption which we shall see exploded from Biblical and secular history!
   "The peculiar notion advanced by some writers, chiefly religionists, that these darkcomplexioned bracycephalic Turanian people were the ancestors of the blond mesocephalic Aryan Anglo-Saxons is too absurd physiologically to receive further notice." (ibid., p. 155).
   We shall soon see from the Bible, and also from secular history that the "original Hebrews" (by which Dr. Kephart meant the Israelites) were primarily an Aryan or Nordic type people after all!
   Speaking of the modern Jews, Dr. Kephart says that "Today there are JEWS of widely different physical types, many largely ARYAN in blood" (ibid., p. 157).
   Yes, Dr. Kephart admits that many European Jews are Aryan in type or race, but he is puzzled as to how they could be "Aryan in blood."
   If you were to ask the average man on the street to give you a description of what he thinks the people of the "Lost Ten Tribes" looked like, he would be sure to give you a description of the typical modern Jew. Such an individual would probably say that the Israelites were short, and of stocky build, with dark or olive-coloured complexion and with very dark (if not black) hair. And he would probably also add that the Israelites must have had prominent noses! This is what a "Semite" is supposed to look like. But is such a conception a true picture of the original pre-captivity Israelite?
   Before we begin to accurately form a picture of what the original Israelite looked like, we must thoroughly examine the "Jewish question."
   Most who have studied the Jewish question will generally admit that the present-day Jews are the descendants of Israel, and are, therefore, Israelites.
   Are Dr. Kephart and others right in assuming that the people of the Twelve-Tribed House of Israel were all like the present-day Ashkenazic Jews, that is, "with tawny complexion, of medial height and stocky build, with prominent nose, and brachycephalous head....?"
   In other words, were the people of the Twelve Tribes of Israel like the present-day Ashkenazim Jews? Or were they not more like the Sephardic, Aryan or Nordic type of Jews? Also recall Dr. Kephart's statement, "The peculiar notion advanced by some writers, chiefly religionists, that these dark-complexioned brachycephalic [broad-headed] Turanian people were the ancestors of the blond masocephalic Aryan Anglo-Saxons is too absurd physiologically to receive further notice" (Races of Mankind, p. 155).
   Ripley and many ethnologists and historians clearly point out that the Sephardic Jews are, in fact, Aryan or European in type.
   Dr. Kephart seems to express the general notions of the average man-on-the-street in regard to the assumed appearance of the people of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. It seems that everyone automatically assumes that since many of the Jews today (the Ashkenazim) are in the main a dark-haired, dark-complexioned, broad-headed people; and since the Arabs are also a very dark people — everyone automatically assumes that the people of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel must have been a dark-haired, dark-eyed, dark-complexioned, short type of people.


   Now let us go to history and also to the Scriptures to prove what the pre-captivity people of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were really like.
   Professor Sayce makes the following significant comment:
   The names of the Jewish towns captured by the Egyptian King Soshenk ... recorded on the walls of the temple of Karnak are each surmounted with the head and shoulders of a prisoner. Casts have been made of the heads by Sir Flinders Petrie, and the racial type represented by them turns out to be Amorite and not Jewish (Sayce, Races of the Old Testament, pp. 115,116).
   The Egyptian king who made these lifelike engravings of "Amorite" prisoners from the land of Israel was Pharaoh SOSHENK!
   What does Professor Sayce mean when he states that these Palestinian prisoners turned out to be "Amorite" and not Jews after all? By "Amorite" he means they were a blond, Nordic type! He further states that "David... was blond and red-haired (ibid.)!
   It is plain that the Amorite belonged to the blond race. His blue eyes and light hair prove this incontestably. So also does the colour of his skin, when compared with that of other races depicted by the Egyptian artists. At Madianet Habu, for example, where the skin of the Amorite is pale pink, that of the Lebu or Libyan and the Mashuash or Masyes is red like that of the Egyptians, though we know that the Libyans belonged to a distinctively faircomplexioned race. In a tomb (No. 34) of the Eighteenth Dynasty, at Thebes, the Amorite chief of Kadesh has a white skin, and a light red-brown eyes and hair... (ibid., pp. 167,168).
   Note carefully Professor Sayce's remarks, as they have a very important bearing upon the conclusions which will be drawn later. We shall see that Sayce and others call the Israelites "Amorites" — though the people of Israel were not Amorites in the true sense. The original Amorites were descendants of Ham (through his son, Canaan), and were darkcomplexioned like all of Ham's descendants (Gen. 10:15-20).
   Sayce then goes on to show that at that time a line of blonds extended all the way from the northern coast of Africa east to the corner of the Mediterranean, then north to Coele-Syria, and that this was only broken by the Delta of Egypt, where we know darker people have always lived.


