Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1965 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1965
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 18, 1965

GREETINGS! It's time again for my Semi-Annual personal letter to our subscribers, answering some of the personal questions always coming to us—about myself—about The WORLD TOMORROW—about The PLAIN TRUTH—about Ambassador College. And once again, I'm overjoyed that it has been made possible to pre ...

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What's So What's So "Hallowed" About Halloween?
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  October-November 1985

The name means "hallowed evening." But is it really? Where did it come from? What is it all about? And is it really good for children? Creepy goblins, ghosts and demons, witches on brooms, spiders and bats, dead men's bones, flickering jack-o'-lanterns, black cats, eerie costumes and p ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 29, 1966 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 29, 1966
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 29, 1966

Do you realize what's just ahead for YOU? Here we are, just ready to enter another new year. But also—a million times more important—we are right on the very threshold of a N E W W O R L D ! You probably never thought of this before. But consider! If I said to you, "Jesus Christ has shown me ...

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Born Again Born Again
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  April 26, 1979

Why is it, let me ask once again my friends, that you have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ? But rather a false gospel, a gospel that masquerades as the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but which in fact is merely a gospel about His person and which represents Jesus Christ as a sort of smart-aleck young ...

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Germany's Forests Are Dying Germany's Forests Are Dying
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1986

It has been said that Indians worship their cows and Germans worship their trees. India's cows can often be seen wandering the streets of Madras, Calcutta and Bombay-sad, often half-starved creatures struggling to survive in an unnatural and unhealthy environment. They may be in better condition t ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 16, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 16, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 16, 1961

Since my last letter, world events have been happening fast! Also events in the progress of this Work of God have been happening fast! As I said then, God Almighty, who rules the UNIVERSE, right now is holding back the furious winds of world-devastating nuclear WAR, —just long enough to get done thi ...

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Me... Read the Bible? Me... Read the Bible?
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1983

Out-of-date in the nuclear age? A collection of ancient superstitions? Or the most up-to-date book available? You need to know! What a paradox. The Bible is consistently on the best-seller list. Yet for many who have a copy it is one of the least read and most often misunderstood of books. The chanc ...

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An Open Letter to Young People An Open Letter to Young People
Tom Carrozzo  -  Good News   -  September-October 1972

WHEN I was about five years old, I remember going to literally dozens of churches with my parents. First one and then another. My dad was searching for something, and I don't believe even he knew what. One night on our way to a sports arena in San Diego, California, to hear an "evangelist" na ...

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Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays? Should Christians Celebrate Birthdays?
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Good News   -  May 1980

What's wrong with such a "harmless" observance as marking the day of your birth? God's Word reveals the proper Christian attitude, and it's inextricably tied to the purpose of human life! Paper plates and party hats lay strewn across the kitchen table. Some plastic forks and a few napkins ...

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HWALibrary Site Map HWALibrary Site Map
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Site Map

Books, Booklets, Special Topics, Magazines, Tomorrow's World, Plain Truth, Good News, Bible Advocate, Telecast, Sermons, Radio Broadcast, Bible Study, MiniStudy, 12 Lesson Bible, 32 Lesson Bible, 58 Lesson Bible, Correspondence Course, Youth Bible Lesson, Teen Bible Study, Youth Magazine, Bible St ...

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Prophecies of the Future Prophecies of the Future
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And my friends we can know the world tomorrow. For, although no man can predict the future, no mortal, no human power knows what's going to happen, as a matter of fact we don't even know what a day is going to bring forth. No fortune teller can tell us, no astrologer, no crystal ball gazer — you ...

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Outline of Prophecy 10 - Coming US Captivity - Why? Outline of Prophecy 10 - Coming US Captivity - Why?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Again now, continuing what's going to happen to the United States. Well, let's continue right on now where we were in the preceding program in that amazing, that vital prophecy about the United States, about our future, what's going to happen to us; the thirty-first chapter of Jeremiah. Now, w ...

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America A America A "Tithe-Paying" Nation?
Gary L Alexander  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September-October 1970

Recently, a major national news magazine headlined an article about America's religious contributions : "Americans' 'Open Pocketbook': Giving to Charity Sets Record." The article told of $7.9 billion, or almost $40 per capita, given to all churches during the year of 1969. Sound pretty good? ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 28, 1956 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 28, 1956
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 28, 1956

This is my annual letter sent to all our new listeners and readers of the PLAIN TRUTH. Even though you may have received a similar letter a year ago, I thought you also might like to have this one. Hundreds continually write in asking "WHAT DENOMINATION do you represent?" Or "who spon ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1981 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1981
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 27, 1981

1981 has brought the United States, Britain and much of the Western world into economic depression. Inflation and unemployment have escalated and so has crime, violence, discontent and trouble generally. A year ago the big news was still the hostages in Iran. Now it's the crisis in Poland. The Mid ...

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