New Wine and Old Bottles New Wine and Old Bottles
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  December 1985

Jesus Christ expects His followers to become totally committed to all of God's laws and way of life. The transition can be very difficult! Are you thinking about making some big changes in the way you live? You have begun to understand the truth about how a real Christian ought to behave. You have ...

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Who Killed Jesus Christ? Who Killed Jesus Christ?
Paul S Royer  -  Good News   -  March 1967

Historians are divided on who killed Christ. The Jews argue their innocence. The Romans deny any part in the slaying of Christ! No one will admit killing Jesus Christ! Do you know who killed your Savior? THIRTY or forty Mongolian pack animals, under the control of fifteen or twenty Burmese, labored ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 23, 1978 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 23, 1978
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 23, 1978

GREETINGS! Jesus Christ, the Head of God's Church, has been moving swiftly to RE-AWAKEN and set His Church back on the track, during the past five months. Then He completely started Ambassador College all over again—throwing out the secularism and immorality that had crept in while Christ's Apos ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 28   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Back into the Ministry: WE SOON LEARNED there was a reason why Mike Helms had come for us when he did. The former president of the California conference, A. J. Ray, had moved to Oregon, near Jefferson. A very small balance had accumulated in the conference treasury, and small amounts of tithes from ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 27, 1970 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 27, 1970
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 27, 1970

I want to give you, by personal letter, a portion of my "Personal" talk coming in the March number of The PLAIN TRUTH. You will be receiving it in just a few days. But I want you to read this portion IN ADVANCE — and then you may read the rest when your copy of the magazine arrives.. Here ...

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God's Work in the 1st and 20th Centuries God's Work in the 1st and 20th Centuries
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  October 31, 1981

Greetings, everybody, once again. I don't know, when we have these television cameras on, the lights are so bright on me, that I can hardly see you. And I would rather see you. I've been seeing a lot of our brethren lately. I wonder if some of you have been wondering where have I been all these ...

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A Staggering Turn in World Events A Staggering Turn in World Events
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Ladies and gentlemen, greetings. If you knew what was prophesied to happen to the United States, and that means to you and to yours within the very next few years, you would be very vitally concerned. A staggering turn in world events is prophesied to happen in the very next few years. If it doesn+* ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1962

There is no need to live in fear and doubt - YOU CAN KNOW what and where hell is, who goes to hell and whether any can leave hell. Read the answers, plainly written and explained from God's Own Word. The restaurant was crowded with businessmen and women of Pasadena discussing their day's busines ...

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In Vain Do They Worship Me In Vain Do They Worship Me
George P Ritter  -  Good News   -  June 1975

Have you ever wondered why God should be so concerned about the way people worship Him? Why does He repeatedly warn about the pitfalls of vain and empty forms of worship throughout the Bible? Were all of these admonitions and warnings given mainly for the benefit of a few superstitious people who li ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter II       Objects of Worship    II. The Child in Egypt
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

When we turn to Egypt we find remarkable evidence of the same thing there also. Justin, as we have already seen, says that "Ninus subdued all nations, as far as Lybia," and consequently Egypt. The statement of Diodorus Siculus is to the same effect, Egypt being one of the countries that, a ...

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How To Really Understand the Bible How To Really Understand the Bible
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  August 1975

HAVE you ever tried to read the Bible, only to throw up your hands and exclaim; "I can't understand it"? You're not alone if you have. Here is an eye-opening example of the appalling lack of biblical understanding and outright ignorance of the "Book of all books" among professing Christ ...

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How You Can Be Imbued With the POWER of God! How You Can Be Imbued With the POWER of God!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1979

The Church in apostolic days was filled with power! Today, Christians are spiritually lifeless. Why? What has happened that Christians seem cut off from the source of that power? News flashes constantly bombard us with reports of undreamed -of new powers unleashed by science. Never has the world had ...

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How You Can Be Imbued With The Power of God! How You Can Be Imbued With The Power of God!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1979

The Church in apostolic days was filled with power! Today, Christians are spiritually lifeless. Why? What has happened that Christians seem cut off from the source of that power? News flashes constantly bombard us with reports of undreamed - of new powers unleashed by science. ...

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WHY Christ Died - and Rose Again! WHY Christ Died - and Rose Again!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1983

IT IS revealed that Jesus was "Emmanuel" - that is, "God with us" - GOD in human flesh. He was both God and man - divine as well as human. Can God die? Was Jesus really dead, or did only His body die? Was Jesus the divine One alive during the three days and three nights a body wa ...

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Exploring Ancient History - The First 2500 Years Exploring Ancient History - The First 2500 Years   Chapter 4         
Roy Schulz  -  Reference Book   -  1967

Lamech's Famous Family; The descendants of Cain were the key figures in the events that brought the flood upon the world. What did they do to bring world society to the point of universal saturation in sin? To answer this it is necessary to closely examine Lamech and certain individuals in his fam ...

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