Know The Answer?
What is a root of evil?
The love of money.

I Timothy 6:10

New Crisis Flares over BERLIN!
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1958
Volume: Vol XXIII, No.12
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New Crisis Flares over BERLIN!
Plain Truth Staff  

Read how new East-West struggle to control Berlin sets the stage for World War! Read how Russia plans to use Germany to start World War III! Khrushchev has stabbed the nerve center of the "cold war" - Berlin. In a blistering speech in Moscow at the "Soviet-Polish friendship meeting," Communist boss Khrushchev announced that East German Reds have the full right to seize West Berlin! The West was shocked! The key to Europe's defense lies in Western control of Berlin deep in the heart of Communist territory. Communist control of all Berlin would cut the heart out of German atomic rearmament and Western defense, That's what Khrushchev wants to do!

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1958Vol XXIII, No.12