Know The Answer?
What did the sailors do to Jonah to prevent their ship from sinking?
They threw Jonah overboard.

Jonah 1:15

Church of God News - Worldwide
Good News Magazine
July 1967
Volume: Vol XVI, No. 7
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Church of God News - Worldwide

MR. HERBRT W. ARMSTRONG has been keeping all of us thoroughly informed of the major news of God's Work - Jerusalem Office and radio, TV plans, The PLAIN TRUTH reaching the million mark in circulation, etc. - through his Co-Worker letters, Semi-Annual letter and The PLAIN TRUTH Personal From The Editor column. In addition to these giant events in the Work of God many other important events have taken place in the day-to-day growth and administration of the Body of Christ! At Sabbath services just after graduation here in Pasadena Mr. Armstrong was joined by the Headquarters Evangelists in ordaining seven Elders - five Local Elders and two Preaching Elders.

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Good News MagazineJuly 1967Vol XVI, No. 7