   These statements show clearly that these Israelitish "Amorites" were a blond race. Now let us go back and analyze the statement made by Professor Sayce in regard to the campaign of SOSHENK, the Egyptian Pharaoh. According to Professor Sayce (and many historians give similar accounts), Pharaoh, in his campaign against Israel, took a number of prisoners. These so-called "Jewish" prisoners turn out to be "Amorite" — according to Professor Sayce! Also remember that a number of paintings, according to Professor Sayce and other sources, show that the Amorites were definitely a blond race. Their features were more like the North-west Europeans of today.
   It should be pointed out, however, that the Pharaoh who took these Israelitish prisoners (called "Amorites") was the So mentioned in II Kings17:4. It was So, Pharaoh of Egypt, who recorded his conquests on the walls of the Temple at Karnak.
   Whether these Israelitish prisoners were taken in the time of Rehoboam or at the later date (in the time of Hoshea — King of Ten-Tribed Israel), the fact remains that the prisoners were taken from the people of Israel. They were definitely a blond race!
   This is just one more proof that the Israelites of the pre-captivity were a blond people!
   Speaking of the busts of these "Jewish" prisoners, Professor Sayce says, "We must conclude, therefore, that even AFTER THE REVOLT OF THE TEN TRIBES, the bulk of the population in Southern Judah continued to be AMORITE [that is, blond and Nordic] in race though not in name" (ibid., p. 116). The "Jewish type" meaning the Ashkenazim was so scantily represented that the Egyptian artist failed to depict it at all. And remember by this expression "Jewish type," Professor Sayce undoubtedly means the short-statured, darkskinned, broad-headed, Ashkenazic Jew familiar to most of us today.
   Notice Professor Sayce says that these Jewish prisoners were not actually "Jewish" at all, but were Amorites. He says the "Jewish type" was so scantily represented that the Egyptian artist passed it over when depicting the prisoners who had been brought from Judah (ibid., p. 116).
   But here is the real truth of the matter. After the Ten-Tribed Northern Kingdom of Israel rejected the rulership of the throne of David, forming a separate kingdom, only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and a portion of the Levites were left in the southern part of the land of Israel to form the kingdom thereafter known as the Kingdom of Judah.


