Brings you the plain truth about today's world news and the prophecies of the World Tomorrow. And greetings, friends. This is Herbert W. Armstrong with the good news of the World Tomorrow. If you could only really see into the future, not only the world tomorrow but the immediate future immediately ahead. If you could know what's going to happen before it occurs, you'd make immediate changes in a lot of your plans. If you had known many things that already have occurred in your life, if you had known those things before they happened, you'd have altered your course, wouldn't you, before it ever happened? Wouldn't it be a wonderful gift if you had some unusual sense of seeing into the future, just seeing it before it happens and knowing what's coming so you could avert it, so you could change it, so you could plan your own course accordingly. But no man on earth has any such gift. Crystal ball gazers, fortune tellers, astrologers cannot predict the future, and they can't say what's going to happen and make their predictions come true at all. They have no power to do it. No, we'd have to possess supernatural powers to do that, wouldn't we? But the divine creator, my friends, does possess supernatural powers. And he says, as I read to you in the preceding program in Isaiah 46 verses nine and 10 (Isaiah 46:9-10), "Remember the former things of old, for I am God and there is none else. I am God. And there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure." God says there is no one like Him, there's only one God, and there is none else that is like Him declaring the beginning, declaring and explaining from ancient times, the things that are not yet done but that are going to happen and has the ability to see that they do happen. Now, the things that God has predicted, the things that God has prophesied always come true because of two things. In the first place, God has absolute knowledge of human nature and he knows the kind of trend that we are going to take in those things where our decisions are going to alter the course. Now God makes us free moral agents. He is not going to forcibly alter our decisions, that is, you can make a decision to obey or to disobey God, and He's not going to force you to do differently, although what you sow you're going to reap. And so God does not altogether control the future by his own power, whether he could. And in one sense, he controls it, but he controls it in this way that God has made man a free moral agent. And God has told us we have to choose. Now when God says, choose, when God says, as he does back in the 30th chapter of Deuteronomy, "I lay before you or I set before you life on the one hand and death on the other." And He tells us we have to choose, God will not do that, choosing for us. And God has withheld that very power which he possesses from exercising the power to force us to make a right decision naturally, wouldn't force us to make a wrong decision. But God's very purpose would be defeated if we did not make our own decisions. In other words, God will not cram His religion down your throat. That's the way I've expressed it so many times. And I think that, you know, just what I mean when I say it that way. On the other hand, there are many events that God does directly bring about himself. Now, when God predicts anything, it's based on two things first, on his knowledge of human nature, and which way we are going to go of our own accord. Anyhow, I don't mean by that, that God knows in advance every decision you're going to make and, and whether you're going to be, as they say, saved or lost. Frankly, God doesn't know that. God has restrained himself from knowing that he could know it, but he doesn't. You know, that brings up this thing of predestination that a lot of people don't understand. And they think that because the Bible says something about predestination, it means that some are predestinated, set in advance before they even were born to be born, to be lost and others to be saved. Has that ever bothered you? Now, predestination is mentioned in your Bible a few times, two main passages, it's mentioned more than once in each place, however. Well, if that's ever disturbed you and you want to know the truth about Predestination, why don't you write in for our booklet on that subject? If you want to know what the Bible does say, I don't mean how someone may twist it or interpret it or anything of that kind because we don't interpret the Bible. The Bible interprets itself. We have no right to interpret it. But if you've ever been bothered about that and you want to know the truth about that, write in for our booklet on Predestination. But just let me set your mind at rest right here and now on one thing, there is no place in the Bible that mentions that anybody ever to be born or whoever has been born has been predestinated to be ultimately lost. In other words, doomed to the, let's say the hellfire because I think we all agree on hellfire. In one way, we have different ways of understanding what it is. The lake of fire, which is the second death. That's what your Bible says. And no one has been condemned to that. Absolutely no one and no one ever will be condemned to it unless he condemns his own self into it. But God does have the ability to know the general course and trend of human nature. There