Know The Answer?
How old was Noah when the flood came?
600 years

Genesis 6:6

God's Church is Different!
Good News Magazine
July 1957
Volume: Vol VI, No. 7
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God's Church is Different!

Do you fully comprehend the GREAT GULF that lies between our Church - God's Church - and ALL OTHERS? WE NEED to take stock once in a while to realize the true nature of OUR calling. We need to understand the place of God's true Church in the tremendous historical events now unfolding before our very eyes! Do YOU think of yourself as a member of a Church? If you are truly converted and led by God's Holy Spirit, then you are a church member! And if you REJECT your opportunities and responsibilities as a member of the body of Christ - the Church of God - then you will never be given eternal life in God's kingdom! Jesus Founded the True Church. Jesus Christ said: "I will build MY church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Mat. 16:18). This statement emphasizes the fact that Jesus was going to build the true Church. He called it "MY Church" - not Luther's, Calvin's, Wesley's or that of some other man.

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Good News MagazineJuly 1957Vol VI, No. 7