Is This the Only Day of SALVATION? Is This the Only Day of SALVATION?
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1979

Is there a "great controversy" between God and Satan- God doing His best to get everybody saved- Satan trying to keep them lost- with time now fast running out on God? Millions of people are now living in Communist Russia and Red China where Christianity is suppressed. Those people did not choose to ...

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United States of EUROPE IS COMING! United States of EUROPE IS COMING!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  November 27, 1982

I learned a number of things in Europe. In Europe I talked with heads of government, especially in Athens and in Spain. I had a very fine meeting with the king of Spain, King Juan Carlos, whom I had met eight years before when he was the Crown Prince; and he was very glad to see me again. And in fac ...

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Coping with Loneliness Coping with Loneliness
Carole Ritter  -  Good News   -  April 1976

The affliction of loneliness has reached epidemic proportions in our society. Striking both young and old without warning, it provides psychiatrist and huckster alike with a fertile field in which to work. Why so much loneliness? Is it due to some personal deficiency in lonely people, or is ...

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The New Testament Teaching on Law and Grace The New Testament Teaching on Law and Grace
William F Dankenbring  -  Special Topics   -  1971

No question excites more controversy among professing Christians! God's Law abolished? Does Grace do away with Law? Here is what your Bible says — the plain teaching of your New Testament! MANY sincere people believe God's Law is "done away." "It was nailed to the cross," they say. ...

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Science vs. Theology? - Faith In Science Science vs. Theology? - Faith In Science
John E Portune  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July-August 1970

Dateline: London - The aim of science is objectivity and truth - the pursuit of knowledge based on concrete evidence and fact. Human emotion, intuition and philosophy are to be avoided. At least in theory. But in the real world, the difference between these noble concepts and outright narrow-mindedn ...

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Where Is The True Church? Where Is The True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics

What about this whole church question - as it concerns YOU? WHERE IS the original true Church which Jesus Christ founded - the one the living Jesus Christ STILL HEADS today? That is the question that haunted me, back in 1926 and early 1927. I had been reared, like many of our readers, in one of the ...

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What Is Human Nature? What Is Human Nature?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  January 17, 1979

Now, there is a reason and a cause for all of the troubles that we've had in this world. For all of the evils, all of the heartaches, all of the suffering, the violence, the murder, the crime, the lawlessness, the rebellion, the wrong attitudes, the unhappiness. And if I were to try to sum up one ...

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Who are Angels, What are Angels, Why are They? Who are Angels, What are Angels, Why are They?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Have you ever heard a message about angels? Do you believe that they exist? I'm certain that no scientist ever told you anything about an angel. No astronomer ever saw one in a telescope, and no chemist ever saw one in a microscope, I'm sure. But you do read of them in the Bible. Now who are ang ...

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How Your Financial Future Is Determined How Your Financial Future Is Determined
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1985

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Some of our readers of The Good News are unemployed right now. Others may be in danger of losing their jobs. And yet employers are even now hiring many thousands every month. Someone must replace those who retire, quit, die or are fired. Of course, · new jobs cons ...

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Millions Do Not Know What Christ Really Was! Millions Do Not Know What Christ Really Was!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1963

Shocking though it is, millions of sincere believers are deceived by a diabolical deception. ANTICHRIST IS HERE ALREADY! Perhaps YOU have been misled! Was Christ human, or Divine? Read the TRUTH about this vital subject that has puzzled millions. Your very SALVATION depends upon it! Real "UTOPI ...

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Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1985

Fewer subjects stir more interest than money. Sticking to a budget is vital to financial success. At our world headquarters in Pasadena, California, as I complete this article for The Plain Truth, it's budget preparation time. Our department heads are toiling over the previous year's facts and f ...

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The POWER of Prayer The POWER of Prayer
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Why aren't your prayers ANSWERED? Do you know HOW to pray? Here are facts you need to understand! WHEN you are sick or in trouble, you may pray about it. But do you have the faith and the understanding to leave it completely in God's hands - to absolutely know that He will deliver His children f ...

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Raymond F McNair  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1982

When and where did mankind become multilingual? WHAT brought about this diversity of languages? Here is how the world's multilingual problems will be solved! Today's world is a divided world- in its politics, religion, ideologies and in its social order. It is also hopelessly divided by uncounte ...

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Lynn E Torrance  -  Good News   -  August 1960

Here is the Basic Philosophy underlying modern education! Where, when, by whom did it originate? Here is the answer from the English Department at Ambassador. DO YOU KNOW what modern educators teach? Most people assume they teach your children the way to a happy abundant life. Most assume they build ...

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Why Do Some Pillars Fall? Why Do Some Pillars Fall?
Victor Root  -  Good News   -  January 1982

The apostle Paul wrote that God's people should be "stedfast, unmovable" (I Cor. 15:58). How can we develop this quality of stedfastness? Every visitor to the ruins of ancient Persepolis in southwest Iran is struck by the sight of 13 soaring stone pillars. Of 100 original columns in Dari ...

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