Know The Answer?
What was the occupation of Israel, Joseph and his brothers?

Genesis 47:3

And Now - The PLAIN TRUTH in German!
Good News Magazine
October 1961
Volume: Vol X, No. 10
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And Now - The PLAIN TRUTH in German!

The foreign work takes a big leap forward! A NEW leap forward has again occurred! Beginning with the August number, The PLAIN TRUTH will appear each month in the German language. Nearly 5000 copies for the first two-color issue! And it is being presently printed on our own presses here in Pasadena. Perhaps later the films will be sent to England where new presses are to create another printing department in connection with Ambassador College in the United Kingdom. Only the Beginning. The first issue of "Die REINE WAHRHEIT" - that's "The PLAIN TRUTH" in German - is 24 pages in the same general design as the English editions. Soon we will be adding the Bible Story and then special news items especially designed for our European audience and countries behind the Iron Curtain. That will quickly bring it up to 40 pages as in English!

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Good News MagazineOctober 1961Vol X, No. 10