Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 14, 1971 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 14, 1971
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 14, 1971

I have just returned from visiting the Feast sites again this year. A short time ago I sent a general letter to the Church membership explaining the serious need for Garner Ted Armstrong to be allowed a leave of absence by reason of ill health — not physical, but frayed nerves and excessive high ten ...

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Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  September 1964

How much does God's TRUTH mean to you? How much are you willing to give up for it? How far would you go? Christ said, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and follow ...

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Answering Smear Stories Answering Smear Stories
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 04, 1978

Since 1972 God's Church and Work have come in for some unfavorable publicity in the public press. Jesus said, "If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you." I counted this cost almost 52 years ago, when I gave my life, for whatever it was worth (which was less than nothing in my estimation ...

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What the Bible Says About Water Baptism What the Bible Says About Water Baptism
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1979

Have we had any instruction lately in the Church on water baptism? I'm sure I haven't spoken or written on the subject for a long time. And what I'm going to tell you will be a little different than anybody else would give it to you. is water baptism essential to salvation? Why do we nee ...

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Worldwide News February 02, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News February 02, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  February 02, 1976

CAD to test, interview possible field trainees - Summer program offers education, recreation - B.C. meetings conclude series - 'WN' solicits recipe input - YOU volleyball tourney held nationally for girls - Administrator interviewed about Ambassador's role - Polio can't cripple patients' i ...

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The Government of God and The Government of Man The Government of God and The Government of Man
Richard D Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  January 4, 1958

I know that if Mr. Meredith is your minister down here, that I guess comes most of the time. And if the San Diego Church has sort of been giving him as his responsibility, and Fresno has been given to me as my responsibility, that you must have been getting some good sermons because I've been on a ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 07, 1979 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 07, 1979
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 07, 1979

The outrageous unconstitutional invasion and captivity of the Church and Work of the Living God continues. It is the very beginning of fulfillment of END-TIME Bible prophecies! This monstrous invasion of the State of California will go down in history for the next thousand years! My excommunicated s ...

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Are We Truly Christians? Are We Truly Christians?
Carl E McNair  -  Sermon   -  February 24, 1996

In Acts chapter 11 verse 26, we're told that a unique situation or a unique experience happened in Antioch in Acts chapter 11, Acts chapter 11 verse 25, Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Paul and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch so it was that for a whole year they assembled with th ...

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Faith a vital dimension in God's Work Faith a vital dimension in God's Work
Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  July 1971

The power of our collective faith in what God is doing in His Work is a vital force that will move more than mountains. God's Church must unite in believing faith to finish the gun lap of His Work! JUST how important is the dimension of FAITH in the completing of God's end-time Work on this eart ...

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We Can Know That We Love Christ We Can Know That We Love Christ
Harold Way  -  Sermon   -  2009

Have we ever asked ourselves, do I really love Jesus Christ, have we ever thought about that? How can we be certain as to whether we love Jesus Christ or not? I don't know if that's something we think about a lot, but I have thought about it, and therefore I have chosen as a topic "We Can Know T ...

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What Are the Works of Faith? What Are the Works of Faith?
Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  February 1982

Are you developing these Christian qualities that will keep you from ever falling? Several months ago a middle-aged woman, well known in the Pasadena, Calif., congregations of God's Church, died of cancer. She died in the faith. She was a fine person, and wholly converted. Every time Ambassador Co ...

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MINISTUDY: What It Will Be Like in the World Tomorrow MINISTUDY: What It Will Be Like in the World Tomorrow
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  September 1982

In last month's study we learned how Jesus Christ will rule the world tomorrow. His righteous government will spread from Jerusalem to the entire world . Reeducating mankind to God's way of life will receive top priority. As the world becomes reeducated, people will begin to experience the bless ...

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Restored Truths (Restored Doctrines) Restored Truths (Restored Doctrines)
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Study Tools

Mr. Armstrong listed 18 restored truths in a sermon titled; Mission of the Philadelphia Church Era, given December 17, 1983. Mr. Armstrong added the 19th restored truth in a Bible Study titled; The Spiritual Law vs. Rituals, given January 21, 1984. Mr. Armstrong added the 20th restored truth in a se ...

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What's a Feast? What's a Feast?
Leslie L McCullough  -  Good News   -  January-April 1971

Just what IS the Feast? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? Read, in this behind-the-scenes article by the Festival Director of God's Church, exactly what it takes to make God's Feast of Tabernacles so different and successful. THE Feast of Tabernacles is many things to many ...

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Calgary! Calgary!
Dean R Wilson  -  Good News   -  November-December 1972

The prayers of thousands who have labored faithfully have begun to be answered. Much fruit is being brought forth by new efforts to reach this world with God's truth, as related in this on-the-spot report from Calgary! SEVERAL months ago Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong expressed his feeling tha ...

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