Know The Answer?
How long was David king of Israel?
40 years.

II Samuel 5:4

DEATH on the Highway!
Good News Magazine
June 1967
Volume: Vol XVI, No. 6
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DEATH on the Highway!

Traffic safety was discussed at this year's Ministerial Conference. The points mentioned by Mr. Armstrong are included in this article. Read how you can improve your driving habits and safeguard lives as well. Your automobile and how you drive it, is a major responsibility in your life. Be sure you are not sinning on the highway - God will hold you accountable! SLAUGHTER on the highways is far worse than war. More Americans have been killed in traffic accidents than in all the battles from the Revolution to Vietnam. The casualty toll for 1966 - 52,500 killed, 2,000,000 injured.

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Good News MagazineJune 1967Vol XVI, No. 6