Thou Shalt Not! Thou Shalt Not!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 1952

Are the Ten Commandments "NEGATIVE" and therefore a WRONG form of law? OFTEN we hear the basic Law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" God's truth is sometimes looked upo ...

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Thou Shalt Not! Thou Shalt Not!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1955

Are the Ten Commandments "NEGATIVE" and therefore a WRONG form of law? Often we hear the basic Law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" ...

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Should We Use The Old Testament? Should We Use The Old Testament?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

Jesus commanded: "Man SHALL live by EVERY Word of God." How can we prove that He included the Old Testament in that command? - that He meant ALL the Bible? ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1980

ROBERT OGUIER was seized, bound and eventually led to a small room. A band of "professionals" came into the room. One of them tried to convince him to change his religion. Mark Levitt was seized, bound, a hood put on his head and taken to a small attic. He also was visited by professionals ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 11, 1985 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 11, 1985
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 11, 1985

It doesn't seem possible, but the time has already come to direct our attention toward the 1985 Feast of Tabernacles! Focus your mind now on the most joyous Festival — and also the largest convention — held anywhere on earth. About 133,000 of our brethren will gather for eight days in the glorious ...

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INCREASE YOUR BIBLE IQ: Christmas Before Christ? INCREASE YOUR BIBLE IQ: Christmas Before Christ?
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1984

HUNDREDS of millions of people around the world are looking forward to the Christmas holiday season. Families will soon be busy putting up Christmas decorations. Holly, mistletoe and evergreen will deck the house. And just the right tree will be chosen and decorated with tinsel and ornaments. Christ ...

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The Bible in a Changing World The Bible in a Changing World
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February 1976

SPARE THE ROD?: The U.S. Supreme Court recently approved of use of corporal punishment in public schools, but only as a last resort after teachers have exhausted other milder forms of punishment. Psychologists and other experts disagree as to whether there is ever a need or justification for ...

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Christians In Deed? Christians In Deed?
Brian Knowles  -  Special Topics   -  1975

The world is full of nominal Christians - but how many are Christians in deed? The Christian Bible makes it clear that mere belief is not enough. A United States Senator recently quoted a very moving, yet indicting poem, "Listen Christian!" (by Bob Rowland), which reads as follows: ...

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Editorial Services - Recent Developments Editorial Services - Recent Developments
Brian Knowles & Dexter H Faulkner  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 31, 1978

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has now directed that the name of Worldwide News changed to The Good News. This change will be carried out next issue. The tabloid format will continue however - at least for the time being. Non-members will not be renewed and the subscription price will be removed. ...

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Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? - Part 3 Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? - Part 3
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1986

What Is the Mark of the Beast? Better be sure whether this brand is upon you! Without it, no man will be able to buy or sell! With out it, you may be tortured even to death! But with it, you shall suffer the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES OF GOD! Some used to say this mystic "mark" was the fasces on t ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1966

Question: "Where and when did the custom of observing Lent originate?" Answer: Believe it or not, Lent was observed 4000 years ago! The apostle Paul commanded the Gentile-born Christians to cease observing it! Many have supposed Lent is taught in the Bible. But they have never looked into ...

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PT Newsstand Demand Portends Growth PT Newsstand Demand Portends Growth
Mark Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 01, 1978

The Plain Truth newsstand program is continuing its expansion into heavily travelled airport outlets. Arrangements for beginning Plain Truth distribution through six more airports are almost complete. Washington National and Nashville Metropolitan Airports are among those scheduled to begin distribu ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 13, 1939 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 13, 1939
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  September 13, 1939

For over a year we have looked forward to the FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, as our Camp Meeting time — the BIBLE time for Camp Meeting. Now that we are within two weeks of that time, we must decide at once what we are going to do. If ever there was a time when we NEED to come together in this meeting, it ...

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STP Update STP Update
Robert L Kuhn  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 23, 1978

I have been receiving many comments and notes of appreciation for the STP doctrinal material handed out at the conference. Your appreciation is likewise greatly appreciated! I am encouraged that the Project is being helpful to the field ministry, even though now it is only preliminary with only five ...

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How to SOLVE Family Arguments! How to SOLVE Family Arguments!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1962

LAWS regulate marital happiness! Many of God's people are not living as happily as God intended! Here's how to overcome marital unhappiness! "YOU are at fault - and I am not going to budge one inch until YOU repent, and say you're sorry!" "No - YOU started it all," is the q ...

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