Daniel Daniel
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well, greeting friends around the world. Now, I've been telling our radio audience and readers of the Plain Truth that a political union of 10 nations in Europe would rise, resurrecting the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages. I was predicting this even before World War II began; not many believe ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter II       Objects of Worship    I. Trinity in Unity
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

If there be this general coincidence between the systems of Babylon and Rome, the question arises, Does the coincidence stop here? To this the answer is, Far otherwise. We have only to bring the ancient Babylonian Mysteries to bear on the whole system of Rome, and then it will be seen how immensely ...

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Is God a Trinity? Is God a Trinity?
George L Johnson  -  Booklet   -  1973

Is God a Trinity or a family? Was Jesus Christ God, or merely a man? Was Jesus the born son of God, or only an adopted son? Is the Holy Spirit a person or the creative power of the Godhead? These questions about the nature of God are answered in this booklet. THE belief that God is one substance, ye ...

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Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 1 - God Is the Ruler Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 1 - God Is the Ruler
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 1974

Jesus said, "I will build my church"! And He did build it! No one in the Christian world denies there is a true Church of which Jesus Christ is the Head somewhere on this earth right now! Many imagine that Church is to be found in the hearts and minds of multiple millions who may represent ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 13, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 13, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 13, 1961

I have just been reading an article about TV in the Saturday Evening Post. It suggested things I'd like to say to all of you on our executive and administrative staff around the world. We are becoming a large, powerful, and far-flung organization. We are scattered, now, to all parts of the globe. ...

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Emotional Maturity Emotional Maturity
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong DO YOU feel deeply about things or circumstances that are moving or important? Did you ever check your emotional responses to know whether you have attained emotional maturity and stability? Most people give little or no thought to this matter of their emotions. We ...

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Europe & Mideast Trip Europe & Mideast Trip
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  November 28, 1981

Greetings again everybody! Nice to be back. Now I arrived back about, let me see, I think it was about five thirty or six o'clock this morning, London time. I finally got to bed about midnight our time, after quite a long flight from London. I think first of all perhaps you'd like to hear a litt ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

Jesus commanded His disciples to observe the New Testament Passover, not by slaying a lamb in Jerusalem, but by washing one another's feet and partaking of unleavened bread and wine. But how many of us have realized that the New Testament Feast of Tabernacles is just as different from i ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1965 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 18, 1965
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 18, 1965

GREETINGS! It's time again for my Semi-Annual personal letter to our subscribers, answering some of the personal questions always coming to us—about myself—about The WORLD TOMORROW—about The PLAIN TRUTH—about Ambassador College. And once again, I'm overjoyed that it has been made possible to pre ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1979

Where is the one and only true Church today - the Church founded by Jesus Christ in A.D. 31? Seven major eye-opening proofs identify it unmistakably. Proof Five: THE TRUE GOSPEL Could anything sound more unbelievable? To say the true gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world during 19 w ...

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Should A Christian Observe Halloween? Should A Christian Observe Halloween?
Gerhard O Marx  -  Tomorrow's World   -  October 1971

What about this strange festival? What have goblins, witches and ghosts to do with this feast of demoniacal masks and gaudy decorations? ...

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Lesson 40 - Where Did This World's Holidays Originate? Lesson 40 - Where Did This World's Holidays Originate?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 166

Traditional Holidays, Where did Easter - with its hot cross buns, bunnies and Easter eggs - originate? And Halloween - with its ghosts, witches and trick-or-treat? What about Christmas - with its red-nosed reindeer, Santa Claus and gift trading? Why do most professing Christians observe days which a ...

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Ascent to Greatness Ascent to Greatness  -  Chapter Ten  -  Book I
Raymond F McNair  -  Reference Book   -  1976

Never in the history of any nation has a country acquired so much valuable land in such a short period of time as the U.S. acquired during a seventy year period from 1783to 1853! When America declared her independence from Britain in 1776, she didn't yet legally own one square foot of land in N ...

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The Fourth Commandment The Fourth Commandment
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1960

WHY are the lives of so many empty and meaningless? The surprising ANSWER is discovered in The Fourth Commandment! Here is one of the most VITAL articles in this series expounding the Ten Commandments. "Our youth are no longer in rebellion but in a condition of downright and active mutiny." This is ...

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Emotional Maturity Emotional Maturity
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1978

Personal from Herbert W. Armstrong - Do you feel deeply about things or circumstances that are moving or important? Did you ever check your emotional responses to know whether you have attained emotional maturity and stability? Most people give little or no thought to this matter of their emotions. ...

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