
Listen to  Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service
Herbert W Armstrong - October 13, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well greetings everybody all around the world to the largest annual Festival or convention held by anybody anywhere on the face of the earth today. You are, each of you, merely one of about 100,000 Brethren in 84 different Feast sites, that's 84 Feast sites, in 45 different countries all around th ...

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Listen to  Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service
Herbert W Armstrong - October 2, 1982 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good evening brethren around the world, I'm speaking to you tonight from our own television studio where I usually do the World Tomorrow Telecast here in Pasadena, California. You are one of those attending 85 different Feast sites in 49 different countries around the world, I want you to think of ...

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Listen to  Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service Feast of Tabernacles - Opening Night Service
Herbert W Armstrong - October 10, 1957 - Feast of Tabernacles

We are here in what should be the most joyful occasion of the year. The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of rejoicing. It is a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. I'm going to begin tomorrow morning again, as we do every year, to explain what these festivals mean because God has given them to us for a ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Feast of Trumpets 1985 Feast of Trumpets 1985
Herbert W Armstrong - September 16, 1985 - Trumpets

Well, brethren, we are gathered here today on a very solemn Sabbath day. I doubt if we fully realize just how serious and how solemn it is. I hope I can make that a little more plain and simple to you this afternoon. We are here to be reminded of a day that is a foreshadow of the most tremendous eve ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Feast of Trumpets Basis For The Calendar Feast of Trumpets Basis For The Calendar
Herman L Hoeh - Trumpets

Now this is the Feast of Trumpets, many of you have had sermons prior to this time and the significance of the Festival we've had published in the magazine, the article on the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets and for that reason I do not think that it is necessary today to explain to you the meani ...

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Watch  Feeding on God's Word Daily Feeding on God's Word Daily
Charles E Bryce - August 14, 2000

What we do and what we are is directly tied into the way we think. We've all heard the adage, we are what we eat. Well that's even more correctly stated in Proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7 but in a different way. Let's turn to Proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7 and we read some very important info ...

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Listen to  Feeding on the Bread of Life Feeding on the Bread of Life
John H Ogwyn - March 28, 2002 - Unleavened Bread

Well greetings brethren; it's really good to have this opportunity to speak with you here on the first Holy Day of the days of Unleavened Bread, the very beginning of God's Festival plan. God tells us back in the book of Leviticus, He inspired Moses to write in Leviticus 23; He told Moses "Speak ...

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Listen to  For the Love of Christ For the Love of Christ
Carl E McNair - March 23, 2002

Good afternoon everyone, I think you've been for the past few weeks we've been, subjects on Passover preparation and on the importance of putting out the leaven that exists in our homes in the physical sense. But I think today I want to address another leaven a type of leaven that is perhaps mor ...

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Listen to  Forgiveness And The Family Forgiveness And The Family
Norman A Smith - October 12, 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Back in 1495, 3 years after Columbus discovered America, in a obscure spot in Switzerland near where Baron is located today, a couple of brothers had a disagreement, the father had just died and the sons argued over possession of the property, their names where Hans and Curie, Curie it seem had rema ...

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Listen to  Forgiving Forgiving
Carn A Catherwood - June 10, 1984 - Pentecost

Today I want to talk about an extremely destructive, spiritual problems, this is the Feast of Pentecost and we need to talk about spiritual difficulties and how God's spirit works in our life. There is a very destructive spiritual problem that some of you are afflicted with, that can affect your h ...

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Listen to  Foundation of a New World Foundation of a New World
Herbert W Armstrong - December 31, 1983

Greetings, brethren. The doomsday clock has just been set up by the atomic scientists from 4 to 3 minutes before midnight. The eleventh hour struck some time ago. World leaders are perplexed. They're frightened. They have no solutions. The unthinkable has become very thinkable, and hundreds of mil ...View Transcript

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Listen to  From Sardis to Laodicea From Sardis to Laodicea
Herbert W Armstrong - June 24, 1983 - Feast of Tabernacles

I want to give you some of the truth tonight; and I hope it will open your eyes because I think, brethren, that so much Protestantism has rubbed off on us. We just have come to take it for granted, and just assumed that their concept (of God, of Christ, of salvation, of the purpose of everything) is ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Fulfill Your Great Destiny Fulfill Your Great Destiny
Jack Croucher - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

With most people what God has called beginning right with Abel and down into our day will fulfill the great destiny for which they have been called and prepared and of course we are among those people and our destiny the very reason for our calling and our preparation will come into action in the ve ...

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Listen to  Future Captivity of the United States Future Captivity of the United States
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1957

I thought I would go through a comparatively obscure little read book today, perhaps I won't be able to go through all of it, but a least give you a little clearer view of what it contains and by the way of supplement I have another book with me which describes some of the events that are going to ...

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Listen to  GOD GOD
Harold J Lester - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Like to talk to you about a subject that you've all heard about, in fact everyday at this feast someone has mentioned the subject or mentioned this individual. Every morning we right after the song service He's mentioned almost without exception. He's mentioned in the conclusion without except ...

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