Study the Bible Profitably Study the Bible Profitably
Dean R Wilson & Richard A Wiedenheft  -  Good News   -  August 1972

Many have expressed the fact that they have difficulty in buckling down and really studying their Bibles as they should. Here's what you can do to make Bible study more interesting, profitable and inspiring. WHEN GOD first began to open our minds to the understanding of the Bible, most of us ...

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Will WOMEN Be KINGS in The World Tomorrow? Will WOMEN Be KINGS in The World Tomorrow?
Ronald D Kelly  -  Good News   -  September-October 1969

Is God ANTI-woman? Does He consider women inferior to men? Why did God make a woman subject to her husband? Are there important positions in the Kingdom open to women? Read this eye-opening article for God's answers. DOES God hate WOMEN?? Are women only a necessary evil foisted off on a masculine ...

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Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1974

The Bible is composed of 66 inspired books. But some Bibles have 7 additional books, called "the Apocrypha." Did God inspire these added books? Are there so-called "lost books" of the Bible? JESUS GAVE a promise, recorded three times: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but M ...

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Winning the Battle for Your Mind Winning the Battle for Your Mind
Charles F Hunting & David R Ord  -  Good News   -  July 1974

The battle for the control of your mind goes on relentlessly. Are you winning, or losing? This revealing article shows some basic steps which will bring success! HAVE you ever done things you deeply regretted later? Have you said things you desperately wish you hadn't? Do you sometimes have ...

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Are You Expressing True Love? Are You Expressing True Love?
Jack R Elliott  -  Good News   -  June-July 1984

Everyone thinks he knows what real outgoing love is - but few do. Even fewer realize the vital importance of expressing it. Every human being is just naturally interested in his - or her - own things. He knows nothing else! He is interested in his own pleasures. His own happiness. His own profit. HI ...

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Do You Glory in the Cross of Christ? Do You Glory in the Cross of Christ?
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  January 1975

The Apostle Paul wrote that the preaching of the cross is to them that are perishing foolishness. He spoke of "enemies of the cross of Christ," "the offence of the cross" and the "shame of the cross," but he himself gloried in the cross of Christ. What is the right Christian attitude ...

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Your Part in Changing This World Your Part in Changing This World
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  November-December 1954

God's Church has been commissioned to reach this entire world with a MESSAGE. His work is NOW starting around the world. It is vital that you understand YOUR job fully! What does the future hold for YOU? AS MANY of you know, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Dick Armstrong and I just recently returned from ...

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Jews Elsewhere Than Israel Jews Elsewhere Than Israel
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  December 30, 1980

It's about time we began to focus our attention on the next world-shaking event that is prophesied that is going to affect the United States directly. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't believe in crystal balls. I wouldn't attach any importance to it if I had one. But my friends, what is p ...

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Why So Much Confusion About - Why So Much Confusion About - "In the Beginning...?"
Robert E Gentet  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1964

Read here why some have never understood what Genesis 1:1 really means! Some believe the Bible says the heavens and the earth were created only about 6000 years ago. Even many scientists assume this is what the Bible reaches. And they scoff. But is this really what Genesis 1:1 teaches? The truth is ...

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The Bible Story - Volume V The Bible Story - Volume V  -  Chapter 122
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1987

THE people of Judah had assembled in Jerusalem to ask God for protection from a huge invading army. They were surprised when a Levite went before the crowd at the temple and announced that God would spare the nation. (II Chronicles 20:1-17.) "God has told me," Jahaziel declared, "to tell you that He ...

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Are You Overlooking Something? Are You Overlooking Something?
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  April 1982

Could you possibly be neglecting the study of the Bible? Eureka!" The whiskered old prospector's excited voice echoed through the hills. "Eureka! I found it!" After years of searching, he had struck pay dirt. Gold! Lots of it. And now it belonged to him. In gold rush days, the hope ...

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Teen Bible Study: What Was Christ Really Like? Teen Bible Study: What Was Christ Really Like?
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  May 1983

What was the historical, literal Jesus Christ of the Bible really like? Was He the pale, weak, long-haired, effeminate-looking man pictured by artists centuries after His death? It may come as a surprise, but this is not the Christ described in the Bible! The real Jesus was a rugged, dynamic individ ...

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Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation? Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1956

Can a Christian DISOBEY God and still be saved? THIS IS a lawless age! Everywhere, it seems, the spirit of disobedience and rebellion is sweeping society. Even from the pulpits you hear preached that Jesus Christ abolished His Father's LAW - that it is not necessary to OBEY God any longer! ...

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Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation? Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1956

Can a Christian DISOBEY God and still be saved? This is a lawless age! Everywhere, it seems, the spirit of disobedience and rebellion is sweeping society. Even from the pulpits you hear preached that Jesus Christ abolished His Father's LAW - that it is not necessary to OBEY God any longer! It is t ...

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Satan Hasn't Given Up On Makeup Satan Hasn't Given Up On Makeup
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  July 11, 1983

In November, 1981 - a year and a half ago - I wrote an article with the heading: "How Subtly Satan Used Makeup to Start the Church Off the Track." Ministers preached on it from pulpits over the world. Most women in the Church did "come out from among them" of the world, and ceased painting colored d ...

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