Recent History of the Philadelphia Era of the Worldwide Church of God Recent History of the Philadelphia Era of the Worldwide Church of God
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  June 24, 1985

All members need to be updated on the history of the Philadelphia era of God's one original Church as founded in A.D. 31 by Jesus Christ - especially the past 15 years of its life. Jesus Christ said that in the world His Church would have tribulations and persecutions. He did not foretell clear sa ...

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The Text of The New Testament The Text of The New Testament
Ambassador College  -  Study Tools   -  1957

From time to time it has been suggested that a fresh translation of the New Testament into English be made by the Church. With this partly in mind, the third year Theology class of 1958-'59 has prepared the following summary of the Greek New Testament for consideration in a Graduate School Transla ...

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Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1981

The Bible reveals the almost totally forgotten reasons for calamitous weather and disasters in food production! Where is the GOD who spoke these words?" Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall you be in the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your ...

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Richard H Sedliacik  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1968

Millions needlessly suffer from various forms of emotional and mental illnesses There are definite causes for all the fear, frustration and mental break down in the world today - and there IS a CURE! It's time we learned HOW to have healthy, happy, SOUND MINDS! The true state of mental and emotion ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 17, 1954 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 17, 1954
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 17, 1954

Thank God! — we're still on the air — world-wide! Yes, in this tight squeeze getting the broadcast established on a major network, we have been making it — so far! But now we approach the very crisis bottle-neck of this tight squeeze. Now comes the SUPREME TEST! Your earnest prayers the past three ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 103
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1985

AMNON one of David's sons, had cruelly forced Tamar, his half-sister. After Tamar had escaped from him, she hurried in anguish to the home of Absalom, her brother, who opened the door for her. (II Samuel 13:7-19.) A Plot for Revenge; Sobbing, Tamar jerked off her coat, a colorful and expensive gar ...

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Answered Prayer Answered Prayer
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And greetings friends around the world, this is Herbert W Armstrong with the good news of the World Tomorrow! But in the world today I know that your life is beset with problems and troubles. Your mind harassed by fears and worries. There is only one way out of this and almost no one knows that way ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter II   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

Many people come across difficulties in the Bible because they don't know how to study it. The apostle Paul said: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15). This study of the Bible should be with zeal! It is ...

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What the World Needs Now Is...HOPE What the World Needs Now Is...HOPE
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1979

A favorite song of recent years is titled "What the World Needs Now Is Love, Sweet Love" - but before the world can have love it must have hope! Every morning we wake up to a cacophony of fear and despair, chaos and cruelty, coups and corruption. In the newspaper, over the morning cup of c ...

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False Beliefs False Beliefs
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

The big news of the World Tomorrow is there is going to be one, and you know where you'd have to go to find out about that. You'd have to go to the strangest place you can imagine. The place most people, I imagine, would never look — the last place on earth that anybody would think they would fi ...

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The Bible Story - Volume VI The Bible Story - Volume VI  -  Chapter 95
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1968

VENGEANCE OR REPENTANCE? A GREAT number of Israelites from all over funeral at Ramah, where the old prophet was (I Samuel 25:1.) Canaan came to attend Samuel's buried with appropriate honors. David wasn't among those who attended. He knew that he would be risking his life to go where Saul was. I ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1974 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1974
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 18, 1974

Again I'm winging my way, almost eight miles above the Pacific Ocean, toward Tokyo. Yesterday, President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were flying the presidential plane over approximately the same route. They are in Tokyo today, and I am due to arrive there today, mid-afternoon. It ...

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Eat Right to Be Healthy Eat Right to Be Healthy
Isabell F Hoeh  -  Good News   -  October 1960

Here are facts about health everyone should know. EVERYONE knows he needs food, but few know what foods are needed. Man has lived on a great variety of foods and survived. But because he survived does not mean that he enjoyed good health while he lived. Our goal is not merely to survive! John wrote ...

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Florence H French  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1976

In our increasingly complex world, the mastery of reading has never been more important. Yet reading scores continue to drop. Here's what you, as parents, need to know about reading and basic education - and what you can do in your role as "teacher" in the home. Johnny can't read! Who+ ...

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In Search of Love... In Search of Love...
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1981

Something is wrong with today's ideas about love. Many "loves" lead to great human tragedy. Why? This article explains what true love is and how it can be achieved! At no time in history has so large a proportion of humanity rated the concept of love so highly. Love in human history has not always ...

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