
Listen to  Another Aspect of Healing Another Aspect of Healing
Dean R Wilson

As you remember, for those of you that were here last week, I gave you more or less, last week, the basic foundation that the healing is based on and I gave you six of seven points. First, one was that God had mercy and compassion and real feeling on the issue of healing and that he was personally i ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Another Aspect of Healing Another Aspect of Healing
Richard Duncan - 1985

I want to have all you turkeys turn over to Hebrews 5th chapter we'll see if we can't gobble up some of God's Word here this morning. I always wanted to be a song leader. Hebrews the 5th chapter, Paul speaking, to his congregation, he's speaking about Jesus Christ Hebrews the 5th chapter beg ...

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Listen to  Another Civilization Another Civilization
Herbert W Armstrong - October 2, 1982 - Feast of Tabernacles

And greetings brethren all around the world and right now live with us all over the United States, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, England and I think even in New Zealand. What a wonderful thing it was to all be singing these same hymns together, in England, all over Canada and the United States together. T ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Apostasy Apostasy
Herbert W Armstrong - January 31, 1976

I'm glad that, in the sermonette this morning, the 13th verse was mentioned in Matthew 24, as well as the 14th. Now the 14th refers to what we are doing. That's about us, and I wonder if God didn't put the 13th verse in there ahead of it just so that it would attract our attention. It reminds ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are We Hearing Are We Hearing
Ronald W Laughland - August 31, 1985

I was visiting a new contact just recently and I was talking to the young lady and she said that she had been attending a Sunday church, she had gone that last Sunday and she knew something was wrong, and I asked her why and she said, well the minister there, his sermon was on redecorating his bathr ...

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Listen to  Are We Truly Christians? Are We Truly Christians?
Carl E McNair - February 24, 1996

In Acts chapter 11 verse 26, we're told that a unique situation or a unique experience happened in Antioch in Acts chapter 11, Acts chapter 11 verse 25, Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Paul and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch so it was that for a whole year they assembled with th ...

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Listen to  Are You Converted? Are You Converted?
Dean C Blackwell - 1980

I'd like to go over something today that Mr. Herbert Armstrong has been emphasizing the last few times I've gotten to see him. So, I can't think of anything better to do than just pass on to you what he's been giving to us. We had a 25th anniversary in Chicago during the Days of Unleavened B ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are You Led by God's Spirit? Are You Led by God's Spirit?
Herbert W Armstrong - October 20, 1981 - Last Great Day

It's been 3 years at least since I've spoken to the Feast of Tabernacles here in Big Sandy. I used to attend the entire festival here when it housed the only festival we had from the beginning first over in the building that is now the library building for the college it was then an air-conditi ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are You Preparing for the Kingdom of God? Are You Preparing for the Kingdom of God?
Herbert W Armstrong - 1981

Greetings, everybody. Once again, I don't know when we have these television cameras on. The lights are so bright on me that I can hardly see you, and I would rather see you. I've been seeing a lot of our brethren lately. I wonder if some of you have been wondering, where have I been all these S ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are You Qualifying or Disqualifying Yourself? Are You Qualifying or Disqualifying Yourself?
Herbert W Armstrong - Feast of Tabernacles

Well greetings all of you future kings and priests that are going to have these wonderful spiritual crowns, you're going to rule the world, you're going to teach the world the way to peace, to happiness and to joy and to real accomplishment. You know when this Church first started and it started ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are You Ready? Are You Ready?
Herbert W Armstrong - October 15, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

I want to read to you something I hadn't intended to use. This is my mother's favorite text in the Bible. (She died at age 95 and a half. I'll be up to matching her pretty soon. I'm in my ninetieth year now.) The 133rd Psalm — Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell toget ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Are You Really A Christian? Are You Really A Christian?
Herbert W Armstrong - July 9, 1983

Brethren, I think there is one thing I think we need to be very especially concerned about, now we are at the very end time. There's only a very short time now before the Great Tribulation, and it's going to be a greater time of trouble than you've probably even imagined. Are you really a Chri ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Arguments Against the Sabbath Arguments Against the Sabbath
Herbert W Armstrong - April 10, 1955 - Unleavened Bread

I spoke last night on the Sabbath, so it has occurred to me, we had not had, I don't believe at any of the festivals that we've had here in this tabernacle, I don't remember but maybe we have, but I don't remember that we've had sermons on the question of the Sabbath before. For Sabbath ke ...

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Listen to  Assyria In Prophecy Assyria In Prophecy
Jean Carrion - December 27, 1984

It's very nice for me to be able to speak to you today, and I would like to thank Mr. Ellis for the opportunity you gave me today. I must say that even though I live in France, even though I liked French cheese, even though I drink French wine from time to time, and even though I like French perfu ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Attitude Attitude
Vince Szymkowiak - September 28, 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

I can't repeat that because my name is so long. I won't have time to finish my sermon. It's a Polish name, and I've heard all the jokes, Mr. Hoyt, yesterday morning. A good friend of mine was mentioning these flags, or listing off these flags behind us here. He didn't mention the flag of P ...View Transcript

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