What the True Church Will Be Like What the True Church Will Be Like
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  April 25, 1979

Why is it my friends that you have not heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ but rather a message of men, a gospel of men about His person but not the message that Christ Himself brought and preached? Now, do you know that that message was not the message of Christ either, so far as that is concerne ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1967 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 17, 1967
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 17, 1967

At last I can give you the ONE greatest MOST EXCITING NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT in the history of our broadcasting Christ's GOSPEL to the world. But I am deeply sorry to have to announce, at the same time, that my wife's critical illness has ended in the manner least expected—in her death just after mid ...

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Pagan Traditions and Christ's Parables Pagan Traditions and Christ's Parables
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 08, 1979

People still believe that just like Adam did. They wouldn't believe God. But we are mortal and we are dust and while we have a mind that far exceeds and excels anything that we find in the brain, for instance, of any other animal life on the face of the earth, such as dogs or monkeys or cats or el ...

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The Plain Truth - 50 Years of Understanding The Plain Truth - 50 Years of Understanding
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  January 16, 1984

I mentioned before that the Doomsday Clock has been set up by the atomic scientists from four to only three minutes before midnight, more and more millions of people are becoming seriously alarmed, the unthinkable is now very thinkable and very eminent, world leaders are perplexed and many of them a ...

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Christ's Mission and Message - Part 2 Christ's Mission and Message - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Yes it's a wonderful thing that news is going to be good, tomorrow. There's a reason why it isn't good today and it isn't good because we haven't made it good, it isn't good because human beings don't know the way of peace. We are reaping exactly what we've been sowing. Now there is ...

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Just What Do You Mean Christian? Just What Do You Mean Christian?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1979

A tremendous Delusion is gripping the Christian World. You need to know the TRUTH! Today over four hundred different denominations and sects call themselves Christian. Yet they ALL disagree on certain doctrines and practices or they would not be divided! ...

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T C F Prittie  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

Is The British Monarchy a ridiculous, "old-fashioned" institution that simply refuses to die? Some few Britons have looked upon this Monarchy as "a royal soap opera" - so much useless pomp and ceremonial nonsense, so much "Royal flummery." They view the Monarchy as left ...

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A Positive Message A Positive Message
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  December 1, 1977

Today I have good news for you, very good news. This church needs a reawakening. This church needs a spiritual reawakening if ever a church did. We also need a reawakening in our writings and in our preaching. We need an awakening from preaching a doctrine of gloom and agony and today's bad news. ...

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Ernest L Martin  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1969

The Celtic Homelands are in agitation. Brittany showing defiance to France. Protestants in Northern Ireland versus Catholics. Bomb attacks in Wales. Cries of Independence are heard in Scotland. Separatism from Canada plagues Quebec. What is the significance of these growing disturbances? Brittany, F ...

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Requirements for God's Kingdom Requirements for God's Kingdom
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 26, 1979

He preached the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is the Government of God and also the fact that God is not a Person but God is a Kingdom, a Family grown great into a great Government - the supreme ruling power of the entire universe - the ruling Family of all the universe - The Creating Famil ...

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A Message From Amos A Message From Amos
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  October 1975

Amos, herdsman of Tekoa, was sent from God with a powerful message of correction for the ancient House of Israel. In spite of withering opposition, he fearlessly indicted the nation for its hollow, meaningless piety, social injustice and general immorality. Amos' message must not be lost ...

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Is JUDAISM the Religion of Moses? - Part 1 Is JUDAISM the Religion of Moses? - Part 1
Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  December 1960

People assume that Judaism is the religion of Moses - that Jesus brought a message opposed to the Old Testament - that He came to nullify the teaching of Moses. It is taken for granted that the New Testament presents a Gentile religion and that the Old Testament teaches Judaism! Yet all these assump ...

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Be Honest and Prove All Things Be Honest and Prove All Things
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And so, once again, I say, let's have the intellectual honesty and the honesty of heart, to be willing to do exactly what the Bible commands to prove all things and to prove whether what we have assumed and been brought up from childhood to believe in a world that is engulfed in pagan superstition ...

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A Timeless Message to Teenagers A Timeless Message to Teenagers
Scott Ashley  -  Good News   -  December 1979

Almost 3,000 years ago Solomon, king of Israel, was inspired by God to record for all time vital keys for successful living he had learned. Those lessons were collected in the book of Proverbs, and Solomon addressed that book to you! I always thought the Bible was for adults. Until I became one. ...

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Ascent to Greatness Ascent to Greatness  -  Chapter Four  -  Book I
Raymond F McNair  -  Reference Book   -  1976

When and how did the English first become interested in North America? Only five years after Columbus had discovered America, John Cabot — a Genoese navigator sailing in the name of Henry VIII of England — came to North America. He was, in fact, the first European to set foot upon the North American ...

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