The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  October-November 1965

Question: What are the groves mentioned so many times throughout the Old Testament? Answer: At first glance, the impression you usually get from reading about the groves is that they were merely clumps of trees on a hillside where pagans went to worship an idol. Yet the Bible mentions in II Kings 23 ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  July 10, 1978

Recently I called a meeting of Messrs, McNair, Meredith, Apartian, and Luker. I was shown in that meeting, for the first time, a leather bound copy of "Systematic Theology Project," which I understand is commonly referred to as the "STP." I have found it necessary recently to reveal that many major ...

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The REASON Behind Today's Religious Confusion! The REASON Behind Today's Religious Confusion!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1959

Do you know WHY today's "Christianity" is so divided? Where is God's TRUTH being proclaimed? Read the startling answers in this important sequel to the series on the Reformation! Human annihilation is nearer than we think! In a world torn by strife and hatred, man has now devised sever ...

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Is God a Trinity? Is God a Trinity?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  December 27, 1978

Well greetings everybody; you're living in a world that is just filled with religious confusion. I wonder if you ever stop to think about how many religions we have. In other parts of the world we don't think of much here in the United States, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Hinduism, ...

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International News International News
Leslie L McCullough  -  Pastor General's Report   -  February 13, 1978

In keeping with. Mr. GTA's intent and direction, notice has been given to the French, German and Spanish regions to translate the Systematic Theology Project as rapidly as possible. The uniform high standard and quality of the original presentation will be preserved by ordering the binder and sub- ...

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How You Could Be Tempted Without Knowing It! How You Could Be Tempted Without Knowing It!
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  October 1959

You may right now be tempted of Satan - and yet be totally unaware of it. You may even have yielded to his temptation - be sinning - and not know it! Here's How: Deceived people do not know they are deceived. Christians are warned not to be deceived. This warning would not be necessary if Christia ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1971 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 27, 1971
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 27, 1971

AT LAST! And this time IT'S OFFICIAL! The ground breaking ceremony for construction of the superb HOUSE FOR GOD at His present earthly Headquarters, here on the Pasadena campus, is set definitely for Friday, January 14th next, 1972! That will be the second day of the annual Ministers' Conference ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 22, 1983 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 22, 1983
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 22, 1983

World events are beginning to move more rapidly toward the Great Tribulation, the END of this world, the return of Jesus Christ in SUPREME POWER AND GLORY to set up God's WORLD TOMORROW of peace, abundance and eternal life offered to all. The Pope's dramatic visit to his native Poland has added ...

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Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 30, 1979

For the first time here, we have reproduced sections of the monthly news and information bulletin put out recently by the International Offices. Some very encouraging and exciting news is included, and we hope to continue sharing this with you in the future via a regular summary Rod Matthews will pu ...

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Mill Stream Medley Mill Stream Medley
Young Ambassadors  -  AC Presentation

Pasadena Highlights - Festival of Music 2 - Cassette 1 Side B: Mill Stream Medley Composed by Tell Taylor; Performed by The Young Ambassadors ...

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Can You Trust the Grapevine? Can You Trust the Grapevine?
Bill Butler  -  Good News   -  June-July 1982

How should we view unofficial information that comes to us through several people? YOU may have heard about how a certain military message became garbled in transmission. The story goes something like this: It seems an important colonel gave the following set of instructions to his second-in-command ...

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The Early Crew The Early Crew
Robert C Smith  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

Have you ever wondered how the many facets of preparation for the Feast of Tabernacles are accomplished? An advance crew prepares the way to help guarantee the success of God's Holy Convocation every year. We call that preparation group the "Early Crew." Read about their work and learn how YO ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  June 1975

QUESTION: "Do you have a booklet on how to read and understand the Bible? Could you advise me what Bible to buy? I have a New Testament called 'Good News for Modern Man.' Is that okay? What about 'The Living Bible'?" ANSWER: We have two free booklets entitled Read the Book and How ...

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Forgiveness and Repentance Forgiveness and Repentance
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings friends. This is Herbert W Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow. Why is it my friends, that today, we hear a so-called way of salvation proclaimed that is exactly the opposite of the way that Jesus Christ proclaimed that we should receive eternal life? Why is it that we ...

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Satan's Great Deception Satan's Great Deception  -  Part 8   
C Paul Meredith  -  Reference Book   -  1959

Why did God allow Israel, which He Himself had called out of "Babylon" (Egypt), to be deceived? In Leviticus chapter 26, God said He would bless Israel above all nations if they would obey Him — five would chase a hundred of their enemies and one hundred would put ten thousand to flight (v ...

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