The Bible Story - Volume I The Bible Story - Volume I  -  Chapter 28
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1982

THOUSANDS of Israelites had watched up Mount Sinai from the time Moses had gone up with a few men. They had seen the cloud come down to cover the summit, and had stared in awe at the long, multi-colored flames shooting up from the mountain and through the cloud as though from a belching volcano. Som ...

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What is Man? What is Man?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

What next in world troubles and violence? I just returned from another visit over into the Middle East and into Europe and I've come into contact with a lot of this worlds violence's as it is now. I tell you the average person doesn't realize the violence that is going on in this world. On thi ...

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The Bible Story - Volume III The Bible Story - Volume III  -  Chapter 77
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1984

HANNAH wife of Elkanah the Levite, was at the tabernacle praying when she was startled by the harsh voice of Eli, the high priest. He accused her of being drunk. (I Samuel 1:12-14.) Prayer was so rare in Israel that Eli did not realize Hannah was praying. Having become lost to her surroundings becau ...

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Are You a Spiritual Isolationist? Are You a Spiritual Isolationist?
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  December 1975

Exactly what is "worldliness"? To what extent does God expect Christians to separate themselves from the rest of society? Must God's people become spiritual isolationists? What does the Bible reveal about spiritual isolationism? Is God's Church intended to be a "closed shop" - an isol ...

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What Is Man? What Is Man?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1982

What makes humans unique? Does man have an "immortal soul"? Is there any way of knowing what we are, why we are, where we are going, and the way to get there? MAN IS the most complex, truly unique physical mechanism ever designed and made. With such a marvelous mind and body, we might expect it wa ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1967

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - THIS IS the personal talk with our readers I had never even remotely expected I should be called on to write. It is a memorial in honor of the one dearest woman I have loved, respected, honored above all people - the wife of my youth. Fifty years ago, lacking only ...

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The Truth About CHILD ABUSE The Truth About CHILD ABUSE
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1984

Why do some parents beat and abuse their own children and others never do so? Children are daily brought to the attention of the public and health officials having been beaten, burned, stabbed, electrically shocked, stamped on, thrown violently against walls or raped-by parents or other adults in ch ...

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A Tale Of Two Prophets A Tale Of Two Prophets
David Jon Hill  -  Booklet   -  1978

The accent in this booklet is on Moses because his true purpose and personality are not visible in most "Christian" literature. Our style of presentation is not pedantic, argumentative or coldly factual, but rather, personal, intimate­ an attempt to give human warmth and feeling. In that concept ...

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Inside the Book of Revelation Inside the Book of Revelation   Chapter One         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

The book of Revelation or the Apocalypse has fascinated the Western world more than any other part of the Bible. Many familiar expressions come from this last New Testament book: The Four Horsemen, bottomless pit, mark of the beast, lake of fire, Millennium, Babylon the great. The word Apocaly ...

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Therapy for Ailing Marriages Therapy for Ailing Marriages
Brian Knowles & Carole Ritter  -  Good News   -  August 1975

"Marriage," said the Greek poet Menander, "if one will face the truth, is an evil, but a necessary one." Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote, said simply, "Marriage is a noose." To many in today's troubled society these statements would merit a hearty "Amen!" But marriage was not meant to be ...

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The Plain Truth About Healing The Plain Truth About Healing
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1979

You live in a world that relies primarily on medical doctors to treat illness. Most professing Christians today say: "God raised up medical science for our day. Jesus healed to prove He was the Messiah. But the day of miracles is now past." Some, who think God heals through self-professed faith heal ...

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Why Does This World Need Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Why Does This World Need Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 1976

Few people ever think of Jesus Christ as the Advance Emissary of a world-ruling government. There are millions of people who believe on Christ, who believe Jesus is the Christ, who believe He died for the sins of the world - and yet don't believe Christ. That is, they don't believe what He plain ...

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Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 07, 1979

Having returned recently from the Orient with Mr. Armstrong, on Thursday morning, May 3rd, Mr. Stanley Rader updated church and college employees about recent developments in the Work. Dozens of questions were also asked and answered. He did not want to preempt Mr. Armstrong who is writing to the br ...

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Just What do You MEAN - BORN AGAIN! Just What do You MEAN - BORN AGAIN!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1962

Don't be too sure you know! Many religious people talk about being "born again" - yet they don't really know what Christ meant by those words. The TRUTH is surprising, startling here made so plain you will UNDERSTAND! Let's be honest - don't some of these religious terms seem vague ...

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Does Your Appearance Count? Does Your Appearance Count?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  December 1966

How important is grooming? Is God concerned about your dress and appearance? Can you be spiritually clean and at the same time be physically unclean? Here is what the Bible says about it. HAVE you ever been revolted by the appearance or dress of another person? Did you ever see a woman with unusual ...

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