   These blond, long-headed prisoners taken captive by the Pharaoh of Egypt were undoubtedly typical of many of the Israelites.
   It has already been clearly pointed out that many of the present-day Jews have a tendency towards blondism, and are of the long-headed type. These dolichocephalic Jews are found primarily among the Sephardic branch of the Jews, even though there are also quite a number of blond, long-headed Jews among the Ashkenazic Jews.
   The non-biblical material has markedly increased our knowledge of the Amorites... Egyptian illustrations of the New Kingdom show the Palestinian Amorites to have been a race much more like the northern Europeans than the Semites; long-headed, with blue eyes, straight nose and thin lips.... The Amorites were inhabitants of a territory lying west of Babylonia, and the majority of them belonged (as forerunners of the Aramaeans) to the western Semitic race (Ency. Brit., 14th ed., Vol. I, Art. Amorites).
   The Encyclopedia Britannica points out that the Amorites were "long-headed." It also mentions that the Babylonians called the people to the west of them "Amorites," meaning "Westerners." This term "Amorite" or "Westerner" was used by other peoples including the Egyptians, when speaking of the people living in the area of Palestine. The Babylonians called the people living in that area "Amorites" or Westerners without distinguishing one people from another. The Egyptians and others undoubtedly did the same thing. Many modern-day scholars do the same thing. They fail to differentiate between the true, original Amorites, mentioned in Genesis 10, and the other "Westerners" who lived in Palestine and who were also called "Amorite" by the Gentile nations.
   "The profiles of the Amorites, as depicted on the monuments of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties, are practically identical with those of the figures at Karnak, which surmount the names of the cities captured by Shishak [SOSHENK]...." (Sayce, The Races of the Old Testament, p. 166). This shows conclusively that the blond Israelites were called Amorites!
   In Genesis chapter ten, verse fifteen, we read that Canaan begat Sidon, Heth, and a Jebusite and an Amorite. The true, original Amorites (according to Biblical usage) were descendants of Canaan, and were therefore Canaanites. They were descendants of Ham - and were in no sense of the word "blonds." But, as already mentioned, undoubtedly this name "Amorite" was used by the Babylonians, Egyptians and others to denote generally the blond races which were living in the Palestinian area — races which had supplanted the original Amorites.
   Let us notice a few interesting statements concerning the Palestinian Amorites, by Jessel. We shall presently see that he makes the grave mistake of thinking that the Jewish prisoners were Amorites.
   Sargon I., King of Agede, and first king of the Babylonian Empire describes PALESTINE on one of his monuments as a LAND OF THE AMORITES (Sayce, Patriarchal Palestine), and at a later period we find portraits of AMORITE PRISONERS on the wall sculptures of Egypt. The Egyptians depict them as a FAIR PEOPLE, WITH BLOND or REDDISH HAIR and BLUE EYES. (The unknown History of the Jews, p. 107).
   Again note carefully that the Egyptians depict the "Amorites" as "a fair people" having "blond or reddish hair and blue eyes." This shows as we have seen proven that the Egyptians and others called the Israelites "Amorites."
   Also remember that the true "Amorites" were Hamitic; and we know of no lightskinned, blond-haired, and blue-eyed descendants of Ham on this earth today, neither did such ever exist! All truly Hamitic peoples have dark skins, though this does not mean that they are all black or even dark brown.
   A study of ethnology leads to the conclusion that these people were the BLOND or RED-HAIRED WHITE RACE, of the Amurra or AMURRU we hear of occasionally in the Egyptian campaigns in the direction of the Amanus mountains. That the AMORITES were CAUCASIANS in appearance and physique leaves no room for doubt, and some of their habits and forms of worship point to their being A KELTIC SUB-RACE (ibid., p. 107).
   Did you notice that Jessel plainly says the Amorites (these "Amorites" being beyond question Israelites) were "Caucasian" in physique and appearance. He says there can be no doubt that these Amorites were "a KELTIC sub-race."
   Keep this important point in mind, for later on we shall see irrefutable proof showing that there are many connecting links to verify that the Kelts are definitely some of the dispersed peoples of the "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel"!
   In the accompanying illustrations [says Jessel] we reproduce, by permission of Professor W. Flinders Petrie, photographs of casts he has made from sculptures in the Egyptian tombs. These portraits of AMORITE [referring to Israelitish captives] prisoners of war belong chiefly to the period of Seti I.... The shape of the head and the features generally remind us of the FAIR TYPE OF MODERN JEW, and have some resemblance to the Scotch, if we imagine a reddish colouring for the hair, and blue eyes.... In Scotland, Sweden, Brittany, and Spain superstitions still survive which can be traced to Amorite forms of belief, and even the type of the Amorite can be distinguished in the population. These resemblances in Europe to certain forms of Jewish belief have led to the vague notions about the "LOST TRIBES" which we sometimes hear.... (ibid., pp. 107, 108).
   Notice that Jessel says the customs of the so-called Amorites (which in this case were beyond question Israelites) in Britain and elsewhere, were such as to cause some to think that the Lost Tribes are today found in such countries as "Scotland, Sweden," and Brittany.
   "Here, then, may be the origin of those settlements," Jessel says, "on the shores of even the British Isles which introduced Amorite forms of worship; and we see in the cromlechs of THE DRUIDS the very same arrangement of stones which is characteristic of the Amorites of Palestine" (ibid., p. 110).


