Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

Why Does God Hide Himself? Why Does God Hide Himself?
David Jon Hill & Robert L Kuhn - 1970

Generations of agnostics and religionists alike have been baffled. Hot debate has raged for centuries. Philosophers have long inquired about God's whereabouts. Theologians have long made excuses for His absence. But must we make excuses for God? Why has God hidden Himself? It's time to get a str ...

Why Does God Permit Christians To Suffer? Why Does God Permit Christians To Suffer?
Ambassador College Production

How Is God's Love For Us Expressed? If God truly loves His spirit-begotten children, why does He sometimes permit suffering and pain? Perhaps we have failed to understand just how God expresses His divine love. You Need To Know Why Fiery Trials Are Necessary: Throughout history, God's people hav ...

Why God Allows Untimely Death Why God Allows Untimely Death
Richard J Rice - 1979

Bob - a fine, upstanding Christian man - was driving home from work. Rain had been falling most of the day and the roadway was wet and treacherous. As he rounded a curve in the road, his tires began slipping and his car went skidding in circles out of control. The auto crunched to a jolting halt aga ...

Why God Is Not Real to Most People Why God Is Not Real to Most People
Herbert W Armstrong

Millions who claim to believe in God would be shocked if they knew the actual SOURCE of their belief and practice. I WONDER if you are like the person who said to me: "I believe in God, but it seems like God is so far of - so UNREAL!" WHY do most people feel this way? ...

Herbert W Armstrong - 1970

Many are the afflictions of the righteous," says Scripture. WHY? "I am the Eternal... I create evil," says Isa. 45:5, 7. HOW can this be? Who was responsible for Adam's sin? Did Satan thwart God's purpose? Was God unable to prevent it? The real meaning of the book of JOB brings the true answer. ...

Why Prophecy? Why Prophecy?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1960

One-third of the Bible is PROPHECY! Why was it written? Why is it so mysterious? Why does almost no one understand it? Here are the Bible answers! BIBLE prophecy has perplexed millions! Many hundreds of volumes have been written - articles, leaflets, tracts printed - thousands of sermons have been p ...

Why Russia Will Not Attack America Why Russia Will Not Attack America
Ambassador College Production - 1980

For decades now, the prospect of war between Russia and the United States has continually heightened and lessened. Many who claim to be authorities on prophecy assure people a war involving Russia and the United States, Canada and England is prophesied in Ezekiel 38. The United States, Britain and o ...

Why So Many Denominations? Why So Many Denominations?
Herman L Hoeh - 1970

Is Christ divided? There are hundreds of denominations in America - and many other little groups and sects. WHY? When did this confusion originate? IT'S HARD to believe, but it's TRUE! The actual facts of history - both Biblical and secular - are astonishing! It's time we looked behind this cu ...

Why the BEAVER Has a Better Idea Why the BEAVER Has a Better Idea
Jerry Gentry - 1971

Scientists are just beginning to realize the value of beavers. How can this 50-pound fur bearer whose only tool is a set of 3-inch buck teeth check soil erosion, reduce flood damage, store water, sustain stream flow, provide fishing areas, and generally IMPROVE ecology for a host of other creatures? ...

Why The Strange Customs Of Halloween? Why The Strange Customs Of Halloween?
Worldwide Church of God - 1973

Where did Halloween come from? Should it be observed? Few realize just how enlightened twentieth century man came to observe such a superstitious custom. HALLOWEEN is the strangest holiday of the entire year. On the eve of November 1, children in many lands dress as goblins, or as witches, knock on ...

Will Russia Attack America? Will Russia Attack America?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1971

Many who claim to be authorities on prophecy assure people a war involving Russia and America and England is prophesied in Ezekiel 38. The United States, Great Britain, and the democracies of northwestern Europe are actually modern ISRAEL - descended from the so-called lost Ten Tribes. ...

Will You Go to HELL? Will You Go to HELL?
Radio Church of God - 1955

Does the BIBLE reveal that God is an "angry Judge"? - that God tortures helpless sinners ages without end? SHOCKING as it may seem, you may go to "hell"! Many of your loved ones are right now in "hell"! But don't be alarmed! You have probably never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is - and ...

Winning at Work Winning at Work
Ambassador College Production

Looking for work? Choosing a job or career? Thinking of changing your present occupation? Few decisions in life carry more long-term consequences. What we behold in the world today, both in the fields of management and labor as now set up, is simply organized competition and greed. This has produced ...

You Are NOT an You Are NOT an "Armstrongite"
Radio Church of God - 1954

Some of our members need to learn to what Church they belong! DO YOU know what Church you belong to? When your friends ask you, "What is your church? What denomination do you belong to?" - what is your answer? Do you tell them you are an "Armstrongite?" - or a member of the "Armstrong Movement" - th ...

You Can Conquer Discouragement You Can Conquer Discouragement
Richard J Rice - 1978

Discouragement is one of the most powerful and devastating emotions known to man. Like the withering effect of a scorching wind, it can leave us weak, helpless, fruitless and lifeless. Discouragement is a negative force that stifles growth, drains enthusiasm, inhibits drive, disorients one's mind ...

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