Worldwide News December 08, 1975 Headlines Worldwide News December 08, 1975 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  December 08, 1975

Youth drums up scholarship - Canadian strike over; six-week freeze thaws - New season: 86 stations carry telecast - 22 years, on Old Man River; tow that barge, lift that... - Processing enveloped by mail, but letters handled with care - Tale of the mail: 2.1 million letters a year - She makes servic ...

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So Many Versions So Many Versions
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1980

A veritable explosion in 20th-century Bible translations is occurring. Some are excellent; some tragic. Explained here is the way to choose good translations. In this fast-paced 20th century the primary languages of the Church members are English, followed by Spanish, French, Afrikaans and German. Y ...

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Geneva - Site of Seventh Foreign Office Geneva - Site of Seventh Foreign Office
Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  October 1963

Here are the intimate details of the establishment of the French office in Geneva, Switzerland - and the clear living proof of how Christ guides and rules in His Church today! THE VERY name of Paris, without a doubt, is linked in most people's minds with romance, gaiety and love, which are today s ...

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HERE'S HOW TO - Increase YOUR Part In God's Work! HERE'S HOW TO - Increase YOUR Part In God's Work!
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  June 1963

Here are some practical suggestions you can put to work in your life NOW - and you'll enjoy the next annual Festival much more. ANY MEMBERS in God's Church say regretfully: "If I only had MORE money, I'd give more FINANCIAL SUPPORT to God's Work." But there is something you as an individual ...

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Worldwide News December 22, 1975 Headlines Worldwide News December 22, 1975 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  December 22, 1975

Conference scheduled for pastors - 'Human Potential' issue to be sent to members - Ambassador campuses complete fall semester - Feature this: YOUth wins writing contest - YOUth features student-body president - Doc and Queen drafted to pull 4,700 pounds - He rules the kitchen by touch - Income u ...

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Worldwide News February 16, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News February 16, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  February 16, 1976

Mr. Armstrong in Bahamas, prepares for Nassau campaign - GTA speaks in Canada - College trustees meet - Ambassador's dean direct Canadian Work - Faculty jobs offered - War orphan adopted by family - Puzzling name changes at Petti/yjohn wedding - French director notes skepticism at campaigns - Grow ...

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The People of God Are Blessed! The People of God Are Blessed!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  March 1961

A new office in Canada! A new church in Wichita! Blessings and healing in the local churches. THOUGH persecuted and opposed by the forces of Satan, God's people are richly BLESSED. Having a direct part in the very WORK of the body of Jesus Christ is a wonderful challenge and privilege to every one ...

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Do You Really Desire God's Kingdom? Do You Really Desire God's Kingdom?
Colin Adair  -  Good News   -  August 1971

Do you still see the need for Christ's return? Or has the comfort and fine living of the Western world clouded your vision of the world's suffering masses? Read this eye-opening article from our office manager in the Philippines to see what conditions are really like in that part of th ...

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Used Clothing - a Blessing for the Needy Used Clothing - a Blessing for the Needy
Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  March 1962

Behind the scenes, the Used Clothing Department at Pasadena has become blessing in the lives of hundreds of needy people in God's work. Read how YOU can do your part in helping your brethren IN NEED. LITERALLY tons of used clothing have been sent out from Headquarters in Pasadena to needy brethren ...

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Ambassador For World Peace - Part 1 Ambassador For World Peace - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 19, 1979

A new dimension of the Worldwide Church of God began in 1968 when Herbert W. Armstrong began meeting with high-level world leaders in various capitals around the world. Herbert Armstrong has met with the heads of state of such Asian and Near Eastern nations as Japan, the Philippines, South Vietnam, ...

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Into What Were You BAPTIZED? Into What Were You BAPTIZED?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1960

Here are vital principles new members and old alike desperately need to understand! SO NOW you've been baptized! Today, most denominational leaders are truly elated over rising church attendance, increased Bible sales, a gradual leaning toward religion to supply the answers in a perplexing, franti ...

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How to Observe the Sabbath How to Observe the Sabbath
Raymond C Cole  -  Good News   -  February 1957

Here are the answers to those perplexing questions which many of our recent converts have asked us! Should we prepare meals on the Sabbath? Is it a violation of God's law to travel, to care for livestock, or help others to harvest crops on the Sabbath? Does God require us to attend Church? MORE TH ...

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The Time We Are In, Now The Time We Are In, Now
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1980

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Just where are we now, in the prophesied panorama of events leading to the END of this age? Both world events and occurrences in the Church indicate we are in the time mentioned in Daniel 12. In verse 2, Daniel speaks of the resurrection of saints at the ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 2 Compendium of World History - Volume 2  -  Chapter VII   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

The origin of the American Indian has puzzled Europeans from the day Columbus' sailors set foot on the Caribbean isle. Yet, just four centuries earlier, the New World was common knowledge to the educated in North Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. Its natives were even embracing the faith of the Ro ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  October 9, 1978

My 10-year-old worries about taking off from school to attend the Feast or Tabernacles: Last year his grades suffered after the Feast. What can I do to help him? Member The Feast is the highlight of the year for many children - a time to travel to new places, do new fun things, perhaps rece ...

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