are a lot of us on the earth and He knows the general trend and the way we're going to go. And God also does intervene in the affairs of men in general conditions many times and God does set the bounds of nations. It is by the very decree of God Almighty that Russia is not out on the sea coast, but in the interior of Europe and of Asia. And that Russia doesn't have very many ways of getting out into the ocean. And God also has seen to it that the British are out there in the islands and the people of Northwestern Europe are on the coastlands. God had something to do with the fact that our people came here to the United States, whether you realize it or not. God is the one that determines the destiny of nations and he has the power to bring about what he says. And what he says is based on the knowledge of the way that human beings as a whole are going to go anyway. And that category in which he does not interfere. Now, I'd like to have you also notice the 41st chapter of Isaiah, the 21st to the 23rd verses, Isaiah 41 beginning here with verse 21 (Isaiah 41:21-23). Produce your cause saith the Eternal, bring forth your strong reason. Saith the king of Jacob, let them bring them forth and show us what shall happen. Let them show the former things what they be that we may consider them and know the later end of them and declare to us the things that come show the things that are to come hereafter that we may know that you are God's, that's a proof of God to be able to show that. And God there is just challenging, daring any human to do that and prove whether he's a God. Yeah, do good or do evil that we may be dismayed and behold it together. Behold, you are nothing. And your work is a work of not an abomination is he that chooses you. Then the 44th chapter and the seventh verse of Isaiah, Isaiah 44 verse seven (Isaiah 44:7). I am the first and I am the last and there is no God besides me who is like me, let him come forward with his claim and let him set out his cause before me who foretold the future long ago. Pray, let us hear what is still to be prove whether you're a God or not. That is God's challenge. Now, here's the thing, my friends, God does know what's going to happen. And God Almighty has laid bare the future for us to know because it is His will that we should know. Not that we have any powers to discern the future, look into it and know we haven't, but God has, and God has revealed to us the future and about one-third of your Bible is prophecy. Why do you overlook that part of your Bible? Why do you blind your eyes to one-third of your Bible that is prophecy? Now, let me just straighten out something right here. Some people that may not have listened to this program except for the last few times when I've been on prophecy, may say, oh, well, is that your hobby? You just preach on prophecy and nothing else I should say not. And of course, you people that have been listening for years and years that this program has been continuously on the air without a single interruption, you know that we speak on prophecy about one third of the time or one third of your Bible is prophecy. And I think that we in this program speak on prophecy about the same extent of time that God has put it in his own word about one-third of the Bible. But God has revealed the future because it's important for us to know and it is the will of God that we should know, and we can know and if you do know it ought to change your course in many, many ways. Now, we've been going through this amazing prophecy of Jeremiah 50 Jeremiah 51 looking into what's going to happen to Russia and to the nations of Europe. Now, here's what we've been finding. We're coming into a time of national drought and a disease epidemic in the United States. We're going to be invaded, and we're not going to be invaded by the Communist forces here and now at this time at all, but by a power that we least suspect, a power that your Bible reveals. And it's a power that will resurrect the ancient Roman Empire of 10 nations going together over there in Europe. And they are called under the symbolic name of Babylon in your Bible. And they are to put a yoke on our necks. And you find that in the 30th chapter of Jeremiah, you find that the power that is to put the yoke on our neck is the daughter of the ancient Babylon. And you find in the 17th chapter of Revelation that this resurrection of the Roman Empire is called Babylon the great. And it's a whole system. It's military, it is political, it is economic, and it is an educational system and even a religious system. It's a whole society and my friends, we're in Babylon. It's a way of life and it's the way of ancient paganism. It's the way that started at the Ancient Babylon, the Tower of Babel, it started there and it's a way that has engulfed this world. It is a way that has deceived this world. And it's a way contrary to the very laws and the way of God. Now on this earth, we have different religions and different religious organizations. We have different governments surely and we have different economic systems in different nations and all of that. But our Western world, my friends, is all in mired in this one great general system of Babylon. We're in it and God is calling our people out. Now, then this thing is going to rise up in Europe. And then