Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 08, 1958 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 08, 1958
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 08, 1958

This is a very SPECIAL letter about you, personally. There is one point on which some of our Co-Workers may not be clear. As you know, this great WORK OF GOD is non-denominational. We are not a sect or denomination in the generally accepted sense. Nor are we backed or sponsored by any, or connected ...

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How Christ Now Sets Ambassador College Back On Track How Christ Now Sets Ambassador College Back On Track
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 17, 1978

The DEADLY LEAVEN of Higher Education: I WAS NEVER CALLED to engage in the college business. But by 1947 the need had become imperative to establish an educational arm of the Church on the college level. It definitely was NOT because this world needed another college. There were too many of this wor ...

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Drought, Famine, War ... Has God Lost Control? Drought, Famine, War ... Has God Lost Control?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1985

Drought, famine, disease epidemics, earthquakes and other "natural" disasters unprecedented in history are headed our way! Plus a potential nuclear World War III. The most awful national catastrophe in earth's history is shaping up just ahead for the English speaking world. Why? Has God lost contr ...

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I Corinthians 1-2 I Corinthians 1-2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  July 18, 1980

We had finished the Books of Romans and Galatians and they have been recorded so that they could go out to various Churches and I thought it would be good if we would start now at this time, in the Book of Corinthians; starting I Corinthians. First, I would like to preface it with a few notes, that ...

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Are You UNpredictable? Are You UNpredictable?
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  March 1967

What kind of character do you have? What makes a person unpredictable? Is God unpredictable? Here's what God's Word says about this point of character. "CALL ME irresponsible. Call me unreliable, Throw in undependable too... Call me unpredictable. Tell me I'm impractical. Rainbows I'm i ...

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The Knowledge Paradox The Knowledge Paradox
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  November 13, 1981

A brilliant minded and highly educated doctor of philosophy might ask today, how much education did Jesus Christ have? After all, there's no record of His having gone to any University if they had such Universities in that day as we have today. Today one goes to school and finally to the Universit ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1977

Every night the whole world goes to sleep aboard a huge multimegaton bomb - fully capable of exterminating every man, woman and child from the face of this earth. Yet most people-focusing only on their own day-to-day concerns and how to eke out a "good life" in the midst of economic uncertainty - ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1981

I didn't think it would come to this," were the words of a diminutive Liverpool lady who stopped to chat with me in the shadow of a series of fire-gutted buildings - the former premises of local businesses. Two nights before Mrs. Margaret Thatcher had almost echoed her thoughts on a TV interv ...

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If there is a God, why does he allow suffering? IS GOD TO BLAME? If there is a God, why does he allow suffering? IS GOD TO BLAME?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1982

Writes an older teenager in a letter to a syndicated columnist: "Our Father who art In Heaven, where have you been? Our leaders are all lunatics and the world is full of sin." This senior went on to thank God for tooth decay, cancer, nuclear waste and a plethora of other ills. Like many, h ...

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You Can Conquer Discouragement You Can Conquer Discouragement
Richard J Rice  -  Special Topics   -  1978

Discouragement is one of the most powerful and devastating emotions known to man. Like the withering effect of a scorching wind, it can leave us weak, helpless, fruitless and lifeless. Discouragement is a negative force that stifles growth, drains enthusiasm, inhibits drive, disorients one's mind ...

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Are You Sure Everybody's Doing It? Are You Sure Everybody's Doing It?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1982

"It's going against everything I believe in, but there's still this thought in my mind that it's going to happen, sooner or later..." The letter was from an attractive teenage girl, a recent subscriber of Youth 82. In spite of the pressures of her friends at school, the permissive society we l ...

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You Can Conquer Discouragement You Can Conquer Discouragement
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  July 17, 1978

Discouragement is one of the most powerful and devastating emotions known to man. Like the withering effect of a scorching wind, it can leave us weak, helpless, fruitless and lifeless. Discouragement is a negative force that stifles growth, drains enthusiasm, inhibits drive, disorients one's mind ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 84   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ: First visited New Zealand. There I attended the Summer Educational camp for teenagers, held on an island just offshore from Auckland. There were about 150 teen campers there besides a number of Ambassador College students serving as counselors and camp assis ...

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Go to the Ant Go to the Ant
Rex J Morgan  -  Good News   -  December 1983

We can learn some big spiritual lessons from these tiny creatures! Most of us have at some time been startled to notice, in the kitchen or pantry, a mass of vigorous little black insects teeming all over some sugar, honey or jam that we have forgotten to seal. Speedily, the busy creatures transport ...

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What's So Bad About Sin? What's So Bad About Sin?
Charles F Hunting & David R Ord  -  Good News   -  April 1974

Why does God classify some actions as wrong and others as right? Why is it wrong to commit sin? Did God just arbitrarily decide that some actions would be classed as sin? Did He say to Himself: "We've got to have some things that are wrong, so I'll just choose some nice, tantalizing, excit ...

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