Know The Answer?
On Pentecost what happened when the disciples were filled with the holy spirit?
They spoke in other tongues.

Acts 2:4
The TEN Commandments
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The TEN Commandments

OFTEN we hear the basic moral law impugned as negative and therefore outdated. Its Giver is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" It is sometimes looked upon as undesirable for modern, advanced, enlightened man. The Ten Commandments ought to be positive, they say, not negative. Modern humanity looks upon itself as elevated to a plane of rational thinking, and with knowledge higher than God or God's law. Of course, when we understand, God's truth is the most positive religion or philosophy there is - it eradicates fear! It is the way of faith! But is the negative form, "Thou shalt not," wrong for society today? Is it outmoded in building character? Should a perfect law be permissive, containing only dos and no don'ts? Consider for a moment what is meant by true character. Character - that is, true character - has been defined as: 1) coming to the knowledge of the true, as opposed to the false values - the right, instead of the wrong way; 2) making, of one's own free will and volition, the choice to do the right instead of the wrong; 3) the exercise of the will in actually doing the right instead of the wrong.

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Publication Date: 1972
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