what's going to happen after that? This is going to be after that great tribulation. There will be a time of trouble and a trouble on our people and our nation so great said Jesus Christ that except those days be shortened, no flesh should be saved alive. Our modern scientists tell us that it's possible now to wipe human life off the earth. Christ said that over 1900 years ago. But he said that for the elect of our people that those days I will be shortened. And he has said that Jesus Christ that is second coming, will deliver our people and remove that yoke from us. When we have learned our lesson, listen, our destiny is that we are to dominate this world. We are to be the most prosperous nation. We are to be the leading nation, the head and not the tail of the nations of the world for 1000 years to come as long as this world lasts. But my friends, we have a lot of lessons to learn in the meantime and God is going to punish us in the meantime, until we learn those lessons. If we learn the lessons without the punishment, then I tell you that the punishment will not come. But here's what's going to happen. Then that Babylon, as it is called this modern Babylon that is going to be resurrected, a resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire. Then it, in turn, is going to be captured. Now we're going clear over past the great tribulation and end of that time to see where Russia is going to figure in, communist Russia. Now just to skim over it ever so briefly here in about one minute we have read in the very beginning of the 50th chapter. It's a prophecy about Babylon that Babylon is captured. her idols disgraced. Her blocks of gods are in dismay. Then again, a foe from the north, north of Jerusalem, which means the USSR or the communist has attacked her to lay her land waste. What time is it? It's not 600 years before Christ. It is yet to come because at that hour says Eternal. At that hour, the Israelites returned. They and the men of Judah wending and weeping in search of the Eternal their God asking the way to Zion, but great coming Exodus at the second coming of Christ, if you know your Bible, many, many prophecies about that. Now, here again in the ninth verse, a horde of nations coming from the north are to battle mightily against this Babylon. And then again, it's the time of the Eternal's vengeance, and she is to be treated as she treated others. That ties up exactly with the period of the Day of the Lord mentioned in more than 30 prophecies. It ties up exactly with what is prophesized yet to be resurrected and to come in Revelation 17 and Revelation 18. It's also the time, as you come here to verse 19 when God says, "I will punish Babylon, King and land, and so on, I will bring back Israel to his homestead." Then the Eternal promises at that hour, no guilt in Israel shall be discovered nor any sin detected within Judah. For whom I spare, I pardon? And I've been explaining to you how that is at the second coming of Christ. He's coming to turn away ungodliness from Israel and from Judah. And that's our people as well as the Jewish people. That's the Jewish people and our American people and the British people and the democracies of Northwestern Europe. And, Jesus Christ, at his second coming, will make a new covenant with us. So you see this whole thing is up right at or just before the second coming of Christ. And then again, we saw this that the Israelites and the men of Judah returned (verse 33) and theirs is a strong champion. That's Christ. His name is the Lord of hosts. He will take their part and daunt the Babylonians, that the world may live at peace—the first time on earth that we'll have world peace. And Christ is going to come as the king of kings that is prophesized by God Almighty. God is going to send Jesus Christ in the full power and glory of the Eternal, Divine God. And we're going to have peace. He's going to rebuke strong nations afar off, as you read in the fifth chapter, the fourth chapter rather, of Micah. And also, let's see if that's the second chapter, isn't it in Isaiah? You read of it twice in your Bible, how he's going to rebuke the strong nations, and they're going to come and seek him in his ways. The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Eternal, and he'll rebuke these nations until they beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks. Now this foe that is coming to attack this Babylon, which is a United States of Europe, a league of 10 nations that will go together to try to form the Roman Empire in Europe. You find in the 17th chapter of Revelation, they're only going to endure a very, very short time; they're going to fight Christ for the second coming. So they end at the second coming of Christ; they'll only exist a very short time. So it follows that they are not resurrected. In other words, this United States of Europe does not get together until just a very short time before the second coming of Christ. And when that happens, you can know you're mighty near, you're with him from 3 to 7 years of the second coming of Christ when you see that happen. Now here in verse 41, the people are coming out of the Northland. There it is again, north of Jerusalem. In the land of communist Russia, the power is turning a host of kings from the far ends of the earth. They ride on horses (verse 