   Note carefully the following statements made by Jessel regarding the Jews and Benjamites:
   We find in the Bible many references to the fighting power of the Benjamin, and we find them also always in alliance with Yahuds [Jews]. Together these white races held in subjection the coloured people, the natives of Canaan.
   JUDAH and BENJAMIN are the Amurra ["AMORITES"] and the Kheta of the Egyptian monuments (ibid., p. 118).
   Jessel thinks that the settlements in the British Isles which had built the cromlechs were the same people as the Palestinian Amorites. He plainly says that "JUDAH and BENJAMIN are the AMURRA" whom the Egyptians had depicted. Also, did you notice that Jessel spoke of the "YAHUDS" and the "BENJAMIN" as "these WHITE races"? He also spoke of the native CANAANITES as "the COLOURED people."
   Truly, the native Canaanites were dark or colored in comparison with the people of the tribes of Judah (the Yahuds) and the Benjamin (Benjamites).
   Furthermore, we have noticed that the Sephardic Jews are more "European" or "Nordic" than they are "Jewish"; and we have observed that there is a considerable degree of blondism among this branch of Jews. Many redheads are found among them. (For further verification of this, see the Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume XII, Art. Types, Anthropological, pp. 291-95).
   We have seen that a number of casts were made of the busts of Israelitish prisoners and we noted that these prisoners from the land of Israel turned out to be "Nordic" in type. They are called "Amorites" by Sayce and others. They just can't believe that these blond and Nordic Israelitish prisoners (mistakenly called Amorites), captured by Pharaoh could be Israelites. They, like most, assume all Israelites would have to be a short, dark-skinned, broad-headed people like most of the Ashkenazic Jews.
   All of these points lead us unerringly to the inescapable conclusion that the original Israelites were more "Nordic" in type than "Jewish." The bulk of them resembled their present-day "Nordic" descendants who inhabit North-west Europe!
   We have seen abundant historical evidence proving that the original-type Israelites were not all short, olive-skinned, dark-haired, broad-headed people with prominent noses! Now let us see what RACIAL TYPE the ISRAELITES were — according to the Bible!


   Just before Abraham died, he told his trusted servant to go to the city of Nahor to get a wife for his son, Isaac (Gen. 24:1-10). "And he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor" (ibid., v. 10). "Mesopotamia" means "between the rivers" — Tigris and Euphrates.
   Isaac did the same — before he died!
   "And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, 'Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. Arise, go to Padan-aram, [the plain of Syria] to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father; and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of LABAN thy mother's brother' " (Gen. 28:1, 2). If one will read the rest of the 28th chapter of Genesis, and also the 29th and 30th chapters, he will see that Jacob obeyed his father, Isaac, and went to Padan-aram, "the plain of Syria," to the home of his uncle, Laban. Here he met and married Leah and Rachel, two of Laban's daughters.
   But what does the name "Laban" signify? In the Hebrew language in which the Old Testament was written, "Laban" means "white." (Strong, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, under "Laban").
   Any good Bible dictionary will show that the word "Laban" means "white" and comes from the same Hebrew stem as does the word "Lebanon" — meaning "white." Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defines the word "Lebanon" in the Hebrew as "(the) white mountain (from its snow)." So we see that the Lebanon Mountain was named Lebanon because it was a white mountain.
   Why, then, would Laban have been called "white" unless he was a fair, light-skinned or "white" person? He must have been a very fair person in order to have been called by this name, Laban. Judging from his modern descendants, one would conclude the same thing. See Genesis 49:12, "teeth 'white' with milk," and Numbers 12:10, where we read that Miriam became "white as snow." The word "white" in both of the references just cited is the same word in the Hebrew as the name translated "Laban."


