Brian Knowles      |   Remove Highlight

At this moment we have received the layouts back from the Execut1ve Offices on sigs 2 & 3 of the January PT. Sig 1 and the cover will follow later. Messrs. Armstrong and Rader have all the January copy at this moment for approval.

I thought I'd mention that present plans call for the introduction of a Journalism class to the Ambassador College program next semester. At this point I have been assigned to teach it. It will be available to sabbatical ministers and students alike.

Hopefully the class will be taught in the Conference Room of the Editorial Services Department. This will enable students to have direct access to the functions and personnel of that department. Mr. Armstrong himself, whether in person or through his own writing, will set the standards for the class. I plan to invite him to conduct as many classes as he wishes. He and I have discussed writing styles at length in the past as well as the early influences on his own writing style. This material will be included in the class. Other guest lecturers will include Roger Lippross, who will explain the production process.

We plan to emphasize the audio-visual approach, classroom discussions and actual writing assignments. Specialists from our own editorial departments will be invited to participate. One goal of the class will be to produce publishable articles for The Plain Truth and The Good News. We hope there will be a good response to the class as it will certainly have long-term benefits to the Work and the publishing area. I thought I'd let you know about this class a little in advance so that you can plan on taking it if you wish to attend.

The Healing booklet is now well into the press cycle and, I am told, should be making its appearance any day now.

— Brian Knowles, Editorial Services

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Pastor General's ReportNovember 15, 1978Vol 2 No. 42