Know The Answer?
What happened when Jesus died?
An earthquake.

Matthew 27:51-52

Was Roosevelt's Fourth Term Necessary to Fulfil PROPHECY?
Plain Truth Magazine
January-February 1945
Volume: Vol X, No.1
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Was Roosevelt's Fourth Term Necessary to Fulfil PROPHECY?

WILL The New Deal, in its fourth term, bring world peace? What is the fundamental DIFFERENCE between New Deal economic philosophy and that of the Republicans - do you know? Was this our last election? Will Roosevelt become a Dictator - a world ruler? What does prophecy reveal? SEVERAL years ago a student of biblical prophecy remarked, "Franklin D. Roosevelt will be the LAST PRESIDENT THE UNITED STATES WILL EVER HAVE." No one, of course, took the remark seriously, then.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary-February 1945Vol X, No.1