Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

What Do You Mean... IMMORTAL SOUL? What Do You Mean... IMMORTAL SOUL?
Worldwide Church of God - 1982

Where did the idea of an "immortal soul" come from? The Bible? FEW BELIEFS are more widely held than that of the "immortal soul." Virtually everyone is familiar with the concept. The average religious person, if asked, would state it something like this: A human person is both body and soul. The bod ...

What Fish and Fowl are Good for Food? What Fish and Fowl are Good for Food?
Radio Church of God - 1958

The Bible itself defines what sea life is good food. "Whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat" (Leviticus 11:39). In verse 10 it is further clarified: "and all that have not fins AND scales in the seas... they shall be an abomin ...

What Is a REAL Christian? What Is a REAL Christian?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1959

It's SHOCKING, but it's TRUE! Most professing "Christians" today are not REALLY Christians! Read this frank, vital article proving it - and find out what YOU need to be doing about it! WHAT IS A REAL Christian? Perhaps you've heard many different, conflicting definitions. ...

What Is Best Age for Marriage? What Is Best Age for Marriage?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1970

What is the Best Age for Marriage? WHY so many unhappy marriages? WHY is the divorce rate increasing? What are the chances of a teen-age marriage succeeding? Is there a BEST AGE for marriage? Here are the answers, from a wealth of counseling experience. ...

What Is Death? What Is Death?
Ambassador College - 1970

Just what IS Death? IS there a Resurrection? Do the DEAD know what the LIVING are doing? Is SUICIDE unforgivable? Where will you meet loved ones again? WHY does God allow CHRISTIANS to die? Does death ever come as PUNISHMENT? What if one dies being unconverted? Is he lost forever? Here GOD ALMIGHTY ...

What Is Man? What Is Man?
Ambassador College Production - 1982

What makes humans unique? Does man have an "immortal soul"? Is there any way of knowing what we are, why we are, where we are going, and the way to get there? MAN IS the most complex, truly unique physical mechanism ever designed and made. With such a marvelous mind and body, we might expect it wa ...

Robert E Gentet & Paul W Kroll - 1971

One of the most precious commodities needed to make deserts "bloom as the rose" is WATER. Read about the astonishing plans of scientists to blast chasms in mountains, divide continents, melt Arctic ice packs — all in hopes of providing water and a hospitable climate for millions. WATER is a most pre ...

What Is Real Christianity? What Is Real Christianity?
Worldwide Church of God - 1983

Jesus Christ lived and taught a unique way of life. This three-part series explores the process of conversion and what true Christian character is. They called Christ's disciples "these that have turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6). The blunt, ruggedly honest young Teacher from Galilee revol ...

What Is REAL Repentance? What Is REAL Repentance?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1959

Millions have heard the cry, "REPENT! Receive Christ!" But what does it mean? What is real repentance? Here's the BIBLE ANSWER! IN A WORLD fraught with tension and fear, increasing thousands are turning to religion. Somehow, many feel they need to "get right" with God - to join a Church - to becom ...

What Is The Handwriting of Ordinances? What Is The Handwriting of Ordinances?
Ambassador College Production - 1970

Many wonder about the meaning of Colossians 2:14-17. Has God's Law been done away? Did Jesus blot out the Ten Commandments? Here is proof from the Bible making PLAIN these often misunderstood verses! A GREAT deal of confusion seems to surround the meaning of Colossians 2:14-17. Some believe these ...

What Is the PLACE Jesus Is Preparing? What Is the PLACE Jesus Is Preparing?
Herman L Hoeh - 1958

Here is a thorough, revealing explanation of a greatly misunderstood text. Did Jesus say Christians go to heaven? MANY today believe Jesus told His disciples that Christians will spend eternity in "mansions" in heaven. They quote His words in John 14:1-4. Did Jesus really say that our reward is a ma ...

What Is the PURPOSE of the Resurrection? What Is the PURPOSE of the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1955

Why is a resurrection necessary if man has an immortal soul? If we are saved by the death of Christ, why did Jesus have to be resurrected? Today we live in a time of world revolution. We begin to hear talk about the END OF THE WORLD! Today we face a DUAL question! Not only regarding man, but now als ...

What Is the Real Meaning of NOT OBSERVING What Is the Real Meaning of NOT OBSERVING "Days, Months, Times, Years?"
Ambassador College - 1970

Many ask about Paul's warning in Galatians 4:10 against observing "days, months, times and years." Just what were these days against which Paul preached? The answer is surprising. HERE IS what Paul wrote to the Galatians: "Howbeit then when ye knew not God, ye did service to them which by nature a ...

What Is the Reward of the Saved - HEAVEN? What Is the Reward of the Saved - HEAVEN?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1958

What assurance have we that our departed loved ones have gone to heaven? By WHAT AUTHORITY have we believed that we shall go to heaven if we're saved? THIS MAY be a little shocking — but I want to ask you a candid question: Did you ever look into your Bible to see whether it really does say you wi ...

What Is The Savior's Name? What Is The Savior's Name?
Lester L Grabbe - 1980

A teaching has spread that only Hebrew names - instead of the English or Greek names - are correct. Are such arguments soundly based? This article examines the question from the standpoint of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. MUST we speak of the Creator only as Elohim - using Hebrew? Should we s ...

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