GN Focus: Is That All the Thanks I Get? GN Focus: Is That All the Thanks I Get?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  January 1984

Nobody expected Ken and Janet to leave God's Church. They had been members for such a long time, and they had always been so helpful. Ken built a speaker's stand for the congregation, paying for the materials out of his own pocket. He was always the first to arrive for services, and made sure th ...

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Understanding the Bible Understanding the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

An entire third of all the Bible is devoted to foretelling world events. Why doesn't the world know about it? The main course of history up to now has been written before it occurred. What has happened to Ancient Egypt and then to Italy, to Greece, to Ancient Babylon, Persia, Britain, America, Rus ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Introduction
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1983

In response to overwhelming demand this second and revised volume of The Bible Story is published. We are thrilled, and overjoyed, because of the enthusiastic acceptance of Volume 1. Those who have read the first volume know that there has never been a Bible story book like this. There have, of cour ...

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Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 3 Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 3
Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  February 1961

Here is the third installment - revealing what really happened under Ezra and Nehemiah, and how the Government of God functioned in the Old Testament Church. THE religious condition of the Jews during the time of Christ had not evolved in just a few years. It took over 200 years for Judaism to firml ...

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Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  August 1979

What is faith? Exactly what kind of faith do we need to please God - to live the obedient, overcoming Christian life outlined in the Bible and be born as glorified sons of God in the ruling Family of God? First, we must understand that faith is not the power of positive thinking - trying to pu ...

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Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 21, 1979

U.S. CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Mr. Dennis Luker has recently returned from our second campaign in the month of May. It was held May 11, 12 and 13 in Denver following immediately on the heels of the San Antonio, Texas campaign headed up by Mr. Roderick Meredith. This past Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights th ...

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Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters? Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters?
John W Robinson  -  Special Topics   -  1960

Millions assume that Jesus Christ had no brothers or sisters in the flesh - that Mary, His mother, was a perpetual virgin. But is this idea true? WHEN Jesus came to His own hometown synagogue to preach, he astonished the people with His teachings. In their amazement, they asked, "Whence hath THIS ma ...

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Sound Doctrine Sound Doctrine
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Yes, the advance news of tomorrow's world, if you look over beyond the immediate present, is good. Not many seem to realize it, but this news is reported before it happens — in the Bible. An entire third of all the Bible is devoted to foretelling world events. Why doesn't the world know about it ...

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Should We Use The New English Bible? Should We Use The New English Bible?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1970

IN THE last 50 years a number of new Bible translations have appeared on bookstands. The newest is the completed New English Bible. As a result, we have received many questions concerning these translations, especially the more popular ones such as the Revised Standard Version, The James Moffatt tra ...

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Garbage In... Garbage Out Garbage In... Garbage Out
George P Ritter  -  Good News   -  April 1975

DEEP IN the bowels of the forty-story office building, a white-coated individual stared intently at the endless line of coded characters before him. On the face of the control panel behind him, numerous rows of small lights rhythmically blinked their reassuring message. The operator paused ...

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Uniting in Order to Divide Uniting in Order to Divide
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1981

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - I WISH PARTICULARLY to call attention in this issue to "Now THEY WANT TO DE-SEX THE BIBLE" by Clayton Steep. There is a tendency today to want to UNITE opposites because of hostility-but usually the result is only to produce more competition and division. There is ...

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Twelve Rules For Bible Study Twelve Rules For Bible Study
David Jon Hill  -  Special Topics   -  1964

Why is the Bible the most misunderstood book in all history? The most twisted, distorted, maligned, misrepresented and lied-about book there is? Because people refuse to believe it means exactly what it says! Apply these simple basic rules and you will begin to really understand the plain truth of G ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  June 1964

Question 1: What good do my prayers do for others and the Work of God? Won't God intervene whether I pray or not? Question 2: You have often mentioned I Thessalonians 5:21 over the radio, telling your listeners to "prove all things." How does one "prove all things"? Question 3: My teen-age daughte ...

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Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters? Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters?
John W Robinson  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1962

Millions assume that Jesus Christ had no brothers or sisters in the flesh - that Mary, His mother, was a perpetual virgin. But is this idea true? When Jesus came to His own hometown synagogue to preach, he astonished the people with His teachings. In their amazement, they asked. "Whence hath th ...

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Teen Bible Study: Why Should I Study the Bible? Teen Bible Study: Why Should I Study the Bible?
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  January 1982

Have you ever thought about what a privilege it is to be a teen in God's Church today? Because at least one of your parents is a member of God's Church, you have access to understanding that is unavailable to other teenagers in the world. You can know how to have a successful, happy life. You ca ...

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