Hundreds of letters from members and ministers, expressing their gratitude for the positive direction and strong leadership from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, have been coming in. It is interesting that God tends to name things for what they are, because it will require a leader with a strong arm, and dogged determination to fulfill the commission of taking the Good News of the Kingdom of God to all the world.
We are all encouraged that the advancement of the Work, coupled with the growth in the Church and the many recent developments on the world scene, point to the soon culmination of this age, and the glorious return of Jesu Christ and the restoration of God's Government on earth! There is no doubt that God is working powerfully with the Church - now, and we are thankful that the Bride of Christ will be ready for His return. Each of us as Ministers are grateful that God has allowed us to have a part in making His Bride ready.
The Pasadena Churches have made giant strides these past two months. The soul searching and personal rededication as God's Church works to make itself ready, both collectively and individually, is bearing fruit. The Bible studies have developed renewed interest and Friday Night Bible Study and Sabbath service attendance have shown a marked increase. The following is a letter received this morning expressing appreciation for the studies:
Just a note to express our appreciation of the new Friday Night Bible Study format. We find your choice of speakers to be very interesting and most informative — RE: Mr. Hogberg on Current Events, E. Paige on History of the Assyrian Conquest of Israel, and Mr. Chris Patton on Archeology, and the interesting tie-in with their expertise with the Bible.
The Church is spiritually stronger now than it has been for months. Many brethren have made a complete about-face in their lives and are determined to keep it that way. The overall effect of recent events in God's Church has been good, strengthening the Body, for which we unitedly give thanks to God.
I am also happy to announce that Mr. Herbert Armstrong has given his approval for a number of ordinations, which will take place during the fall holy day season.
As the end draws closer, let's strive to serve God with all our hearts. Let's renew our efforts in all areas, vigorously increasing our dedication to the calling God has given us. Remember Jesus Christ gave all for us, to the point of shedding Himself of His glory and Godship and suffering total humiliation, so that we might share Godship with Him and the Father. God expects us to also serve Him with all our being. As Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Let's not hold back!