Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  July 30, 1979

Greetings from Pasadena! Mr. Herbert Armstrong is back from a successful trip to the SEP camp at Orr, Minnesota. He wanted to go back to speak to the kids for the final session this year, and I'm sure it was very encouraging and inspiring to everyone concerned. ...

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How should we view the American custom or celebrating Thanksgiving Day? How should we view the American custom or celebrating Thanksgiving Day?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 930   -  1959

How should we view the American custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day? The Thanksgiving holiday was established in comparatively recent years. It is, of course, not mentioned in Scripture - but the principle of attending and celebrating national holidays is made clear in Scripture. Thanksgiving Day ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Pastor General's Report   -  July 30, 1979

EURO-PARLIAMENT UPDATE: On Tuesday July 17, the first session of the enlarged and directly-elected European Parliament convened in Strasbourg, France. The first order of business for the 410 delegates was the election of the assembly's president. The post went to a woman - Simone Veil of France. M ...

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MINISTUDY: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray MINISTUDY: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  December 1984

Jesus Christ kept in close personal contact with His Father in heaven. Consequently, Jesus' life was filled with love, faith and power from God. His frequent and fervent prayers made possible His victory over sin and death. Jesus' disciples were aware that their teacher knew how to draw close to ...

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Just one more thing: Giving of Yourself Just one more thing: Giving of Yourself
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  April 20, 1981

In a newspaper column I was reading the other day, a reader was commenting on a letter she had seen in the same column a couple of years previously. In the letter, a woman was lamenting that her mother had been in a nursing home in another part of the country, and she really had been negligent in wr ...

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Just one more thing: Enduring despite all obstacles Just one more thing: Enduring despite all obstacles
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  October 05, 1981

One of the biggest success factors that — as the old saying goes separates the sheep from the goats is endurance, Endurance! It means to hold on. To last. To remain. To continue. Endurance is the ability to put up with pain. To persist under pressure. To deal with distress and fight fatigue. Stop an ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 31, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 31, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 31, 1972

Here we are at the SHORTEST month of the year. That makes it financially difficult, for we have a FULL MONTH'S bills to meet, but fewer days for receiving tithes and offerings — though we DO get one extra DAY this February, since it is another leap year. Giant doors are opening before us now, it s ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  November 1959

Question: How should we view the American custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day? Answer: The Thanksgiving holiday was established in comparatively recent years. It is, of course, not mentioned in Scripture - but the principle of attending and celebrating national holidays is made clear in scripture ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1978 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1978
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 27, 1978

GREETINGS! What a year this has been! With me it has been largely a year of regaining health and physical strength after a complete heart failure in August of last year. It has been a traumatic year in some respects, yet a very successful year. I have just returned from my first trip abroad since my ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 12, 1973 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 12, 1973
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 12, 1973

I have just received quite a shock. On picking up a financial report issued by the Financial Affairs Division, I was horrified to notice that for the month of March there was a loss of 23%, COMPARED to March of last year, in receipt of the SPECIAL OFFERINGS for the BUILDING FUND. On checking, I foun ...

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What is Your Goal? What is Your Goal?
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  January 1967

Many of you brethren have never fully realized what your goal ought to be. Desiring merely to make it into God's Kingdom is not enough. You need a much higher goal than this! WHAT SHOULD the real Christian goal be? Most members of God's Church will automatically answer, "Why, my goal is to ...

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Today's Religious Customs... how did they begin? - Installment 6 Today's Religious Customs... how did they begin? - Installment 6
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1960

What is the real origin of Easter, Christmas, St. John's Day? Here is the surprising answer! Part VI. It will come as a shocking surprise. You probably have never noticed it before, but it is true! Easter was being observed 4000 years ago! It was still being observed when the Christ-child was born ...

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Rumors and their mongers Rumors and their mongers
Robert E Fahey  -  Good News   -  December 18, 1978

Talk about rumor is usually too simplistic. Communication people know that rumor can be a good sign because it show's interest. Somebody cares about the person being discussed. His actions are important and significant. People talk about what is of interest to them. We have given our lives t ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 27, 1974 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 27, 1974
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 27, 1974

I have just received great news from Manila. Once again I am writing from my "office" in my plane, in the air, far above the ground. We have just taken off from Amman, Jordan, where I had a most eventful and busy six days — the opening visit toward another mass-audience campaign. In Amman ...

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You CAN Be Positive in Today's World You CAN Be Positive in Today's World
Colin Adair  -  Good News   -  March 1985

Sure, there's a better world coming In the future, but how can you stay positive In this evil age? The Bible tells! Terrorism! Murder! Financial crises! War! Family breakups! Weather upsets! Famine! Pollution! Every day, terrifying tragedies jump out at us in startling headlines from the front pag ...

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