EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW With IAN SMITH Prime Minister of Rhodesia EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW With IAN SMITH Prime Minister of Rhodesia
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1971

Plain Truth magazine staff writers and Executive Editor Garner Ted Armstrong recently flew to Rhodesia. While in Salisbury he interviewed Prime Minister Smith. In the following interview are Ian Smith's answers to vital questions regarding the effectiveness of trade sanctions against Rhodesia and ...

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Gospel Pollution Gospel Pollution
Clint C Zimmerman  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July-August 1970

Mankind's pollution doesn't stop with his environment - he has polluted his mind, morals and spirit also. Even the Gospel has not escaped man's polluting touch. The Good News of God's Plan for man was no sooner proclaimed by Jesus Christ of Nazareth than men determinedly set themselves to pe ...

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Prophecy Comes Alive! Prophecy Comes Alive!
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  April 1985

The skillful structure of Bible prophecy has been largely ignored. Artistic craftsmanship, while adding force and beauty to the prophecies, also helps cloak God's message from the careless and disobedient. Sometimes menacing, sometimes sublime - yet always vivid and arresting - Bible prophecy spea ...

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You Won't Believe It! Where This World Has Come Just in My Own Lifetime You Won't Believe It! Where This World Has Come Just in My Own Lifetime
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1977

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - The other day our managing editor, Brian Knowles, who was in my office to go over some Plain Truth copy for future articles, asked: "Would you mind if I gave you an idea or two which I thought our readers might enjoy in one of your 'Personal' articles?&qu ...

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Leslie L McCullough  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1963

Millions are vainly searching for success, happiness and the answer to life's problems. When it doesn't come, thousands are seeking escape by taking their own lives. The FIFTH ranking cause of death in the United States, between the ages of 15 and 50, is suicide. But is suicide the answer? Verdi ...

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How to Quit Smoking How to Quit Smoking
William F Dankenbring  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1969

Twenty one million people have successfully quit smoking SO CAN YOU, if you really want to! But HOW? Where can you get the necessary strength, fortitude, and willpower? Here is the way that really works! LET'S ADMIT the truth. All kinds of gadgets, gimmicks, potions and medicines have come on the ...

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Smoking - The Puff of Death! Smoking - The Puff of Death!
William F Dankenbring  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July 1969

Why do people smoke? What does smoking do to the human mind and body? What about filter-tips? When you add it all up - can you really AFFORD to smoke? IF PRESENT trends continue, ONE MILLION American school children can expect to die from lung cancer! Shocking? It has been authoritatively estimated ...

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WHEN Should You Be Anointed? WHEN Should You Be Anointed?
David Jon Hill  -  Good News   -  August 1964

What is YOUR responsibility in asking to be anointed? What extremes should you avoid? How sick should you be before you ask? These - and many more - everyday questions are answered in this article. HAVE you ever wondered just how sick you should be before you call on the Elders for anointing and pra ...

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Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas! Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas!
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1979

Sour grapes? A bah-humbug Scrooge? Antiestablishment? Irreligious? No! None of these. Here's a plain speaking-out about a holiday nearly everybody keeps, religious or nonreligious, and nearly no one seems to really understand why! Read this personal-experience article for understanding. It's pra ...

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Build the Personality of a KING! Build the Personality of a KING!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1967

The readers of this magazine should become LEADERS! Do you have the capacity to inspire - to influence - to lead others for good? Here are vital KEYS to building a powerful and effective personality - and to making your life more abundant! SOME fifteen years ago, my boss ordered me and a partner to ...

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SPIRITISM - Truth, or Fraud? SPIRITISM - Truth, or Fraud?
Radio Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Do Mediums really produce supernatural phenomena that baffle Science? What did Houdini, Thurston, and others learn? What about the witch of Endor? What does the Bible say of Spiritism? Here is the first of two eye-opening installments revealing the surprising truth on a mysterious subject of world i ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 54   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Mid-Atlantic Hurricane! STREAKING northward on the crack Paris-London Golden Arrow, we saw much of the desolate ruins left by the war that had ended only a year and a half before. In America, we had heard and read about the war daily. We had seen pictures and newsreels. But now my wife and I were th ...

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SPIRITISM - Truth, or Fraud? SPIRITISM - Truth, or Fraud?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1955

Do Mediums really produce supernatural phenomena that baffle Science? What did Houdini, Thurston, and others learn? What about the witch of Endor? What does the Bible say of Spiritism? Here is the first of two eye-opening installments revealing the surprising truth on a mysterious subject of world i ...

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Why Is God the Father Called a Father? Why Is God the Father Called a Father?
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1980

Why should Christians call God "Father"? Why should we pray, "Our Father which art in heaven..."? Is the term a title, an anthropomorphism, a description, a theological euphemism, a comforting thought? Is God called Father because He's the collective Father of all mankind by virtue of creation? Is ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 12, 1954 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 12, 1954
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 12, 1954

Never has our faith been so severely tried. This financial "tight squeeze" not only is still on — it is squeezing harder than ever before. Physical APPEARANCES make the situation look hopeless! LISTEN! I have to ask every one of you to take this to heart. On the one hand, a flood of wonder ...

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