The Cause of Today's Troubles The Cause of Today's Troubles
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  May 11, 1982

As world conditions mount closer and closer to the unthinkable, world nuclear World War III, I continue to have talks with Heads of State all over the world. I go as an unofficial Ambassador for world peace and yet I am actually the Ambassador of Jesus Christ who is the coming Head of State over all ...

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Thou Shalt Not! Thou Shalt Not!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Are the Ten Commandments "NEGATIVE" and therefore a WRONG form of law? OFTEN we hear the basic Law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" ...

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Middle East - The Quest for Peace Middle East - The Quest for Peace
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  June 25, 1981

We can see now that we shall have no walls again. We shall sit together around the table to negotiate and settle no more wars, peace, real peace, and forever. It is in this human spirit that I say to you with all my heart, Shalom. The Middle East, a land of centuries-old conflict. But also, the land ...

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This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1965

Do YOU know how to live FULLY-ABUNDANTLY? In this article, reprinted by popular request, you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living, Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? - that in ...

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Ancient Israel - Lecture 1 - Overview of the First Semester Ancient Israel - Lecture 1 - Overview of the First Semester
Richard H Paige  -  Ambassador College Lecture   -  1986-1987

This is the tape of the first lecture of Ancient Israel. In this particular lecture I just want to cover a few points. First of all the purpose of the class, why do we feel it's necessary to have a class in this subject matter, when at least for the students here at the college you presumably or a ...

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Putting the Evolution Concept into Your Child's Mind Putting the Evolution Concept into Your Child's Mind
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  October 1969

MOST of us are outraged when we hear of the wrong being inflicted upon Russian childhood by Russian propagandists. The Soviet Government has compelled the teaching of Communism to Russian children. Thus the Bolshevists expect to make Russia safe for their particular beliefs. Yet we give our silent a ...

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Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It? Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Do you know that actually millions who say that they believe in Christ, who have as they claim and as they believe, received Christ or made their decision for Christ have no salvation at all? Because very few even know what is actually meant by that word, 'salvation.' Millions have been deceived ...

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This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1963

Do YOU know how to live FULLY-ABUNDANTLY? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? - that in order to please God, they must ...

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This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living This is the LIFE! - real ABUNDANT living
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1957

Do YOU know how to live FULLY-ABUNDANTLY? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? - that in order to please God, they must ...

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The Answers to Short Questions From Our Readers The Answers to Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1968

Question: "Is it true that the early Christians practiced Communism? I have heard some make this claim." Answer: There are two passages in the book of Acts which - when taken out of context and isolated - are sometimes thought to condone Communism. The first passage is this: "And all ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1986

Of the hundreds of articles Herbert w. Armstrong wrote, the one reprinted here stands out. It brilliantly sums up the wonderful way of life the Bible teaches - the way of life Mr. Armstrong lived and preached to millions. Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how ...

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Christians In Deed? Christians In Deed?
Brian Knowles  -  Special Topics   -  1975

The world is full of nominal Christians - but how many are Christians in deed? The Christian Bible makes it clear that mere belief is not enough. A United States Senator recently quoted a very moving, yet indicting poem, "Listen Christian!" (by Bob Rowland), which reads as follows: ...

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Controversy Still Rages Over CHURCH UNITY Controversy Still Rages Over CHURCH UNITY
Lester L Grabbe  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1971

The United States alone has more than 250 separate denominations. Major ecumenical movements are afoot to bring all differing and conflicting sects and denominations together. But what are the chances for success? Will the near future see all Christians united? "Holy father, keep through your own na ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 23, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 23, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 23, 1959

Here is the BIGGEST NEWS I have ever had for you!!! It is a WORLD FIRST!! It is a WORLD NEWS SCOOP! I am in Chicago, returning from New York, on our annual tour visiting the major radio stations which broadcast The WORLD TOMORROW. For two reasons this BIG NEWS cannot wait until I return to Pasadena ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1983

Is modern society really going to get better? What lies ahead in our moral and spiritual future? You may be in for a shock! What is really going to happen over the next decade or two? Are we going to witness a spiritual revival of brotherly love among men and nations- and therefore a sharp decline i ...

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