
Listen to  Don't Let Somebody Swipe Your Crown Don't Let Somebody Swipe Your Crown
Reinhold Fuessel - 1981

You can title this a couple different ways if you wanted. One title might be "Why are we here?" I don't know, one title could be "Why are we here?", another title could be "Why did you leave?", number three title could be "How you can keep on keeping on" and ...

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Listen to  Don't Murmur Against God's Leaders Don't Murmur Against God's Leaders
Leroy Neff - 1978

There has been a leader in God's Work who has prompted a host of criticisms and comments as I go through some of these comments I would like for you to see if you know who I am speaking of. It seems that some continually complained about how he ran the Work and some have said that he took too much ...

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Listen to  Don't Opt Out of Life Don't Opt Out of Life
John Richard Seiver - November 10, 1979

If you knew absolutely that Christ was coming next month, I mean for certain that it was scheduled just like the Feast of Tabernacles next year is scheduled and we know it's coming, if you knew absolutely that Christ was coming next month, would you make any changes in your life? Now think about t ...

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Listen to  Dwell Together With Understanding Dwell Together With Understanding
Ronald D Kelly

It's now been about 7 or 8 years ago, it's hard to believe, I gave a sermon which many of you heard on tape, probably about the differences between men and women. I've been asked many times to give that sermon over again and a Minister is kind of reluctant to do that, we put our sermons in the ...

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Listen to  Economy and the Beast Economy and the Beast
David Jon Hill - 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

I know most of you didn't recognize me, because I lost part of my face, but after about 3 years my wife said; "honey, I forget what you look like" so I had to shave it off to remind her again, but winters coming. So I think after the Feast I will go back to the primitive fashion that I h ...

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Listen to  Emotions Emotions
Ray A Meyer - 1978

Keep your hearts with all diligent for out of this are the issues of life. Those words of wisdom are found back in Proverbs the 4th chapter and verse 23. Very short little sentence but its impact with an incredible amount of meaning which affects our lives daily, directly and both directly and indir ...

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Listen to  Encouragement Encouragement
Leon Walker - 1977

Well good morning everybody; you know there are so many Biblical names we find in the Word of God and the Bible does very often give names to individuals based on what they are. Maybe their personality, maybe their character or things of this nature and I think sometimes it's very interesting to l ...

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Listen to  End Time Prophecy End Time Prophecy
Gerald D Waterhouse - Nov 12, 1977

I think God would have His people realize that Mr. Armstrong isn't alive because he just happens to have a little better health than other people and therefore he's alive and well as a result of good health, rather than he's alive and well because God wants the man alive and well. I think Mr. ...

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Watch  End Time Prophecy of Daniel End Time Prophecy of Daniel
John H Ogwyn - September 25, 1999 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well brethren, we are here of course at the Feast of Tabernacles, we're in the midst of the fall Festival season and it's a season that focuses our attention on the establishment of the Kingdom of God, on the time when the God of Heaven will setup a Kingdom that will never be removed. And of cou ...

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Listen to  Endurance Endurance
Robert L Spence - October 10, 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

And then I said to myself, "I like to talk to myself because I pay attention." Now, Mr. Spence, that's foolishness. They'll think that is ridiculous. I'm still tempted to do it, though. But anyway, as I look towards the rear of this large building, I see that the deacons have been very active. ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Endure Forever Endure Forever
John A Halford - January 26, 1980

I don't know about you, but I was very moved last night and most of last week when we were gathering and handling the material for that twenty five minute section of Mr. Ames Bible Study, in which some of the men in the congregation, who we know well, were sharing their experiences of the II World ...

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Listen to  Endure To The End Endure To The End
Herbert W Armstrong - September 26, 1981 - Trumpets

Jesus Christ is alive. He rose from the dead. He's been living these 1950 and more years, and yet the world: They hear a lot about Him. They don't see Him. They hear about a smart aleck Jesus who came, who knew more than His Father, did away with His Father's Commandments. His Father was suppo ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Endure To The End Endure To The End
John H Ogwyn - January 17, 2004

On the world scene we see things that are happening, very interesting article from the Reuter news agency, I don't have it right here before me, but statements the Pope made in response, sort of his summation of the events of 2003 looking out to 2004 and he said, "you know what the world needs, is ...

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Listen to  Enemies of the Church Enemies of the Church
William C Bradford - November 10, 1979

Have you ever wondered why many of those that have left God's Church have basically become enemies of the Church, I've always asked the question why not just forget it? Why not just go off and forget religion altogether, leave religion alone if you are so antagonistic to it, especially the Churc ...

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Listen to  Escape From Captivity Escape From Captivity
Lynn E Torrance

They say people from Texas have a lot to say about how good Texas is, but did you notice where a bunch of the Texans came to go to the feast? All over Australia. I knew a man by the name of Bruce Dean, he came back to Australia after having been in Big Sandy, don't blame him. The subject of the se ...

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