Chapter I The Right Perspective The Protestant Aims Was God's True Church "Reformed"? Today's "Christendom"
Chapter II Christianity After the Death of the Apostles Early Apostasy Some Continue Apostolic Practice The Development of the Catholic Church Corruption and Moral Decay Catholicism in Power The Culmination and Decline of Papal Prestige
Chapter III Precursors of the Reformation The Work of John Wyclif The Hussite Revival Jerome Savonarola
Chapter IV Immediate Causes of the Reformation Political and Financial Causes for Reform The Renaissance Religious Abuses Calling For Reform The Debauched Clergy Had God's True Church Become Corrupted?
Chapter V Luther's Revolt Against Rome Luther's Early Life Luther's Own Spiritual Upheaval Luther Felt Unable to Obey God His Disillusionment With the Papacy The Heart of Luther's Theology The Doctrine of Indulgences The Indulgence for St. Peter's in Rome Luther's Final Break With Rome
Chapter VI The Beginning of Lutheranism Luther's Doctrinal Development Luther at Worms and at the Wartburg Continuing Reformation at Wittenberg Carlstadt's Reforms Luther's Alliance with the Princes A Rift in Luther's Party The Peasants' War Luther Advocates Violent Suppression The Division of Germany
Chapter VII The Growth of Lutheranism Protestants Acknowledge Their Unity with Roman System Luther Now Urges War Luther Condones Bigamy Now Luther Counsels a Lie Luther's Death The Reformation Settlement
Chapter VIII The Zwinglian Reform Zwingli's Doctrinal Development Rapid Changes Occur Zwingli's Basic Doctrinal Position The Controversy Over the Lord's Supper The Final Meeting of Luther and Zwingli Zwingli's Death Why Zwingli Died in Battle
Chapter IX The Reformation Under John Calvin Calvin's "Institutes" Calvin's Doctrinal Position Examined Calvin's Idea of Predestination Calvin at Geneva Calvin's Return to Geneva The Calvinistic Discipline Calvin's Last Days Calvin's Death and the Spread of His Doctrines
Chapter X The English Revolt King Henry VIII The Marriage Question The Break with Rome Theological Developments King Henry's Marital Escapades Protestantism Advanced Under Edward VI Bloody Queen Mary's Reign English Protestantism Established Summary
Chapter XI The Bible and the Reformation Nationalism and Lust Violent Methods of the Reformers The Burning of Michael Servetus Did Calvin Act in Haste or Ignorance? The Reason for Protestant Violence and Persecutions Protestant Contradictions Rejecting or Distorting Scripture The Protestants Followed Rome God Identifies the Catholic Church The Prophecy Fulfilled The Protestant Movement Identified The Real Meaning of the Reformation