Know The Answer?
What did God use to guide Israel through the wilderness?
Pillar of cloud, pillar of fire.

Exodus 13:21

Should Your Child Participate in School Activities?
Good News Magazine
December 1959
Volume: Vol VIII, No. 12
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Should Your Child Participate in School Activities?

Members continue to write us for advice in meeting the serious problems which children face in public schools. Should children join clubs, take part in Christmas and Easter plays, participate in sports after school hours? HERE is a recent letter from Illinois which is typical of hundreds we receive. "We have a daughter six years old attending public school. She went to kindergarten last year and is in the first grade this year. I know that many of the things they teach and the activities they have are of pagan origin, such as Hallowe'en, Christmas, Easter. I do not think they are right. The problem that troubles me is what I should do or could do about it. "Should I go ahead and let the child participate in these activities with the other children at school and then try to explain to the child at home that these practices and customs are pagan and wrong? If I do this, will it not be rather confusing to the child? Or would it be best for me to forbid the child to participate at all in these activities?"

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Good News MagazineDecember 1959Vol VIII, No. 12