Know The Answer?
In Psalm 1, a good man is compared to what plant?
A tree.

Psalm 1:3

JERUSALEM - The War and God's Work
Good News Magazine
August 1967
Volume: Vol XVI, No. 8
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JERUSALEM - The War and God's Work
Charles V Dorothy & Ernest L Martin  

God's Work is forging ahead in Jerusalem. Drs. Dorothy and Martin have just returned from the war-torn Middle East with their firsthand report. Jerusalem: GOD HAS begun a new phase for His work! We have just returned from the Israeli occupied territories of old Jerusalem and the west bank of Jordan. We have also visited our new offices near Jerusalem at Ramallah. The vivid truth of new responsibilities now awaiting the Church of God - that means all of us - was firmly impressed upon our minds. While in the war zone we were hearing sporadic echoes of land mines and unburst shells being detonated by Israeli soldiers. Troops were rushing in all directions. Demolished tanks, trucks, artillery were strewn over the countryside. Still there was occasional action by snipers - one Israeli soldier was killed the day we were in old Jerusalem.

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Good News MagazineAugust 1967Vol XVI, No. 8