How Long Were The Days of Creation? How Long Were The Days of Creation?
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Special Topics   -  1958

Were the days of creation week "ages"? People insist that God could not set the world in order and create life forms in six literal days. Why? WHY HAS doubt about creation entered Christian minds today? Why do men in this "enlightened age" reject the unmistakable meaning of the Word of God? ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1957

"I would like another pat of butter, please." "Certainly, Sir," replied the bus-boy as we breakfasted in a San Francisco hotel. It was not so much what he said. It was the manner in which it was spoken that started a train of thought. "Why is it," I began philosophizing ...

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Certainly, Sir! Certainly, Sir!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1957

"I would like another pat of butter, please." "Certainly, Sir," replied the bus-boy as we breakfasted in a San Francisco hotel. It was not so much what he said. It was the manner in which it was spoken that started a train of thought. "Why is it," I began philosophizing ...

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Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 5 Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 5
Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  April 1961

When was the Old Testament completed? Who authorized the building of synagogues in Judea? In this fifth installment you will learn how the Jews continued under the Government of God to the time of Alexander the Great. THE canonization of the Old Testament by the members of the Great Assembly was the ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 18, 1978

This College is definitely, as Mr. Armstrong said, God's College. Now I assume no one was sent here against his will — that everyone carne because they wanted to be here. There was a time when everyone who was associated with the Work, whether they were students, faculty, employees, or a ...

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GN Focus: Does God Know What You Will Do Tomorrow? GN Focus: Does God Know What You Will Do Tomorrow?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  April 1985

God knows everything - right? Right. So God must know what you are going to do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next - right? No, not necessarily. God is certainly all-wise and all-knowing. He knows everything there is to know about you. He knows what you are doing now and what you did yesterday. ...

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How Long Were the How Long Were the "Days" of Creation?
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1958

Were the days of creation week "ages"? People insist that God could not set the world in order and create life forms in six literal days! Why? Why has doubt about creation entered Christian minds today? Why do men in this "enlightened age" reject the unmistakable meaning of the W ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  December 06, 1978

One of the most important doctrines Jesus Christ has put in His Church is that of the "Old," and the "New Covenants." WHY should these be misunderstood? For that matter, WHY should the Sabbath truth, the annual holy days and festivals, tithing, healing, or even salvation? Yet they are misunderst ...

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Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  April 1979

The religious world is in great confusion regarding the various baptisms mentioned in the Bible. We hear about baptism by immersion, sprinkling and pouring. There is the baptism by the Holy Spirit, which John the Baptist spoke of, and the baptism mentioned in Matthew 28:19. Last, but not least ...

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How to Know You Are Called How to Know You Are Called
Bryce G Clark  -  Good News   -  June 1960

Here is the surprising answer to this much misunderstood problem! THIS subject is vital! Some brethren assume because they are not overcoming, they have not been called. Unless we can know - unless all doubts are removed - we have no assurance of withstanding the trials certain to come in this gener ...

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How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three
Robert C Boraker  -  Special Topics   -  1967

Here are more principles that will help you solve Bible difficulties - how to determine original word meanings - how to use marginal comments and footnotes - and other basic guidelines to help you better understand God's Word. WORDS mean different things to different people. Bible verses have been ...

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Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1983

Do you know what the mark of greatness is? Who hasn't been insulted at some time? Or threatened or falsely accused? Perhaps we experience situations where individuals are rude or abusive to us, lacking tact or consideration in what they say or do. Perhaps on crowded roads or highways inconsiderat ...

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How Does God Answer Prayer? How Does God Answer Prayer?
Dennis G Luker  -  Tomorrow's World   -  April 1971

"I have prayed and prayed and prayed for an answer to my problem but God just doesn't answer. I don't know what to do. How can I know God's will? Why doesn't He answer my prayers?" Many of you readers have written in asking these very important questions. This article gives the ans ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 09, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 09, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 09, 1961

Tomorrow Mrs. Armstrong and I are to sail back to the United States, and I find the situation in our business office such that I must get off a letter to you before leaving England. In this great work of GOD—the most important activity on earth today—we simply must keep pace with the rapid accelerat ...

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How to Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three How to Solve Bible Difficulties - Part Three
Robert C Boraker  -  Good News   -  May 1967

Here are more principles that will help you solve Bible difficulties - how to determine original word meanings - how to use marginal comments and footnotes -and other basic guidelines to help you better understand God's Word. WORDS mean different things to different people. ...

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