Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1978

For many years there has appeared in the annual Ambassador College catalog a section captioned "Foundational Policy." As you will see in my "Personal" ("The Deadly Leaven of Higher Education"), Ambassador College had been systematically infiltrated in the past seven to ten years by the leaven of "in ...

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How to Build Your Marriage How to Build Your Marriage
Richard F Plache  -  Good News   -  October 1967

The most important single problem facing our society today is the crisis in marriage! It is the root cause of many other serious problems. Read this article and learn how to build LASTING HAPPINESS into your marriage. Learn the vital keys to a full and abundant marriage. "THE HAPPILY married co ...

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What Most Taxpayers Have Not Been Told! What Most Taxpayers Have Not Been Told!
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1985

What IS the plain truth about taxes and tithing? THINK of it! Out of an eight — hour workday you labor the first two, three or even four hours just to pay direct taxes. And this says nothing of the indirect taxes and fees you pay which are already hidden in the prices of what you purchase. How did t ...

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Growing Healthy Babies Growing Healthy Babies
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1984

Part Two: THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT CHILD REARING - It's no accident. Healthy babies don't just happen. Many birth defects can be prevented with simple planning. And the result will make child rearing easier. One of the most important factors in successful child rearing is producing an alert, health ...

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Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? - Part 4 Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast? - Part 4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  February 1986

What Is the Mark of the Beast? Better be sure whether this brand is upon you! Without it, no man will be able to buy or sell! Without it, you may be tortured even to death! But with it, you shall suffer the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES OF GOD! We begin now to see that the MARK of the beast involves a point of ...

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WORLD GOVERNMENT Will It Save Humanity? WORLD GOVERNMENT Will It Save Humanity?
Michael A Snyder  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1984

Today, more than ever, this world sorely needs equitable global government. But how will it be established? It was almost 40 years ago. A war-weary and emotionally drained world in 1945 looked forward to a real respite from war. And to many, it seemed possible. The leaders of the three great world p ...

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Richard F Plache & Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1968

Japan, the industrial supergiant of the Orient, is once again determined to build an empire. Japan's approach is for different from that which led to World War II. Read this surprising report on Japan's strategy and the prophesied outcome! Japan is again on the march! The latest offensive has al ...

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If You Die Will You Live Again? If You Die Will You Live Again?
C Paul Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1957

You are going to be surprised by the NEW FACTS you will learn about life after death in this article - facts you may NEVER have been taught, but information your Bible has ALWAYS contained. Is death the end of everything? Just what IS the chance of YOUR coming back to life, of living again? ...

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Just What Is The Church? Just What Is The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1970

I will build my Church." What IS that Church - human organization, or spiritual organism? Of whom composed? How does one become a member? Does it have a divine Commission? - and if so, WHAT? - and HOW carried out? By organization, or by individuals acting independently? ...

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RELIGION - Who Needs It? RELIGION - Who Needs It?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1977

Who needs religion in the Space Age? With Mars landings, lunar walks, space probes, and politics in a Presidential year, what has religion got to do with the price of putty? Every time I think about religion, it reminds me of words like "chaos," "division," "confusion," ...

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Why the Church? Why the Church?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1983

Does God have his Church somewhere on earth today doing his Work? Are there identifying signs by which you may recognize that Work? Why should there be a Church? What is its commission – its work? How would you recognize its mission? Today, many denominations make up the Christian world. Some practi ...

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Mission Of The Philadelphia Church Era Mission Of The Philadelphia Church Era
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  December 17, 1983

This afternoon I want to speak on the mission of the Philadelphia era of the Church (this Church today) in comparison to the first Church, or the first era of the Church (the Ephesus era of the Church). It has been seeming more and more to me, as the years go by, that the Bible was written primarily ...

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Dibar K Apartian  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1967

The very name of the CARIBBEAN spells vacation, fun – and excitement! It is the dreamland of millions of tourists. But life over there is for from being all "rosy." Here is a firsthand report about the actual condition - the UNTOLD story of these exotic islands. Barbados, West Indies. "Where do I fi ...

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God's FAITH in Man God's FAITH in Man
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1979

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:8). "O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee" (Ps. 84:12). Faith and trust in God are paramount for salvation-no one questions that. God is faithful to perform all the ...

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Difficult Scriptures Difficult Scriptures
Church of God  -  Study Tools

Gen. 6:1-4 - Disprove: Angels married women and engendered a race of giants. Answer: This scripture does not say that angels married women. It states that the sons of God "took them wives of all which they chose" (verse 2). These sons of God were not angels. The fact is that angels cannot ...

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