Know The Answer?
Name Naomi's daughter-in-law who returned to Bethlehem with her.

Ruth 1:14-16

WHY Delinquency Begins in the Home
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1956
Volume: Vol XXI, No.6
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WHY Delinquency Begins in the Home

This is the second in a series of three vitally important articles on the problem of child rearing. America is faced with a generation of youthful criminals! Vicious attacks, robberies, rapes and murders are being committed by juveniles even 15 years of age and younger! President Eisenhower legislated federal aid to help the individual states combat their teen-age crime problems. Authorities want more juvenile institution, more psychiatrists and larger police forces. Information published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows the startling rise in crime among mere youths – a rise causing much public concern today.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1956Vol XXI, No.6