42). And that is the symbol of the Russian cavalry. Cavalry has always been the symbol of the Russian army mustering like one man to fight you Maiden Babylon, the king of Babylon. Here's the news, and I read that to you in the 11th chapter of Daniel and how this Roman empire will even at that time change their national capital, and they will move it over to Jerusalem, Palestine. And Daniel mentions that in the 11th chapter, the latter part of it. Now we come to the 51st chapter, and he says, "I am stirring up destroyers against Babylon, against the dwellers in Chaldea. I, God, say that I am sending winnowers on Babylon to winnow her and to leave her bare, won't be tied her everywhere on her Day of Doom." You read of that again in Revelation 18, showing it's the thing yet to come to take place prior to lasting into and up to the time of the second coming of Christ. "Let the archer bend his bow, let him stand up in his armor. Spare none of her soldiers, annihilate her army." So you see this Babylon is not only an economic system, it is also not only a political system, it's also a military system. It has an army; it has soldiers strike them down within Chaldea, stab them in her streets for their land is full of guilt against his majesty of Israel. They have cities there to be struck down in their streets. But Israel and Judah are not bereft of their God, of the Lord of hosts. Then it says here, here's the warning fly from Babylon. Every man of you save your lives, share not her doom. 'Tis the hour of the Eternal's vengeance. He is rendering her due punishment. Now, turn over real quickly to Revelation 18. And there you find this same identical thing in the 18th chapter in the fourth verse (Revelation 18:4). Here it says, "come out of her," speaking of Babylon, "come out of her, my people." Now the 18th chapter begins this way after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven. This is Revelation 18 now having great power and the earth was lighted with his glory, and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, "Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird that is of the Babylon 600 years before Christ. That's speaking of the Babylon that is to be resurrected, yet finally resurrecting what succeeded the ancient Babylon, the Roman Empire. For it says in verse three, "all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth." There's your economic system; they are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "come out of her, my people." Now that isn't referring to converted Christians. My friends, converted Christians aren't in any system like this. Look how rotten the system is. In the 17th chapter, she's described as a great whore sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. The inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her fornication, drunk with a blurry-eyed spirit. Spiritually, they can't understand the Bible; they can't see and understand spiritual things. It's all out of focus. And here she's pictured as a scarlet-colored woman riding on this beast. And the woman, let me see here, here it is verse six, "I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." It's a pretty rotten system, isn't it? And it said here, "all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." And in verse three, I just read it to you, "Babylon the Great has fallen, has fallen and has become the habitation of devils or that is demons really. And the ho of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, the very center of abominations according to God Almighty. Now, God calls our people out of her. You know that real Christians, my friends, aren't in anything as rotten as God describes this thing. Not at all, but he says, "come out of her, my people," now who are God's people that are in Babylon while he's speaking of national Israel, those that have been born nationally of the descent of ancient Israel, not converted. Paul pictures them in the 11th chapter of the book of Romans as the natural olive tree. But all these people of Israel today are the branches, and he pictures them all as having been broken off of that tree because of unbelief. In other words, our sins and the fact that we're in this system of sin and in this system that has engulfed the world that has blinded the world spiritually with which the devil has deceived this world, has broken off every individual Israelite that was born in Israelite, and he can't have any salvation until just like any Gentile he comes through Christ. Gentiles, our Gentile nations are pictured as wild olive trees. In the 11th chapter of Romans. Every individual is a branch of that tree. And if they are Christ, they are Abraham's Children, as Paul said in Galatians, three, see 3, 21. Is it not in 3, 27? I forget the verse. And anyway, they are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise, they are Israelites if they are Christ's. And then in the 11th chapter of Romans again, Paul said that they are the branches of the wild olive trees that are broken off of their wild olive tree or the Gentile citizenship, Gentile nationality and grafted contrary to nature into the natural olive tree Israel, you see, the natural olive tree is Israel with the Holy Spirit, Israel converted, and every unconverted person has been broken off. And so they, if they