
Listen to  God's Work in the 1st and 20th Centuries God's Work in the 1st and 20th Centuries
Herbert W Armstrong - October 31, 1981

Greetings, everybody, once again. I don't know, when we have these television cameras on, the lights are so bright on me, that I can hardly see you. And I would rather see you. I've been seeing a lot of our brethren lately. I wonder if some of you have been wondering where have I been all these ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Godly Sorrow And Repentance Godly Sorrow And Repentance
Harold Way - Feburary 29, 2009 - Passover

Now Brethren we realize that we live in a society where events occur, as we know, as we keep up with what is going on and it makes headlines for a time, doesn't it? As the media rushes to sell newspapers, and magazines and advertisement, yet as time goes on it seems to disappear from the coverage, ...

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Listen to  Good News & Bad News Good News & Bad News
David Jon Hill - September 29, 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning, I came from the Pocono's, Mr. Meredith was in Wisconsin Dells, we had about 5,400 people there in Pocono which is about 500 people more than they expected, I hope that, that occurs at every Feast site, I just added a third here, either that or people were going here and there instead ...

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Listen to  Goodness Goodness
David J Albert

Let me begin by saying over amongst one of the things that I have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the University about and it's something I think you would be dissatisfied with too if you were down there very often has been simply the lack of goodness, a lack of goodness. Because as you know ...

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Listen to  Government Government
Edwin N Marrs - December 3, 1983

OK, like I said, I didn't have a sermon. I had a headache last night. I have a sermon in my briefcase, but I didn't want to give it because I was reading a personal Bible Study, and I don't know. I was going through some old notes from 1978 at the ministerial conference, and I got to looking i ...

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Listen to  Grateful for God's Blessings Grateful for God's Blessings
Herbert W Armstrong - May 4, 1982

I have noticed that different speakers in the Bible Studies have different approaches, their own different personalities, different types of subject matter, and we have variety; and. I never cease to thank God for it. I think of the type of Protestant church I was brought up in. They didn't have a ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Great Tribulation Great Tribulation
Raymond F McNair - September 27, 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

Greetings Brethren, from Mr. Armstrong first and foremost and then from those of us in Pasadena, we no longer call it Headquarters, Headquarters is in Tucson, Arizona where Mr. Herbert W Armstrong lives. My wife who's here with me and I've been looking forward to being back in Lake of the Ozarks ...

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Listen to  Guard Your Attitude Towards God's Church Guard Your Attitude Towards God's Church
Dean C Blackwell - 1974

Good morning everyone; what one thing will have more to do with you staying in God's Church than any other? Where would you think this would come into your life, what area, what one thing? In the past we've had a number of different attitudes reflected in the last 8 to 10 years, we've had men ...

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Listen to  Have Patience Not Murmuring In This Spiritual Wilderness Have Patience Not Murmuring In This Spiritual Wilderness
Maceo D Hampton - April 12, 1980

Well, these are not the Days of Unleavened Bread, but these are the times that are a sequence, as it were, the things that come on the heels of the Days of Unleavened Bread and God intends for us, at this time every year, to learn the valuable and very vital lessons that are available by looking at ...

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Listen to  Have You Been Conquered by God? Have You Been Conquered by God?
Dean C Blackwell - 1978

You know, Mr. Armstrong in talking with men that's been around like Tony Hammer and Ed Smith and you know all the other coordinators that's been around for years and years and years and years. He's always staying on the trunk of the tree and we ask several questions without a lot of news today ...

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Listen to  He That Overcometh He That Overcometh
Herbert W Armstrong - May 1981

Well thank you everybody, and let me say, not only greetings to you here in this beautiful auditorium, but also to the several hundred over in Perth who are listening in to this just now and are with us. And let us understand that we are having fellowship right now, not only among ourselves, not onl ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Healing - Part 1 Healing - Part 1
Richard Duncan - November 22, 1980

Technological knowledge advancements in many, many fields, in the field of Medicine is one such area. In fact the field of Medicine has practically become a religion and no doubt you've known people who virtually worship doctors, that type of thing. Well I have a new book here, I was given a copy ...

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Listen to  Healing - Part 2 Healing - Part 2
Richard Duncan - December 13, 1980

OK, before we have the sermon now, we're going to have another song, but the sermon will be a continuation of the "Healing" this is part 2 by Mr. Richard Duncan from 1980 and this is a not complete sermon, I'm sorry to say. I got the tape and these tapes were given to me and when I got to the en ...

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Listen to  Health and Healing Health and Healing
Dean C Blackwell - December 14, 1957

One subject that's been brought to our minds in the past 2 or 3 months and is going to be brought to our minds more in the next six and a half years, more than any other subject, is something we found a lot of the Church people weak in, we found a lot of Church people falling back and actually bei ...

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Listen to  Heart of a King Heart of a King
John H Ogwyn - December 2, 1998

God has a great plan and a great purpose, a great plan and a great purpose that involves you and me and ultimately all people all of humanity. As we look in the world in which we live as we look in our own lives as we look at the what God has done in terms of working with us and with His Church and ...

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