Level 4 - Lesson 3 - Youth Bible Lesson Level 4 - Lesson 3 - Youth Bible Lesson  -  Youth Bible Lesson
Worldwide Church of God   -  1981

Joseph's Adventures ...

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Level 5 - Lesson 2 - Youth Bible Lesson Level 5 - Lesson 2 - Youth Bible Lesson  -  Youth Bible Lesson
Worldwide Church of God   -  1981

Man's History Begins ...

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Level 6 - Lesson 11 - Youth Bible Lesson Level 6 - Lesson 11 - Youth Bible Lesson  -  Youth Bible Lesson
Worldwide Church of God   -  1981

Judah's Decline as a Nation ...

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Level 8 - Special Feast Lesson - Youth Bible Lesson Level 8 - Special Feast Lesson - Youth Bible Lesson  -  Youth Bible Lesson
Worldwide Church of God   -  1981

God's Festivals Do Make a Difference - Fall Festival Edition ...

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Youth Opportunities United (YOU) Manual Youth Opportunities United (YOU) Manual
Worldwide Church of God  -  Ambassador College Manuals   -  July 1, 1985

The Youth Education Services (YES) Pastor's Manual is designed to help you administer a successful YES program in the churches that you pastor. Included in the manual is a statement of goals and purposes, job descriptions for those needed to conduct the program, guidelines for organizing evaluatio ...

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CHRISTMAS 2000 Years Before Christ CHRISTMAS 2000 Years Before Christ
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1981

How did customs, celebrated long before the birth of Jesus, come to be called "Christmas"? It was that festive season again. The little children were filled with anticipation and excitement. The whole family was busily involved in putting up decorations. Boughs of holly and evergreen were assembled ...

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Will You Go to HELL? Will You Go to HELL?
Radio Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Does the BIBLE reveal that God is an "angry Judge"? - that God tortures helpless sinners ages without end? SHOCKING as it may seem, you may go to "hell"! Many of your loved ones are right now in "hell"! But don't be alarmed! You have probably never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is - and ...

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Just What Do You Mean... ARMAGEDDON? Just What Do You Mean... ARMAGEDDON?
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1982

Few understand the real meaning of this much-misused biblical term. THE WORD Armageddon is familiar to just about everyone. Statesmen, scientists and generals warn of the dire prospects of a "nuclear Armageddon" that could annihilate mankind from the face of the earth. Many believed that World War I ...

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Timeline: 1. The Generations of Adam or The Pre-Flood Patriarchs - Genesis 5 Timeline: 1. The Generations of Adam or The Pre-Flood Patriarchs - Genesis 5
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Recreation 4024 B.C. (Before Christ) - Adam (930) - Seth (912) - Enos (905) - Cainan (910) - Mahalaleel (895) - Jared (962) - Enoch (365) - Methuselah (969) - Lamech (777) - Noah (950) - Flood 2369 B.C. - Adam died within the "Day", (Gen. 2:17) or before 1,000 years (II Peter 3:8). ...

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Timeline: 2. The Generations of Noah or The Post-Flood Patriarchs - Genesis 11:10-32 Timeline: 2. The Generations of Noah or The Post-Flood Patriarchs - Genesis 11:10-32
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Ark Begun - Flood - Babel - Noah (950) - Shem (600) - Arphaxad (438) - Salah (433) - Eber (464) - Peleg (239) - Reu (237) - Serug (230) - Nahor (148) - Terah (205) Nahor - Haran - Abraham (175). Lifespans dropped off sharply after the flood: Noah died 2 years before Abraham was born.... ...

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Timeline: 4. Abraham To Moses or The Fathers - Genesis 12 to Exodus 6 Timeline: 4. Abraham To Moses or The Fathers - Genesis 12 to Exodus 6
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Abraham (175) - Sarah (127) - Isaac (180) - Jacob (147) - Esau - Joseph (110) - Job - Levi (137) - Kohath (133) - Amram (137) - Aaron (120) - Moses (120) Joshua; Abraham departs to Canaan upon the death of his father Terah at age 75. The Battle of the Kings, Rescue of Lot and Tithes to Melchizedek ( ...

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Timeline: 6. The Exodus To Division or Mostly The Judges Timeline: 6. The Exodus To Division or Mostly The Judges
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Moses - Joshua - Elders - Mesopotamian Oppression (Chushan-Rishathaim) - Othniel - Moabite Oppression (Eglon) - Ehud and Shamgar - Canaanite Oppression (Jabin) - Deborah and Barak - Midianite Oppression - Gideon - Philistine Oppression - Ammonite Oppression - Abimelech - Tola - Samson - Jephthan - B ...

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Timeline: 7. Entering The Promised Land Timeline: 7. Entering The Promised Land
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Nisan, 1446 B.C. - Spies sent to Jericho, make agreement with Rahab who hides them and helps them escape that night (Joshua 2:1-21). - Three days spies hiding (Joshua 2:16, 22). - Spies return to Joshua at Shittim (Joshua 2:23-24). - Israelites removed from Shittim and lodged before the Jordan (Josh ...

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Timeline: 8. Kings And Prophets or The Downfall of Juda Timeline: 8. Kings And Prophets or The Downfall of Juda
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

25 to 400 B.C. - Captivity of Israel - Sennacherib attacked and Hezekiah sick (II Kings 18-20) - Josiah seeks God (II Cor. 34:3) - Josiah purges Judah (II Cor. 34:3) - Jeremiah called - Josiah finds law, keeps Passover (II Cor. 34) - 612 B.C. Nineveh overthrown (Neh. 1-3) - 3 years Daniel "Nour ...

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Timeline: 9. Kings Of Israel And Judah Including Some Prophets Timeline: 9. Kings Of Israel And Judah Including Some Prophets
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

971 to 718 B.C. - Judah - Rehoboam 17 - Abijam 3 - ASA 41 - Jehoshaphat 25 - Jehoram 13 - Jehoram - Ahaziah 2 - Athaliah 7 - Jehoash 40 - Amaziah 29 - Uzziak - Azariah, Uzziah 52 - Jotham 16 - Ahaz 16 - Hezekiah - Israel - Jeraboam 22 - Nadab 2 - Baasha 24 - Elah 2 - Zimri - Tibni 4 - Omri 12 - Ahab ...

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