The Real Meaning Behind the News - FRENCH CRISIS ROCKS EUROPE The Real Meaning Behind the News - FRENCH CRISIS ROCKS EUROPE
Colin A Wilkins  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1968

Here is an on-the-spot report of the French riots, what caused them, and what they mean for the future of Europe and the world. Paris, France. For a while Paris had the appearance of a city under siege. As we drove from Le Bourget airport at night, traffic gradually came to a standstill in one of th ...

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Lifting the Cloud of DEPRESSION Lifting the Cloud of DEPRESSION
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1984

Are you needlessly experiencing hopelessness and despair? It is time you understood the reasons for this all-too-common human affliction! It is a tragic but real fact of life. Mental depression has run like a heavy dark thread throughout the fabric of human history. Men and women, the great and smal ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 80   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Dear Co-Worker with Christ: Suppose God had called you, yourself, individually, to start His Work for this time - to think out the plans and ways to go about it, to preach and publish Christ's gospel message for the soon-coming Kingdom of God in all the world for a witness to all nations! Would yo ...

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A House Divided... A House Divided...
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  March 1974

Question: If the devil wanted to destroy the Church, how would he do it? Answer: Divide and conquer. DIVIDE and conquer is one of the fundamental rules of warfare. And we are in a war! As Paul said: "... Our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organizations and powers that are spi ...

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The Resurrection: Hope of Mankind The Resurrection: Hope of Mankind
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1974

Did you ever wonder what happens after this life? Does death end it all? Here is good news straight from the pages of the Bible! TODAY, Christianity is divided into literally hundreds of sects and denominations - with many interpretations about life, death, and the hereafter. But why should there be ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1965

The ignorant Greeks labeled the Creator: "The Unknown God" (Acts 17:23). They forgot WHO He is - because they had lost the meaning of His name! That name is important - what is it? What does it mean? How IMPORTANT is a name? Does it make any difference what name you use to designate the Cr ...

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Did God intend for the Book of Jasher to be preserved for us today? Did God intend for the Book of Jasher to be preserved for us today?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 920   -  1960

Did God intend for the Book of Jasher to be preserved for us today? Some people have assumed that one or another of the books that today fraudulently bear the title "The Book of Jasher" might be the same book called by that name in Joshua 10:13 and II Samuel 1:18. This is not true! The spu ...

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Prove All Things: Will You Go To Heaven? Prove All Things: Will You Go To Heaven?
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  October-November 1984

Heaven! This one short word summarizes the blessed goal of all Christians. It gives the very meaning of the purpose of life, and the essence of the hope of life after death. Or does it? Millions of professing Christians think so. But are they correct? Is heaven what they think it is - namely, the pr ...

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Has God Eternally Existed? Has God Eternally Existed?
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Special Topics   -  1973

A QUESTION which has long puzzled those who apply logic to God's existence is: "Who made God? Where did He come from?" The answer most often given is that He has eternally existed. No one made Him. He has always been. Many, however, find this confusing. It seems like no answer at all, bu ...

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Who Is the BEAST? Who Is the BEAST?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1960

Who Is the "BEAST"? If you have his mark, you must suffer the seven last PLAGUES! Is he a mysterious superman world dictator yet to appear? ... Is he the Antichrist? ... or a government? ... or a church? THE MOST important question of the hour is: What, or who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the beast, ...

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Here's How You Can Change Your World Here's How You Can Change Your World
Charles F Hunting  -  Good News   -  May 1975

Have you tried to really change your life, only to fail miserably? Maybe you have overlooked one vital key that can guarantee success. This article tells you how you can effect genuine, lasting change! IT WAS just after the party - which one was it? New Year's, Christmas, a birthday or th ...

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Who is the BEAST? Who is the BEAST?
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1960

If you have his Mark, you must suffer the Seven Last PLAGUES!! Is he a mysterious superman world dictator yet to appear?... Is he the Antichrist?... or a government?... or a Church? THE MOST important question of the hour is: What, or who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the beast, and the MARK of the Be ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter I   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

WHY DIFFICULTIES? The Bible is God's divine revelation of the most necessary, basic knowledge of all life. It is the very FOUNDATION which mankind could not otherwise discover. It is the revelation of God's mind, will and character. And God is far greater than man in knowledge, wisdom and spirit ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1986

Of the hundreds of articles Herbert w. Armstrong wrote, the one reprinted here stands out. It brilliantly sums up the wonderful way of life the Bible teaches - the way of life Mr. Armstrong lived and preached to millions. Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how ...

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David Jon Hill & Robert L Kuhn  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May-June 1970

Strict. Strait. Stern. Uncompromising. Unmerciful. Ritualistic. Rigorous. Restrictive. Repressive. Hard. Harsh. Legal. Solemn. Iron-fisted. Negative. Austere. That's God's Law. Or so we have been taught. Because in the English language the word "law" has come to carry the connotation of unrelent ...

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