The Art of Grandparenting The Art of Grandparenting
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1985

Some of the most important people in the family are grandparents. How quickly the years roll by. It seems only yesterday, you were young and carefree, living at home under the care of parents. Then came the college years or you decided to work full time. Next was marriage. Then children. Before you ...

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How Well Do You Know God? How Well Do You Know God?
Francis J Bergin  -  Good News   -  May 1984

God is no meaningless word or abstract "First Cause." He is a real Being with a magnificent personality! If I were to ask you whether you know God, what would be your answer? Probably, yes. Suppose I asked you a second question: Do you know God well? Then what would your answer be? Jesus C ...

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What the Holy Spirit Can Do For YOU! What the Holy Spirit Can Do For YOU!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1961

Do you know what the Holy Spirit really IS? Do you realize the POWER it can make available to you? Are you plagued with fears, worries and personal frustrations? Do you have bad habits which seem almost impossible to break? Do you have an exciting, challenging PURPOSE in life? Or are you often despo ...

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Do You Remember When? Do You Remember When?
Dan C Taylor & Norman L Shoaf  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1985

Did you know four out of five people never experienced how today's world has come to be what it is? A 27-year-old man was playing with the 5-year-old son of a friend. The boy was building a toy crane with some plastic blocks. "Don't you need a steering wheel in the crane?" the young ma ...

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Roots of U.S. and Britain Roots of U.S. and Britain
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

The television series called Roots was viewed by millions, then it was rerun and viewed by more millions. It traced the origin of one black family or their roots back for a couple hundred years or so into Africa. Now the Jews know their roots, it's traced in the Bible all the way back to the very ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  August 1964

Question 1: "Should we strive to be kings in God's Kingdom? David was a man after God's own heart and he only wanted to be a bumble doorkeeper, didn't he?" Question 2: "What should a Christian do when invited out to a relative's home for dinner and unclean meat is served?" Question ...

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Little Things Count! Little Things Count!
Bryce G Clark  -  Good News   -  February 1968

Which of the commandments could be considered "the least of the commandments"? If you have an answer you need to find out how very much the "little things" count. This article shows how the small items of your life are far more important than you realize! THE YOUNG major taxied o ...

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WHY Must Men Suffer? WHY Must Men Suffer?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1957

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous," says Scripture. WHY? "I am the Eternal… I create evil," saye Isa. 45:5, 7. HOW can this be? Who was responsible for Adam's sin? Did Satan thwart God's purpose? Was God unable to prevent it? The real meaning of the story of JOB brin ...

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Jerusalem Through The Ages Jerusalem Through The Ages
Ernest L Martin  -  Tomorrow's World   -  October 1971

Ever since David made it his capital some 3000 years ago, Jerusalem has been a "cup of trembling" and a "burdensome stone" to all nations. Read here the history of this city which is claimed as a holy place by Jew, Christian and Moslem alike, and the significant role Bible prophecy assigns to it in ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Many are the afflictions of the righteous," says Scripture. WHY? "I am the Eternal... I create evil," says Isa. 45:5, 7. HOW can this be? Who was responsible for Adam's sin? Did Satan thwart God's purpose? Was God unable to prevent it? The real meaning of the book of JOB brings the true answer. ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  September 1964

Question: Some churches say I Peter 4:6 proves there is a purgatory. Will you please explain this verse? Answer: If we understand who "the dead" are and when they heard the Gospel preached it is immediately apparent there is no support for the false doctrine of purgatory in this verse. At ...

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The United States and Britain in Prophecy The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  June 25, 1984

The television series called Roots was viewed by millions, later on it was rerun and viewed by more millions. It traced the origin of one black family or their roots back for a couple hundred years or so into Africa. Now the Jews know their roots, it's traced in the Bible all the way back to the v ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 05, 1969 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 05, 1969
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  May 05, 1969

I find it necessary to push aside all other writing and responsibilities for the moment and write personally a letter just to you Brethren, members of God's Church. Two or three points urgently need to be cleared. One is about changing areas in attending the Feast of Tabernacles; another is about ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Chapter I   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

We live in an amazing and yet frightening age. These times are unlike any since man was put on the earth. In an age when mankind is in special need of God we find man has cut himself off from God. He is cut off from the only source that can tell him of things to come. Without the correct knowledge ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1979

What does the Bible say about suicide? The Bible gives no specific command regarding suicide, nor does the word itself appear in the Bible. There are, however, references to seven people who killed themselves: Samson (Judges 16); Abimelech (Judges 9); Saul (I Samuel 30; Saul's armorbearer ( ...

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