   Also remember that in the time of the Hebrew Patriarchs, it was customary to always name a person with a significant name. There is hardly any example in the Hebrew Scriptures of the name of any individual being without some significance. Thus the name "Abraham" means "father of a multitude" (Gen. 12:1-5), "Isaac" means "laughter" (Gen. 21:1-6), "Jacob" means "heel catcher," i.e. "supplanter," or "deceiver" (Gen. 27:36), "Israel" means "overcomer with God" or "prevailer with God" (Gen. 32:28), and "Satan" means "adversary." These are just a few of many thousands of Hebrew words — all of which had a definite meaning. Laban, then, was named "Laban" or "white" because he was a white, fair-skinned person.
   Jacob, also called Israel, went to the plain of Syria (Padam-aram) and married into his own family. He married two of his own cousins, Leah and Rachel. It was quite customary in Patriarchal times to marry a close relative. Even Abraham married his halfsister (Gen. 20:12); and Adam's children all had to marry their own brothers or sisters, since at that early stage in the development of "homo sapiens" there was no one else to marry.
   Since Laban was a fair or "white" person, his two daughters, Leah and Rachel, whom Jacob married must have also been very fair; and since Jacob was their cousin, he must have had some of the blond, "Syrian" features of his uncle, Laban. This is also borne out by the modern-day descendants of Jacob, who have many blonds among them. Remember, we have seen that the Sephardic Jews have a great deal of blondism among them. Here is a list of Jacob's sons:
   The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, and Simeon and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun: The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin: And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali: And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad and Asher: these are the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padan-aram (Gen. 35:23-26).
   Notice that these children were all born to Jacob while he was yet in Padam-aram, or the plain of Syria. Undoubtedly Leah and Rachel were quite fair-complexioned like their father, Laban.
   Thus we see that the family of Abraham must have contained a considerable amount of blondism in their genes. This does not mean that there were no brunettes in the people of Israel. Remember, the word "blond" is used today to denote various shades of brown hair as well as to refer to "pure blonds" and redheads. A "brunet" is one who has very dark brown or black hair.


   Abraham says of his wife, Sarah, "Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon" (Gen. 12:11).
   And in verse 14 we read, "And it came to pass, that, when Abraham came into Egypt the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair." Sarah was Abraham's half-sister (Gen. 20:12). The Hebrew word here translated as "fair" is "yawfeh." It is from a Hebrew root meaning "to be bright." The context shows that this word refers to the physical appearance, and is not here associated with mental aptitudes. There is every reason to believe that this word is to be understood according to its literal sense in regard to Sarah. She was not a dark-skinned person, but was a bright- or light-skinned person. Since Abraham was half-brother to Sarah (Gen. 20:12), he must also have been a fairskinned person.
   Rebekah was also "very fair" to look upon (Gen. 24:16; 26:7). The word used in this instance, however, is a different word and may not of itself prove that Rebekah was a light-skinned person. However, there is every reason to believe it is to be taken in this sense. The other many texts which we have cited show that Rebekah was from a family of fair-skinned people.


   We all know that David was a descendant of Judah, and was therefore a Jew. What did he look like? "For he [David] was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance" (I Sam. 17:42). The word translated "fair" in this verse is the same word as was used in regard to Sarah. We have already noticed that this word in the Hebrew means "to be bright." It undoubtedly refers to the complexion of the individual.
   Not only was David a fair person, but the Scripture shows that he was "ruddy." What is the meaning of the Hebrew word from which the English word "ruddy" was translated? The Hebrew word is "admoniy" and it means "reddish." It is the same word as is used in Genesis 25:25. "And the first [Esau] came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau." The word here translated as "red" is the same as is found in I Samuel 16:12, which is translated as "ruddy." "Now he [David] was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to."
   So there can be absolutely no doubt about it — David was not the dark-skinned Ashkenazic type of Jew. He was a fair-skinned, ruddy-complexioned Jew — just as most blonds in North-western Europe have both light skins and ruddy complexions; and just as many Jews are, red-haired. They are, in fact, tribal relatives of King David, who was also "fair." This is the same word (yawfeh) as was used when describing Sarah; and means, in the Hebrew language "to be bright," and has to refer to a light or fair skin in David's case, for a "ruddy" complexioned individual is always a fair person.


