Know The Answer?
Who am I: I was an early version of the combine harvester. My great grandson was King David. My relationship with my mother-in-law was very good. It has to be said that my courting methods were somewhat different.

Ruth 1-4

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The Conspiracy Against the Family

Few realize it! But even in the affluent United States, Britain and other Western countries, we face an enormous and growing tragedy. The institutions of marriage and family life are being formidably attacked. A solid family structure is the very foundation of any stable and permanent society. But today in the affluent countries a conspiracy is developing that seeks to destroy marriage as an institution, as well as the FAMILY. This is another decisive bit of evidence that this world's civilization is definitely in the end time - the end of this world as we know it! The threat is dual: 1) Unrealized by most, there is a widespread and aggressive conspiracy to destroy the institution of marriage. 2) Marital relationships and family life are breaking down, and divorces are increasing alarmingly.

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