abide not still in unbelief, they can be grafted in also in their own olive tree through Christ. In no other way. There is no salvation in being born in Israelite, only through Christ and only through grace. So here are God's people not born into Israel through Christ, not converted, but just of the flesh broken off of the real Israel tree now, from a spiritual point of view, and God says, come out of her, out of Babylon. My people, my friends, we're in Babylon. And I want to tell you, most of you people that I'm speaking to and addressing now are in this Babylon. But you're deceived and most of you don't know it. Oh, yes you're good people, you're honest people, deceived people aren't people that know they're wrong. If you knew you were in something wrong, you wouldn't be deceived, and we're just like sheep, and we go along the way other people do. And all of our people have been going that way and it's the way of the customs of the time. It's the way of this civilization in which we live, and my friends, God says, come out of her, my people. And here's a warning. God looks into the future. He's showing you what's going to happen that ye be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. What is sin? Your Bible says, sin is the transgression of the laws that God set in motion, not the transgression of some Edicts or some ideas that church boards or men have tried to write out in words, but God's laws are living things and when you break them, they're going to break you, and sin is not the transgression of your conscience; it's the transgression of the law of God. And how many today are trying to tell you that the law of God is nailed to the cross? The law of God has done away to justify themselves in this rotten filthy state Babylon that we are in today. God have mercy on our souls and wake us up and strip the scales from our eyes and the blindness and let us come to see the truth. God is looking into the future. He's revealing the future. One-third of your Bible is prophecy. God's laying it bare before your eyes. Will you heed my friends come out of Babylon while you may for her sins have reached unto heaven. And God has remembered her iniquities, reward her even as she rewarded you double under or double according to her works. It's the time of her plagues and it's the time of the wrath of God. It's the time of the judgments of God. And in one hour, her judgments are coming. You're going to go right down into these plagues in this terrible time with her. If you don't come out now, that's what God is saying here. Way back through the prophet Isaiah 600 years before Christ or Jeremiah, I should say in Jeremiah 51. He says here fly from Babylon, every man of you. He's speaking to our people, save your lives. Share not her doom, 'tis the hour of the Eternal's vengeance. He is rendering her due punishment. Once Babylon was a golden cup that made the whole world drunk. The nations drank her wine Revelation 17:4. Why there it is all nations have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Yes, same thing. It's, this modern Babylon is speaking of; it's on our time now. Well, I've just gotten started there again in the 51st chapter, and I want to show you a little further talks about Media's king. And I'm going to show you with their cavalry and everything that is referring to the USSR or Communist Russia. My friends, you can know what's going to happen. You can be forewarned, you can turn to God and come out of these things in this world, my friends and have the protection of God because He promises you absolute protection through all of the catastrophic, terrible, terrifying events that are soon going to happen into this world. There's going to be a world trouble that is going to erupt on this earth greater than anything that's happened. Then God almighty will step in and intervene. You'll put the fire out. Yes, he'll stop the explosion, and Christ will come and bring us peace at last. The wonderful peaceful world tomorrow. That's the ultimate good news. But we have a lesson to learn and you better come out of Babylon. In the meantime. Because of the importance of this subject and other related topics, we are pleased to offer the following free literature. The Middle East is a seething cauldron ready to erupt. The constant threat of domestic upheaval and war holds the ever-present danger of oil cut offs. How will another oil stoppage affect the US economy and our standard of living? When oil production stops, how far will nations go to obtain the oil they need? Important events are prophesied for the United States and Europe as a result of conditions in the Middle East. It's time we understood the vital factors that have led up to this world crisis and what is foretold to happen next. Request your free copy of, The Middle East in Prophecy. See the future of this pivotal part of the world unveil that's, The Middle East in Prophecy. Send your request to Herbert W Armstrong, Post Office Box 111, Pasadena, California 91123. You have heard the World Tomorrow with Herbert W Armstrong sponsored by the Worldwide Church of God. For literature offered on this program. Send your requests along with the call letters of this station to Herbert W Armstrong, Box 111, Pasadena, California 91123. That's Herbert W Armstrong, Box 111, Pasadena, California 91123.