   In The Song of Solomon, chapter 5:10, 11, we read, "My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest amongst ten thousand. His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven."
   To whom does this refer? Does it refer to King Solomon? Or does it refer to Christ as some believe? This person was "white" and "ruddy," but his hair was "as black as a raven." Modern Jews have both red and black hair. The word translated as "ruddy" in this verse is from the Hebrew word "awdome" meaning "rosy." It is the same word as is used in Isaiah 1:18, where it speaks of one's sins being "red like crimson." Also this is the same word used in a number of Scriptures when referring to "red wine."
   Anyone who is "white and ruddy" is always a fair-skinned person.
   There can be no question that this "Jewish type" referred to in the fifth chapter of The Song of Solomon was not an olive-skinned type of Ashkenazic Jew, but he must have been the Sephardic type of Jew, having a light skin with a pinkish or reddish cast to it.
   The Jewess mentioned throughout this Song of Solomon is repeatedly called "fair" (Heb. "yawfeh") and indicates that the person alluded to here was a fair-skinned person.


   Now let us notice that Esther, who became Queen of the Persian Empire, was a lightor fair-skinned person. She was of the tribe of Benjamin (Esther 2:5).
   "He [Mordecai] brought up... Esther... and the maid was fair and beautiful" (Esther 2:7). This word "fair" is the same word that was used when speaking of Sarah. It means "to be bright" and is the only place in all the book of Esther where this word is used. We read that Vashti, the former haughty queen, was "fair" (ibid., 1:11). But the Hebrew word used here is a different word, and does not mean "to be bright," but it means to be beautiful. We read also of "fair young virgins" (ibid., 2:2, 3). But the Hebrew word "yawfeh" is not used in regard to any of these women, but is used only in chapter 2, verse 7 in connection with Queen Esther. She had a "bright" or light skin. Esther was not only "fair," but she was also "beautiful." The Hebrew word translated as beautiful in verse 7 is "toar" and means "to delineate, outline, i.e. figure or appearance" (Strong, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible). Not only was Esther a fair- or light-skinned person, but she was also a person with a very beautiful figure.
   The following facts should be borne in mind: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children were all descendants of Shem, through his son, Arphaxad (Gen. 10:21-24). The people of Israel were, therefore, descendants of Arphaxad. All of Shem's descendants were fair-skinned. There is not one scintilla of historical (Biblical or secular) evidence to prove that any of the Semitic people were dark-skinned except by intermarriage.


   Job was undoubtedly a descendant of Shem. "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job" (Job 1:1). JOB WAS THE CHEOPS WHO BUILT THE GREAT PYRAMID. Cheops was the same person as Khufu, and Khufu, according to the Egyptian Manetho, "was of a different race" from the true Egyptians (Wathen, Arts and Antiquities of Egypt).
   Now let us examine a very interesting quotation concerning Cheops proving that he was not of the dark-skinned, dark-haired Hamitic, Egyptian type.
   The pigmentation of the Egyptians was usually a brunette white; in the conventional figures the men are represented as red, the women often as lighter, and even white. Although the hair is almost inevitably black or dark brown, and the eyes brown, Queen Hetep-Heres II, of the fourth dynasty, the daughter of Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid, is shown in the coloured bas reliefs of her tomb to have been a definite blonde. Her hair is painted a bright yellow stippled with fine red horizontal lines, and her skin is white. This is the earliest known evidence of blondism in the world (Coon, The Races of Europe, p. 98). [Emphasis is mine].
   We know, however, that Job was not an Egyptian, just as Joseph and his family were not Egyptians. Many foreigners have lived in Egypt throughout the ages. The Hyksos are definitely known to have been non-Egyptian in blood.


