The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to The Purpose of the Christian Life The Purpose of the Christian Life
Herbert W Armstrong

Now once again, why if people are already saved when they accept Christ, why doesn't God take the new converts then immediately to heaven, if heaven is the reward? And by the way, have you ever seen any real proof in your Bible, any real promise that you can ever go to heaven? You'd better start ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Righteous Shall Inherit... What? The Righteous Shall Inherit... What?
Herbert W Armstrong

In the Christian religion it has been tradition for centuries that the saved, when they die, go to heaven. That is the tradition. Where are your loved ones now? Are they in heaven; and how do you know? What does God say about it; what did Jesus Christ say; what does the Bible say? ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Since society is founded on lies, what are our chances for world peace in your time and mine? Since society is founded not on ideals but on the nature of man, what are our chances for world peace in the next few years? What are the chances of escaping nuclear annihilation as a result of the present ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Seven Churches of God - Pergamos The Seven Churches of God - Pergamos
Herbert W Armstrong

Well, it's certainly shocking to discover now that there is no Bible authority for these firmly established customs. That most of us certainly have supposed were Christian customs long established. Yes, my friends. It's shocking to discover that the Christianity that we have grown up accepting i ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Seventh Day The Seventh Day
Herbert W Armstrong

You've heard about a Battle of Armageddon. You've heard about the Second Coming of Christ. You've heard about the world coming to an end. Well is there anything to it? Anything to all of these things that we hear about? They come from Biblical prophecy. Are these prophesied events real? They+* ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Soul That Sinneth Shall...? The Soul That Sinneth Shall...?
Herbert W Armstrong

Well greetings everybody! I wonder did you ever stop to think — why do people believe what they believe? Different religions believe whatever their religion is. The people in Thailand, practically all of them, believe in Buddhism. Now why do they all believe in Buddhism? Why is it nearly all Arabs b ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Story of Adam The Story of Adam
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

Tomorrow's world will be a world of plenty, a world of increased brotherly love. In fact, infinitely richer and better than any world that ever existed. Exclaimed the science editor of a well-known New York magazine. And you know, he's right, he's absolutely right. But you know, the way in whi ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments
Herbert W Armstrong - May 10, 1979

1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image. 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Ten Tribes of Israel The Ten Tribes of Israel
Herbert W Armstrong - RAD8085

And now, once again, my friends, there is no greater surprise than to open your Bible and see what it does say, because it doesn't say what most people think in this time, this day, and age. It says just the opposite. No wonder people don't understand it. People try to interpret it; they try to ...View Transcript

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Listen to The True Church Does God's Will The True Church Does God's Will
Herbert W Armstrong - May 18, 1979

Now, once again, my friends, what is the difference between the Church, the True Church, that Jesus Christ said He would build, and that He did build - the Church that He said the gates of hell shall not prevail against - and all the other churches, denominations, sects, organizations and cults and ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Two Covenants The Two Covenants
Herbert W Armstrong - HA215A

Now, let's continue where we were. I was speaking yesterday about the fact it is good news. We are going to have a world of peace at last. Yes, my friends, the world today is a very unhappy world. It's filled with suffering, it's filled with unhappiness. It's filled with agony, it's filled ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Two Covenants - Part 1 The Two Covenants - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong - HA102A

Yes, it's good news. But why, my friend, should it be news in this mid-20th century? 1900 long years after Jesus Christ first proclaimed it. Why has the true gospel of Jesus Christ been hidden from the world, buried under popularized pagan traditions and superstitions until now? Christ preached th ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Two Covenants - Part 2 The Two Covenants - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong - HA102B

Once again, how, when did our Western World get away from, totally lose sight of, the very gospel which God sent to this world by Jesus Christ? Why haven't you heard the true original gospel of Christ before? We've been supposing in our day and generation that a gospel of men about Christ was th ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Two Trees - Part 1 The Two Trees - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong - GSC021B

...If they had such universities in that day as we have today... Today, one goes to school and finally to the university to get an education. It's like going into a grocery store to buy a loaf of bread. You go into the store, you ask for the loaf of bread, the clerk gives you the loaf, you pay you ...View Transcript

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Listen to The Two Trees - Part 2 The Two Trees - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong - T36A

A staggering turn of events is going to erupt all over this world in the very next few years. And you had better heed what I say. It will involve the Philippines, but even more violently, it will involve the Middle East and Europe and the United States. Already, it is rather late for the world to co ...View Transcript

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