Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1956

The most astonishing geologic discovery in 15 years dumbfounding the skeptics! Recently discovered remains of HUMAN BEINGS BIGGER THAN THE GORILLA - more healthy, more robust, more perfectly formed than puny, sickly man today - prove the Biblical record true. The time late in 1941. The place - the i ...

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SCIENTISTS DISCOVER - There WERE Giants on Earth in those Days SCIENTISTS DISCOVER - There WERE Giants on Earth in those Days
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1956

The most astonishing geologic discovery in 15 years dumbfounding the skeptics! Recently discovered remains of HUMAN BEINGS BIGGER THAN THE GORILLA - more healthy, more robust, more perfectly formed than puny, sickly man today - prove the Biblical record true. The time late in 1941. The place - the i ...

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The Church They Couldn't Destroy The Church They Couldn't Destroy
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1981

Jesus prophesied, "I will build my church." That Church, foretold Jesus, would never be extinguished. "And the gates of hell [the grave] shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Christ's Church is to last through all ages! It has. It is here today, doing the Work of God! World looks at the wro ...

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How to Better Watch World Events How to Better Watch World Events
Gene H Hogberg  -  Good News   -  August 1981

Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong reported to a congress of leading ministers of God's Church earlier this year that world conditions are once again fast accelerating, indicating, he said, that we are in "the very last of the last days." How, then, can we as lay members get a better grasp of thi ...

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The Church is a New Civilization The Church is a New Civilization
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  June 12, 1982

After He (Jesus) had qualified, He said, "THE TIME IS FULFILLED!" Now He had qualified and He could proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God. That's the government of God, the Family of God that will rule a different civilization. He came to call people OUT of this world and to START that new ...

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Lesson 8 - Why Are Natural Disasters Increasing? Lesson 8 - Why Are Natural Disasters Increasing?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1966   Revision 166

"THIS IS GOD SPEAKING ..." You and your family are seated around the dining table. Your RADIO is tuned to your regular entertainment program. Suddenly a great Voice thunders forth from your radio, "This is GOD SPEAKING. I interrupt your program to bring you one final warning! "It ...

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Bring Back the Family Bring Back the Family
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1979

Every normal human being wants to be warm, well-fed, comfortable, protected and loved. We all want to live in an understanding, warm, charitable, protective environment. The family unit ought to be just such an environment. But, instead of being a haven for our young people - a place of sanctuary, w ...

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Five Steps to Financial Stability Five Steps to Financial Stability
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  February 1981

What is the proper Christian attitude toward money? God does not intend His people to be poor! Here is vital advice on how to survive today's financial crunch. "All those years of work and nothing to show for it!" "I can't understand where this week's money has 'gone!" &q ...

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SUICIDE Its Causes And Cure SUICIDE Its Causes And Cure
Leslie L McCullough  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1982

Suicide always comes with a jolt. Even when it occurs to the sick or elderly, there is the initial shock- then the awful emptiness. Why are so many, worldwide, choosing suicide as the solution to life's problems? Why is it, with so much to live for, that so many in the prosperous nations are not w ...

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ARID LANDS Can they be reclaimed in time? ARID LANDS Can they be reclaimed in time?
Eugene M Waller & Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1969

Can deserts and near-deserts be reclaimed in time to prevent massive starvation in a world threatened by population explosion? Here is a challenging, on-the-spot report from an international conference on this vital subject. Tucson, Arizona. More than one third of the earth's land surface is arid ...

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There's a Hidden Enemy in Your Home! There's a Hidden Enemy in Your Home!
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Have we been overlooking the very first lesson in life? There's an enemy in your home, probably. You haven't seen this enemy. He's right in your family - he's made you all suffer - he's broken up many families, caused untold suffering and a world of unhappiness. But you never saw him. He+* ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 81   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Dear Co-Workers With Christ:    I am writing from Bucharest, Romania. I am spending two or three weeks at the Otopeni Clinic, famous over all of Europe, recharging tired batteries. I have kidded about being thirty-seven going on thirty-six. It is acknowledged by all, so far as I know, ...

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William F Dankenbring  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1971

An explosion of biological knowledge is promising earthshaking discoveries. Among them are genetic engineering, test tube babies, control of the aging process, suspended animation, and even the prospect of man-made immortality! But these prospects are raising a welter of ethical and moral questions. ...

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What Is a Boy? What Is a Boy?
Ronald D Kelly & John W Robinson  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1969

What makes a truly happy boy? Who should a boy look up to and copy? Are there any "real boys" left in the world today? Or are our fellows destined to become effeminate, out-of-condition weaklings? Read this vital article on how you can experience an exciting, fun filled life and learn to be the righ ...

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WHEN FISH FISH - There's Something Fishy About Evolution! WHEN FISH FISH - There's Something Fishy About Evolution!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1968

There is something decidedly "fishy" about evolution! Evolutionists have an impossible task explaining how FISH evolved; but when it comes to explaining a FISHING fish, equipped with rod and bait - evolutionists flounder. Read, in this article, about some of the strangest creatures known t ...

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