Know The Answer?
Once the officials discovered that Peter escaped from jail, where did they find him?
In the temple preaching.

Acts 5:25

Plain Truth Magazine
December 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.10
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Raouf el-Gammal  

The Soviet Union has discovered what the United States already knows - economic and military aid does not buy friends and allies. Here is why Egypt told the Russians: Get Out! The land of Egypt in midsummer is an oven where temperatures soar to 120 degrees Fahrenheit day-in and day-out – and where tempers tend to get even hotter. Little wonder that in July, a good many were stunned to hear of Sadat's decision to expel some 15,000 to 20,000 Soviet advisers. To some, it was expected, especially since the anti-Communist ball started rolling in the Sudan a year earlier.

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1972Vol XXXVII, No.10