   Here is another interesting quote showing what the people of Israel were like. Speaking of Israelitish Nazarites, we read, "Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more RUDDY IN BODY than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire" (Lam. 4:7).
   To whom does this refer? Verse six speaks of "the daughter of my people" and verse twenty-two says, "The punishment of thine iniquity is accomplished, O DAUGHTER OF ZION." So the expression "Her Nazarites" must refer to the Nazarites of the people of Zion — Israel. Whether this refers to the Ten-tribed House of Israel or only to the Jews, or whether it is past, present, or a future prophecy is immaterial.
   Notice, not only does it speak of her Nazarites being "purer than snow" and "whiter than milk," but it also says that "they were more ruddy in body than rubies."
   This word "ruddy" is from the Hebrew word "awdome" and means "rosy." It is the same word used in The Song of Solomon 5:10 and Isaiah 1:18 ("red like crimson"). There can be no doubt that this word means ruddy, reddish, or rosy. This is another definite statement from God's inspired Word proving that the Israelites were a fair-skinned, ruddycomplexioned type of people.
   Some think that this refers to the Church. But certainly no one can argue that the "spiritual Nazarites" are more ruddy in body than rubies. God's Church is made up of people of all racial types — white, black, yellow and brown. This verse shows that Israel's Nazarites had fair skins with a ruddy tint to them. These Israelitish Nazarites were white and ruddy. In fact, most fair- or white-skinned people, when in health, have ruddy skins; but when they are sick their skin becomes very white or pale as a result of a lack of red corpuscles.
   These references should suffice to show any who are open-minded that the people of the ancient Twelve Tribes of Israel were not a dark- or olive-skinned people; but were primarily a light-skinned race, having a great element of blondism in their genes. This does not mean to imply that there were not some brown-, or even black-headed people among them. But judging by some of the modern blond Jews, and also from the Scriptures (both of which indicate that the Israelites were fair) we conclude that they were not primarily a short, dark and broad-headed people with prominent noses. But they were "Nordic" (North-west European) in type.
   There is, however, a Biblical principle which should now be pointed out. The Bible does not say in most instances of what race of people the various wives of the twelve sons of Jacob were. We know that one of the three surviving sons of Judah (Shelah) was half-Canaanite since his mother was a Canaanite. We also know that of Simeon's six children, one of them was by a Canaanitish woman, and was therefore half-Canaanitish (Gen. 46:10).
   It would appear that in every instance in the beginnings of the nation of Israel, when an Israelite married outside of the general family-stock of Israel, God always had it recorded in the Scripture for our benefit.
   Here are the various instances of the Hebrew Patriarchs marrying outside of the family of Shem.
   Abraham had a son by an Egyptian bond-woman named Hagar. This son, Ishmael, was half-Egyptian. Ishmael married an Egyptian wife (Gen. 21:21) which would mean that his descendants consequently would be three-fourths Egyptian. The Egyptians were relatively dark-skinned. Most of the present-day Arabs are the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael. They are about three-fourths Egyptian.
   Later, Abraham's grandson, Esau, failed to marry into his own family and among his own people; but took a Canaanitish woman to be his wife. This proved to be a very great source of grief to his parents (Gen. 36:34-35). When Esau saw that his father, Isaac, was displeased because he had taken a Canaanitish wife, he then went to Ishmael, his uncle, and married one of that family. Remember, the people of Ishmael were now three-fourths Egyptian (Gen. 28:6-9; 27:46).
   This shows that the descendants of Esau had mixed at an early period with the Canaanites and also with their Ishmaelitish kinsmen who were three-fourths Egyptian.
   It would appear that the Bible always mentions it when the founding-fathers of the nation of Israel married foreign or Canaanitish daughters.
   Remember, Canaan was under a great curse: "Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren" (Gen. 9:25).
   God did not wish "the Chosen People" to mix with the Canaanites, thereby coming under a curse. When we come to the Twelve Sons of Israel who founded the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Bible only mentions that Judah and Simeon married Canaanitish daughters. Genesis 46:10, already mentioned, shows that one of Simeon's six children was by a Canaanitish woman — the inference being that the other five were not Canaanitish. The other five children must have been of the same race or people as the family of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Laban and the others.
   They were from Padan-aram, ("the plain of Syria") in Mesopotamia ("between the rivers") i.e., the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
   We have now seen clearly demonstrated from secular and sacred history that the original Israelites of old were not primarily a short, dark, broad-headed and prominentnosed race!
   The Scriptures speak of the historic Israelites as a "VERY FAIR" people with "RUDDY" complexions! Secular history also reveals the same thing. The Israelites of the Old Testament, pre-captivity times were called "Amorites" by the Gentile nations — and the Palestinian "Amorites" were definitely a blond, "Nordic" type of people. The Northwest European "Nordics" are descendants of these Palestinian Amorites! They are, in fact, the children of the dispersed Ten-Tribed Israel!

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Publication Date: May 1963
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